Monday, March 7, 2022

T Stands for Pink and Peanut Butter

 Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday.

Its time to join the lovely ladies for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. Today for T, I'll share a few highlights from the past week.

Last week I had a fun and busy week as it was school vacation week here in New Hampshire. Not that I am on school vacation any longer, but a couple of my teaching friends still are. I got together with one of them one day and went out to lunch and then caught a movie. We went on Monday, and it was really cold.  The whole week was cold, although Monday it never hit 20 degrees F (about -7 degrees C) and the wind was blowing down from the Arctic making it feel a lot colder. The only other person in the restaurant was the waitress. There were only 2 kids in the movie theater too, and they were sitting a few rows in front of us. We went to see the latest Spider Man movie that has been out since before Christmas as we are both fans of Marvel movies. I think  as this isn't a newly released movie that might explain the small crowd.

This was my first movie in a theater since before covid took over in 2020, and it was nice to feel like I was doing something normal, even though I don't think I would have been comfortable if the theater was crowded.

I also went shopping with another friend on Thursday. This friend is the woman I usually walk with, but there was no place to walk  between new snow on the ground, another  cold and windy day, and the tides at the beach that didn't work for us. We bundled up and ended up walking 10,000 steps (hurrah) around the stores. When we got cold we could step into a store as we visited one of those outdoor shopping outlet malls. It was cold so it wasn't  crowded there  either.

In one of my step inside to warm up moments I found some new walking shoes.

I have small feet and can wear a large sized kids shoe. They had some of these waterproof hiking sneakers on a kids ready to unload mark down table. I even had a color choice; orange or pink. I went with pink. My husband, who wanted so badly to do his favorite thing and tell me I spent too much money, had to admit they were a good deal. Ha-ha!  And since I had a birthday last week, and,  as my husband now likes to remind me, I am old enough to collect social security (although with a big penalty so I am not collecting it), I can say I will have the snazziest "old" person shoes on my next walk. Ha-ha-Smile about the old word.

My daughter came home over the weekend, and we finished the puzzle that shows the inside of a Costco warehouse. It had been a gift for my husband at Christmas. (Sorry, there's a bit of a glare in the middle.)

And the hubby brought me this pretty bouquet for my birthday.

Anyhow, this post is for Tuesday T day, so here is my drink related part of the post. Are you a fan of peanut butter?

I love peanut butter. I don't eat it daily, and I'm not obsessed with it, but I wouldn't turn down a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a peanut butter cup.

So my ticket to T this week is my new favorite store bought cookie. Last week after my allergy shots I ran errands, including a stop at Trader Joe's. I saw these  cookies, and since they are chocolate and peanut butter, I decided to get some to try.

I'm a pretty low key person, but these cookies practically made me dance around the house. If you're not familiar with Joe-Joe's, they are Trader Joe's take off of an Oreo, 2 thin chocolate wafers filled with a sugary cream. These are filled with peanut butter instead of a vanilla cream, and then dipped in peanut butter. I had some with a cup of Trader Joe's instant Chai latte, and even though I was probably having a sugar rush, the bee happy saying on my mug was quite true at that moment, at least for my taste buds.

That's it for me this week. 

Wishing you a wonderful T day and week ahead.


  1. I want those cookies. Love those shoes.

  2. I hope our local TJ’s will have that flavor of Jo-Jos! I think they are better than oreos because less salty, but they don’t do nearly as many crazy flavors as oreos. I love the Christmas ones with peppermint and candy canes.

    best… mae at

  3. those cookies sounds so delicious, good you were able to get out and about and walk-and shop-awesome shoe find too. Lovely flowers for your birthday, so pretty.
    Happy T wishes Kathy

  4. Sounds like a great outing! Loving your new pink shoes. That is great that you can wear girl's shoes. I just realized I can wear little girl clothes and it sure saves money to buy from the girl's department vs the Woman's department.
    The puzzle looks great! So much to look at.
    Your birthday flowers are lovely and your PB cookies sound delicious.
    Happy Tea Day,

  5. Happy belated birthday, Erika! The flowers your husband gave you are so pretty. I probably would have chosen the orange shoes... I love orange. My daughter sometimes can by her clothes in the children's section, she recently got snow pants there which she used when she goes skiing in the Alps. When she was still living with us we sometimes had Joe-Joes - they are a bit too sweet for me. Fortunately I got a few packages of Girl Scout cookies this year, the Tagalongs are my favorite, filled with peanut butter. Very yummy.

  6. If I didn't catch it or say it already- a very happy belated birthday to you Erika!! I want those sneakers in a big way;)
    That puzzle looks so hard- well done!
    Nice you could meet with fellow teachers, and even go to a theater. Just not something hubby and I have any desire to do anymore.
    Beautiful flowers and a very thoughtful hubby.
    And peanut butter- oh yes, in any way!!
    Happy T day!

