Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wednesday Post

 Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday.

Today I have a couple of things to share with you. I'll start with a feminine page for Valerie's spring challenge at Art Journal Journey.

In my scrap bin I had a couple of pieces of wallpaper, but neither was big enough to cover my whole page.

I decided to layer them because the spring flowers on both pieces of wallpaper worked together.  Then I used this paper doily I had and a square of Dina Wakely printed tissue paper I also found in my scrap bin.

To finish off my page, I had a printed vintage photo of this woman. I cut away a lot of the background behind her so not as much of the doily would be covered. I finished off my page with a couple of vintage style dogs surrounding the lady.  The dog on the left is even in a very spring looking bucket. 

It was actually a pretty simple page to make, and it was fun to work a little bit out of my usual style because I usually don't go quite so feminine. I should have posted this page  yesterday for International Woman's Day, but better a day late than never I guess. 

For Kathy's  Food Wednesday  this week, I am going to share my birthday dinner. In our house the birthday person gets to pick out dinner, and as I hadn't had Mexican food for a very long time, that was my pick.

We did take out, because Friday night the restaurants are just too crowded, especially with my husband who (as many of you know) is immune suppressed. I had a steak chimichanga with rice and beans. The hubby called in and picked up the order though, and it was great not to cook on my birthday, nor to even have to go and pick it up. We also made home made margaritas to celebrate.

I did make my birthday cake though, which was a fun thing to do as I enjoy baking. I made a modified Victoria Sponge.  

Don't you love how my daughter decided to put on the candles? Last year she put 61 individual ones on the cake, but this year she didn't, only because of  the whipped cream and how she didn't want it to melt.

I made an easy vanilla cake (not a sponge) that requires no sifting or special ingredients. (Here's the recipe: Golden Vanilla Cake.)  I baked two 9 inch layers. Then I sliced those 2 layers in half, which only went well on one of the layers because I tried to slice the other one while talking on the phone. (Lesson learned, I can't slice and talk at the same time-smile.) I put strawberry jam in the sliced layers, and then I made whipped cream to fill the center layer. I was still on the phone when I put some powdered sugar on the top, which didn't go so well either.  I ended up with too much so that when I blew out my candles powdered sugar went all over the table. Oh well, it may not have been the prettiest cake, but it tasted yummy.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. 
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. I don't know whether my first comment was published - I'll come back later to see, Chrisx

    1. Clearly it didn’t! I love your journal page - perfect for Valerie’s theme at AJJ. Your birthday meal looks amazing - we don’t like eating out a in the evenings, great that you got a take away. I love how your daughter topped your cake, hugs, Chrisx

  2. Happy Birthday, Erika! The meal looks fantastic, but I love esp. your homemade cake! Looks so inviting!

  3. Happy birthday, Erika, belated unfortunately, but nonetheless sincere. Our birthdays are close together. It still ceases to amaze me what you creative crafters do. Who else would save a couple of scraps of wallpaper, thinking that they might come in handy at some point, and then go on to create a feminine piece for International Women's Day? I think I need to root through the waste basket in my office; there may be untold treasures in there waiting to be repurposed into something beautiful. I will have to parcel them all up and send them to you! Recycling has just taken on a whole new meaning! Hugs, David

  4. Good morning Erika, I love your spring page and I just learned about Women's Day.
    Your meal looks delicious for your birthday, and your cake looks really good too-love the candles-smiles.
    Thanks so much for linking up for Food Wednesdays and I am off to check out your recipe Kathy

  5. I made that mistake of putting powdered sugar on a birthday cake once. It was my brother's birthday and when he blew out the candles we were definitely engulfed in a sweet cloud.

    best... mae at

  6. The Mexican food looks delicious. I do really want to eat inside a restaurant *sigh* but my husband's a cancer survivor and I worry. The take-out idea works well, though, and home is always more comfortable.

    Happy Birthday!

  7. I love "white cake" -- which is usually a wonderful vanilla, so I'm checking this recipe out. I like how you made it a modified Victoria and it looks delicious. Yes, the candles are clever (and you can use that 6 for awhile more!)

  8. Such a pretty Spring page. Not today, if the weather dudes are correct. Perfect day to have a piece of Victoria sponge and a cup of tea. Stay warm.

  9. It looks a beautiful springtime journal page Erika, but I was really drawn to look at the delicious Birthday cake you had on your special day, 'YUMMY'
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Well first off i love your Art Journal page. I like to do collage myself so i'm always tearing images out of Great choice for a Birthday Dinner! Happy Belated Birthday! And the cake looks marvelous! Wonder what you do differently for a sponge than you do a cake? Hope you have a great week! Hugs! deb

  11. Happy birthday young lady. It's nice you did take out and who doesn't like Mexican food any time of the year. LOL Your cake looks fabulous. I love the way your daughter put on the candles. Have a very nice day.

  12. Oh they all sound delish ~ ~ Sponge cake ~ yum ! 'take out' is fun ~ Happy Birthday too ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBig Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Love the artwork and message ~ Xo

    We are suppose to get an inch or so of the dreaded 'white stuff.' ~ today ~ Wednesday ~ sigh ~ Great to meet someone from NH and close by ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBig Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. That cake looks very yummy! Love your beautiful journal page, so feminine and elegant. Thanks for linking to my challenge at AJJ. Hugs, Valerie

  15. I've missed a lot! First off, I'm really Jonesing some of that cake! But only after some of that Mexican food, yum! I am loving your zen collage style lately, this page is so very pretty with the perfect elements. So nice, XOX

  16. A beautiful page Erika, and your cake looks delicious!

  17. Beautiful page and ohhhhh! Mexican food! It´s been years!
    Happy belated Birthday, oh, LOL, this makes me think of a The Simpsons-episode, LOL.
    To a wonderful, happy, healthy new year in your life!!!

  18. Happy Birthday, Erika!!! I would pick Mexican food too and that cake looks fabulous. Love the food pictures!!!

    Fun art too - very encouraging, sweet and uplifting! Just what we all need right now.


  19. I was blown away by your journal page, Erika. I love how you combined the two wallpaper samples to make a charming background. I think the use of the doily was brilliant because it covered up the "break" between the two papers. You did a lot of fussy cutting, too. It was a great entry for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    Your Mexican food looks delicious. I'll join you with the rice and beans. You can have the chimichanga. LOVE the looks of your birthday cake. You are sucha great baker. I am always in awe of what you cook up in your kitchen.

  20. Belated Birthday Wishes Erika. One day before me, I should remember that but bet I don't. Looks as if you enjoyed your meal and the cake looks lovely. (will get the recipe later)
    Such a pretty page in your journal, love the wallpaper and the two papers go so well together, the doily fits in perfectly as does the printed tissue. The lady and the dogs are great - love the dog in the bucket!
    Hope it's a happy year ahead for you
    Hugs, Neet xx


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