Sunday, March 20, 2022

Hopping into Spring

Happy first day of Spring everyone! 
(Or if you are south of the equator, Happy first day of autumn!)

 The bunny on my page today is so excited the first day of spring has finally arrived. He is hopping happily across my page. 

The background is 2 old dictionary pages that I painted with circles and by just spreading  the water color paint. I've been using a lot of watercolors lately, mostly because I am pretty messy and don't want an odd splatter of paint to get someplace around my dining room. I also enjoy using watercolors and learning more about them as I play.

I stamped the bunny image multiple times and used white ink to color them in. I am loving this media find. I wish I'd found it years ago.

I just take a paintbrush and paint over whatever I want white, and it ends up being and staying white.

The pink ears on the bunnies are from a marker.  I stamped the Happy Spring right on my page, and I stamped the quote on some white paper before cutting it out and adding it to my journal page. Finally I glued down a few foam flowers.  I also loving these shaker card fillers as embellishments lately, and there you have it.

I am linking up to Valerie's spring challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Thanks Valerie for this fun challenge this month. I am into making spring pages as I wait for the consistently good weather to arrive.

 I'll end my post today with a few ocean photos. Last week before my allergy shots I went over the the shore (as my allergist is in nearby) and took a  stroll. It was high tide at the beach, much to the dogs sadness as they really wanted to walk, but instead I hit a couple of the state parks, which right now (due to it being off season) don't charge for parking. At the first one the ground was still soggy, so I headed over to another which isn't very far away. No dogs allowed to walk there though. Here's some views from my walk at the  park.

At this time of year there are so many washed up lobster traps. 

This one had some interesting colors and textures.

I thought the clouds off towards the horizon were interesting.

And in this above photo you get a great view of one of the Isles of Shoals, as well as just a the tip of the one to the right of it. The left island (Smuttynose) you can see clearly is part of the state of Maine, and the on just on the edge to the right (Star Island) is part of New Hampshire. 

You can also see Maine in this next photo. The land on the horizon is Maine, but I am standing in New Hampshire.

That's all for me today. Enjoy what's left to the weekend and the start of the new week.


  1. Happy Spring, Erika! Love those ocean photos...the deep blue is just gorgeous.

  2. Yesssss for Spring! And bunnies :-)
    "Bleed Proof White" sounds great!

    Hmmm, all the heart shaped stones, beautiful! Great pictures! Ahhh, the ocean - to a great Sunday and next week, hugs :-)

  3. Hooray for Spring and the Happy bunnies. 🌷🐇 Bleed Proof White is great. You can use it on dark papers and it doesn't fade into them. Great for writing, but you have to dilute it a little. Also works well as a white-out for mistakes, if it matches your paper. Love the pics you took. I have a friend who goes to Star Island and takes the workshops and classes offered there.

  4. Your bunnies are hoppin happy it's spring. So cute and such an adorable page. Love the background and the pink. Thanks for another great entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    Had to laugh at you last comment. If I stand on my porch and look out, I can see my neighbor's house across the street, not a different state!

  5. Welcome to Spring! The meteorological season observers among us are glad you could join us ;)

    I love the beach photos. I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to live close to such a place.

  6. Hi Erika, sorry I'm so late! LOVE that beautiful page and the paint that stays white is fantastic! Love the ocean photos, I woud like to be there! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Bom dia. Primeira vez que venho ao seu Blogger. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho maravilhoso. Gostaria de lhe convidar a conhecer o meu Blogger. Caso goste, lhe convido a ser um novo seguidor.

  8. Some of those bunnies look like porpoising penguins! Lovely places you visited, Erika. Beaches and rocky shores are always interesting and for the curious observer with time to explore there is so much to discover. Enjoy the week coming up. Hugs, David

  9. Lovely photos! I haven't used bleedproof white before. Could you watercolor over it? That could come in very handy!

  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the visit. I would like to invite you to be a new follower of my Blogger.

  11. Good afternoon. Thanks for the visit. I would like to invite you to be a new follower of my Blogger.

  12. Such a sweet Spring page you created. I love the bunnies and the bright pink. I enjoyed looking at your pics but feel so sad that these lobster cages wash up. So much of these plus the netting etc... are doing great damage to the wildlife.

  13. Very nice spring art and lovely photos. Have a nice day.

  14. Obrigado Erika. Seja bem-vinda.

  15. Thanks for the review about the white paint - will certainly look for some. Wish it came as a marker.
    Love your bunny page, a great idea to use two dictionary pages as a starting point and I love those bright spring-like circles yu first used. Great bunnies and I love the touch of pink on the ears.
    Fab photos too.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. I love your bunnies Erika, and the white ink looks good.
    Lovely photos too.
    And in case you don't spot my reply to your question on my blog, the gold is a watercolour paint :-)

  17. I love your bunny page - they are clearly looking forward to nipping shoots from plants!!! Thanks for the info on your ink - I might have to look out for that!
    Your photos show such a beautiful area even though your dogs couldn't walk there!
    Hugs, Chrisx

  18. This is a fabulous page and it gives such a happy feeling when I looked at the scene you created.
    I loved the photos you shared as well.#
    Yvonne xx


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