Thursday, April 21, 2022


 HI everyone. Happy Thursday. 

Today I have a few assorted views for Aviary, which is this week's theme over at Rain's Art Date. I don't actually have any aviary things to show, so I tweaking the theme a bit to Avians. 

My first birds are on the 2 page journal spread. The song represented isn't about birds, but it is a song you might remember by Katrina and the Waves. My page is for Alison's Play It Again Sam challenge at Art Journal Journey. The song is  I'm Walking on Sunshine which came out in 1983.

You probably don't remember the pink walking shoes I bought on markdown back in March, but I drew those and added these little Art By Marlene punch out white birds on the tops of them. I think these birds figure if they don't need to use their own energy to get around, they might as well go for a walk. 

I made my page by using some torn bits of yellow tissue paper on my background. I like how layering it gives me some various tones of the yellow. Then I used brown ink and stamped some images randomly around the page.

The sun is cut from 2 different yellow paper with a bit of yellow marker outlining on the rays.  I drew, colored and fussy cut the shoes, and added some punch out images around them. I also added some tiny yellow foam sunflowers and as well as some gold sequins. Finally I used some stickers as well as a Sharpie to add the words.

And I have another avian to show you. My daughter is a huge Harry Potter and also Lego fan, and for Christmas she wanted this Harry Potter Lego set.  The main part of the set is Hedwig (Harry's owl), and there are some  other assorted items that relate to Harry. When we went out to where she lives for our maple syrup making day back in March, I got to see the finished Lego.

And for a few more Avian related photos, here's the birdhouse I bought last fall (on my trip to Boothbay, Maine) that is now hanging my backyard. (Back view, sorry, you can't see the hole.) My sugar maple now has an acorn-smile.

And my husband also gave me a new bird feeder pole for Christmas which I  was finally  able to put out. I had to wait to put it up since the ground was frozen before.

I had to find a spot so the squirrels couldn't  leap down onto the feeder. One of them did decide to sit on my deck post and stare at me through the glass sliding door.  He gave me the sad face. Yes, he looked me right in the face, and I swear he had a big sad pout. I felt bad and put up my old pole which has taken a lot of abuse from bears over the years, and I hung it in the general vicinity but not close to the new pole. Hopefully since they can now only get to 1 feeder, many of those squirrels will go elsewhere for food.

And since I mentioned bears and my bird feeder, here's an old photo I posted in 2016 when Mr. Bear decided to have a sweet treat and drink the hummingbird food.

He's not an Avian, but he did pose for me. (Although you can see the empty hummingbird feeder.)

Although I certainly would not walk up to the bear, the ones around my area are used to people and usually take off when they realize you are there.  They usually grumble a lot as they lumber away too.  They can do a lot of damage, like bending my bird feeder poles over to a 90 degree angle,  and I certainly would get between a mother and her cub(s).

That's all for me today.  I hope your week is going well.
And thanks for visiting my blog.


  1. How wonderful it is that the focus is on birds! Bears in the backyard is not something I would want, and I am sure you didn't either, Erika, but if they generally amble off, that's good. Too bad they damage your equipment though. My feeders have been extremely active of late; the first Chipping Sparrow showed up yesterday, and Black-capped Chickadees are sitting on eggs in one of the nest boxes. Now if only the weather would improve a little......hugs from Ontario. David.

  2. Cute page with your bargain shoes (great find) and the cute birds. I have an earworm now. That Hedwig is awesome! I love the picture of the bear. So cute. Enjoy the sunshine today and warm temps tomorro!

  3. Luv all your art. The walking on sunshine theme is delightful. Some nice pieces.
    Happy you dropped by my blog today


  4. That's a cheerful song :) I do love the pink shoes. Mine are gray, and I feel sooo boring lol Bears in the yard sounds scary to me. We're _hours_ away from the possibility of bear-sightings.

  5. This is a wonderful post. Love the pink shoes, the owl but the bear is awesome. Have a great day today.

  6. Such a gorgeous page, I'll be singing that song for the rest of the day now 😉. Those pink walking shoes look fab and I love your new bird house, it looks so cool! Hope the bear stays away this year, it's lovely to see them in the wild but not that close. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  7. Fun post, Erika! Love the journal page, and that song, and of course, your pink walking shoes which I have not forgotten! Lovely pics, oo, love the acorn bird house and the bear! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Love that song and the page you made is brilliant (in every way!) The lego owl must have been quite a challenge to make - it looks fabulous! I love seeing your feeders -I miss the caravan for that - not allowed to have them here! Hugs, Chjrosx

  9. Hi Erika. I'm back to commenting and hope I can keep it up. A really cute journal page, creative and clever way to add the birds. I do remember your pink tennies. Well, that owl of your daughter's is magnificent. I'm so not into Harry Potter. My daughter was, though. Oh my gosh, a bear that close to my house would freak me out. Have a good weekend, xoxo

  10. Great post! Oh, that song is that old?! Time flies by.
    That owl looks great! But the bear... cute and very scare at the same time.
    Friday morning here - to some great day for you, hugs!

  11. Its Art For Fun Friday at my blog today

    Drop by . Link in


  12. A wonderful post Erika, I love all the bird related photos, and the bear. Lego Hedwig looks amazing!
    That's another fabulous page for my AJJ theme, I really loved dancing to that song when it came out, so long ago now.
    Have a great weekend,

  13. I love your new birdhouse. That's a work of art and I hope it has residents soon. A bit scary with the bear! Do you bring feeders in at night? You are being very kind to that squirrel! I get so mad when I see squirrels at the feeder. I toss them nuts but that doesn't stop them. Have a great weekend.

  14. Squirrels come with bird feeders ... everyone knows that they will show up when the first seed is put out and there are few ways to deter them ... except maybe if a bear shows up. So don't count on the squirrels going someplace else to eat ... oh they will but they will come back to your spread too. I fought that battle for a few years and finally gave up and just made sure I put out enough for everyone. I love your sun shiny, happy page and I especially love your daughter's owl ... pretty amazing, right? Lovely post, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  15. A fantastic summery bright page Erika and a great song for your inspiration for Alison's theme at AJJ.
    Great photos and the Lego owl your daughter assembled looks fantastic.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  16. lol. love your take on the Sunshine song. It´s perfect. :)
    And so is Hedwig.
    The birdhouse eem interesting too. A rare shape I think. :)

  17. Oh now I have that song in my head! I love all of the 80's songs, they are so much fun, that was one of my favourites! I LOVE that bird feeder, it's gorgeous! And oh my a sneak. The bears around here stay away because across the road there are hundreds of acres of blueberry fields, so they have their sweet treats and leave my feeders alone!! Nice post Erika!! ☺

  18. I love how you added the birds to the shoes. I also think that's a great song to share for Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    The Lego Owl is amazing. Sorry I'm not a HP fan. Not seen a movie or read a book of him.

    Your bird feeders are great, though. I remember that bear trying to steal the bird food. Great shots for Rain's TAD.

  19. The thought of those big bears being around makes me shiver but I guess you get used to them. it must be wonderful to see them like that when you are safe inside.
    Love the page you have given us and the song has certainly brightened my day. I do like how you used the yellow to make different shades and Yes, I remember the pink shoes you bought - love how the little birds are using them now.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love Hedwig.


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