Friday, February 25, 2022

Sweater Weather

Hi everyone. Happy almost weekend. Can you believe this will be  the last weekend of February? Wow. I know February is a shorter month than the rest, but it still seemed to fly right by.

This month we've had some spring like temperatures that teased us into thinking of warmer times, along with some cold, but February and sometimes March can be tough months.  At least for me,  especially if I can't get outside or walk. Funny how something as simple as a walk or being outside can make you feel so happy. Depending on the snow and other weather events, of course, depends how much I can get outside. This year I have definitely felt it during  February, mainly because we've had a lot of ice.  In many ways, I am REALLY ready for March to begin. 

Add to that we have a big snow right now. It started overnight night and there's more to come today. (Grumble, grumble. )

My playful journal page is one I should have posted earlier in the month because I would not be upset if the snow (after today) was over for the year. (Wishful thinking hoping on my part-smile.) Although I must say, I am always into sweater weather, even if it is just a light throw.

I used a stencil and spray paints, as well as an evergreen tree stamp. The lady is TH found relative, and the kitty is a TH stamp that I stamped, colored and fussy cut. The quote comes from the same set. I finished off my page with a few glass-like snowflakes as well as some silver "bead" powder.

This page is definitely my art style, and sweaters are my clothing style, so I've hit Elizabeth's "What's Your Style?" challenge over at Art Journal Journey in 2 ways. I don't mind a nice  scarf either when its cold. 

I will cut my post off here before my  snowing downer mood sinks this whole post. Spring WILL be here soon enough.  Have a great start to your weekend. And as always, thanks for visiting.



  1. The owl looks cute and cozy in his sweater. As you know, I'd rather ditch the sweaters and bulky clothes and coats for tee-shirts and shorts. Hopefully the latest snow will melt in a matter of days. Stay warm!

  2. My backyard is still waist-deep in snow, Erika, so we hope for a nice gentle thaw in March when the temperature starts to increase. If it suddenly gets too warm flooding is a threat as the storm sewers get overwhelmed. You may still need your sweaters for a while yet! Hugs, David

  3. Definitely a sweater weather here too! This looks wonderful.

  4. It's a beautiful page-- but I don't think your snow is over yet -- not if what came our way keeps going eat! You'll want that cozy coat!

  5. This is just beautiful. I love the theme too.

  6. No, I Cant Believe That This Is The Last Friday Of February 2022 - And What A Beautiful Piece Of Art - She Appears To Be Jumping Of This Piece - So Much Depth Here - Well Done


  7. A fabulous page Erika! I love the textures and background.

  8. I have NO idea how I missed this. It was open in my browser, so thankfully, I had already seen and read it. LOVE the cat with the sweater and the lady with the coat is a beauty. That's a great background, too. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my theme.

  9. Wonderful page, love the colours, and especially the kitty wrapped up in the scarf! Have a great weekend, stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

  10. A fabulous wintry page Erika, but your lady and kitty look cosy and warm in their warm cloths.
    We've not had much snow this winter, but lots of rain and very high winds, which have sometimes kept me from my daily walks (especially with a double buggy!)
    Hope you have a nice weekend.
    Avril xx

  11. I cant believe we already completed 2 months of 2022, time flies.

  12. Our month of February went very fast, Erika, as we were on an extended road trip to points south for most of the month. While the weather wasn't ideal in many stops, at least there was no snow or ice, just rain and overcast days. I hear you on how being outdoors can lift your mood and cold temps, ice and snow have put a damper on our outside time in Nashua as well. Thankfully, there is a gym in the mill apt complex and while walking on a treadmill isn't quite the same as being outdoors, at least it's safer now.

    We arrived home this past Wed just in time for the snowstorm yesterday (Friday) but managed to get in a trip to the grocery store too.

    Right about now, you are not alone in grumbling about winter weather, but at least a new month is here net week!

  13. love what you created. The backdrop is beutiful and the lady reminded me of my mother in days long gone. About 100 years or so. :)

  14. A super winters page Erika and we still need the sweaters here as well, but our problems seem to be the storms and the strong winds. I love the background you created, it sure is your style. Have a good week and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  15. I love how these two are wrapped up against the cold! Spring will be here soon! Hugs,Chrisx


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