  7. I am so glad you had a good birthday. I am loving your shoes; they look so comfortable. The flowers your husband got you are lovely. Happy T Day.

  8. I always love bright coloured training shoes! The bouquet looks really pretty. Now I have to find some Joe-Joe's to try too :-))

  9. Yes, crowds. Scary, always have been but now...
    Cool shoes!!! Oh, hello to the size, LOL. And happy belated Birthday! Beautiful flowers, a happy-colored bunch!

    Hahaha. Ingo indeed two weeks ago for the first time bought peanut butter.
    We could hardly speak, it glued our mouths!!! Maybe the German version is not good?
    I look for recipes to cook with it - if you have ideas, please let me know.
    It was plain terrible!
    Love your mug.
    We do have Trader Joe´s at ALDI only here. It´s good quality!
    Have a happy T-Day!

  10. Those cookies look nice. Peanut butter is not known here so there are no peanut butter cookies. I have bought peanut butter in a sports store, for athletes. It's just ground peanuts, which I could make at home if I had enough peanuts. It's like Iris says, very sticky and gluey. I know in England they sell peanut butter at the supermarket and that is a 'doctored' spreadable peanut butter. With added sugar no doubt.
    I love your new shoes. I have size three too and can get stuff at the children's department. Which is handy as there is less tax on children's items.
    I love that jigsaw! It has a lot of detail which is fun. I bet you had fun finishing it.
    Happy T-Day (And happy Women's Day),

  11. The cookies look and sound dreamy! I was just at Trader Joes and wish I had bought some! Fun treat, Erika.

    Your new shoes look fun too and a good deal makes them even better (plus around a birthday too - happy late birthday!). You walk a lot - so encouraging to me and I hope to get to 10,000 steps soon.

    Happy T-day and many hugz.

  12. Glad you found a cool bargain at the outlets. You certainly won't get lost wearing those sneakers. 😸 Pretty flowers. You can keep the peanut butter Oreos. I'm not a fan of either. I'll gladly try your Chai latte and love the bee happy mug. Happy T Day

  13. My sincere apologies for this universal message, but my electricity has been off from about 4:25 Monday afternoon until shortly after 7:40 this morning. A transformer blew in my neighborhood. I heard the boom and felt the aftershock. It was a bitterly cold, windy night, so once my hands get warm and I get hot coffee and food in me, and I’ve had a chance to sleep (sleep was impossible in the cold), I’ll be by to visit properly. In the meantime, please accept my apology for not leaving a proper comment.

  14. I asked my son when he thought it'd be ok to eat in at restaurants, and he said, "If not now, never." :( Covid will always be with us.

    I love those shoes! The bouquet is lovely. It looks like it's promising Spring :) Those cookies look tasty. I've always liked peanut butter, and you can't go wrong with a peanut butter cookie. Yummy.

    Happy T Tuesday

  15. I hope you celebrated your birthday in style! Those new walking shoes are fabulous, I love the pink colour with the grey and white, you'll definitely look cool in those 😀. Great you finished the jigsaw too and those flowers are beautiful. Loving that bee mug - wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  16. What a lovely bouquet of flowers from your husband and belated 🎂wishes if I neglected to send them earlier, Erika. The shoes looked like a colorful treat to you and finding sales is always great. I am a peanut butter addict in that I could eat spoonfuls straight from the jar, but have been restraining myself to having some celery stalks with it. The Trader Joe cookies may be a good reason for me to get to the local store soon!

  17. Yeah the cookies look good. Never heard of Jo Jos before. New shoes and a movie. Yep sounds like normal to me. Have a great day today.

  18. Love the new walkig shoes! Happy T Day in these sad and scary times, hugs, Valerie

  19. I too like your new shoes, they are such a fabulous colour.

    All the best Jan

  20. Those are great shoes. I need Reebok Princess shoes because of the stitching on most shoes, but I sure like that bright color. I wear little girl Size 14 clothes, and I can save money when I buy clothing.

    That Costco puzzle is great. Reminds me of Sam's in a way. They seem to be set up in the same way, too.

    Scott bought me some chocolate peanut butter cookies at Aldi recently and I am had over heels in love with them. The cookie isn't as hard as an oreo, and the chocolate goes all over the outside, but they look nothing like yours. If Scott ever goes to Trader Joe's, I'll ask him to pick some up. Still LOVING that BEE mug. Thanks for sharing your birthday gifts and your chai latte with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  21. Hi Erika, I'm behind and catching up. Oh, those cookies look so good. Great shoes, drivers will def. see you! Gorgeous flowers too, you racked it up! Birthday Blessings to you! xoxo

  22. Shame on me, but I am not an Oreo fan. But I must say I think I would like Trader Joe's variation. Love peanut butter - and your cuppa looks lovely too - I have a bee cup too.
    Beautiful flowers from the hubby and a fab jigsaw that you have done - gosh that looks so difficult to do.
    Great pink shoes, the perfect thing to wear on your walks with your friends - unless muddy of course.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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