Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday Art

 Hi everyone. Happy almost weekend to you.

Today I have some art to share with you.  Let me start with my latest page for Alison's "Play It Again Sam" challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I had a lot of fun making today's page, and even though it may not be my most "finished" looking page, I think it represents my song choice. 

I wish I planned out the words better and had had room on my page to add: 
Why not. 
Make him stay up late. 

One of my favorite bands from the 1970's and 80's is the Talking Heads. For my page today I chose their song Stay Up Late

I made a slight twist to my page. Instead of a human baby as implied in the song, I used these Janet Klein images and substituted a cat. After all, cats and dogs are often our babies. 

I started by inking half my page in dark grey ink and the other half of the page in yellow. I drew in the clocks and the white circles. I stamped the stars and moon. I didn't bother to color all the stamped cats on the left because the star of the show is the tiger cat asleep in Blondie's arms.  That could have been my cat Leo, because I was his possession. 

And if you've had or have cats or dogs, it is fun to tease them back sometimes and try to get their attention while their napping. I definitely don't mean torturing them though, but just to see them roll up an eye and look at you. Of course they never think twice about waking you up when you're asleep. 

I also made another tag for Valerie's Blue and Green challenge at Tag Tuesday

I inked my tag, added this Art by Marlene figure, and used TH quotes to tell us something about Mrs. E. Pettigrew. I also added some little foamy dots and drew in a frame to finish off my tag.

And I am linking my entire post up to Gillena's Friday Lunch Box.

I'm not sure how good I'll be at commenting this weekend as we have MIL duty. My sister-in-law that  my MIL lives with in the winter has gone off on a 10 day vacation, so my husband is splitting her care with his other sister. Luckily for us we live close enough to my MIL's house (not the SIL she lives with in the winter but my MIL's actual home) that she doesn't need to stay with us, especially since the only spare bedroom (my daughter's room) is filled with many of my craft supplies, and is therefore not walker  friendly right now. 

My MIL doesn't need constant care, but she does need someone to give her her pills and to have dinner with.  It  means we shall going up to her house to visit each day, but I'm not yet sure what or how much time that quite entails. I just hope that my husband makes plans with his sisters about the summer situation because I can see this being a tough situation if and when she moves back to her house later on this year.

I hope you have a great weekend ahead! And thanks so much for visiting.


  1. Love both pieces today. The journal page is great, that's not a song I know, I'll have to look itup, but your page is great fun. And the tag is such fun, love your Mrs Pettigrew, her back views reminds me of mine! thanks for another tag for Tag Tuesday, much appreciated! Have a good weeekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. I don´t know the song, but love the girl! And the cats, of course.
    Good luck/happy times as can be with your MIL.
    Mine just complains each time I say hello cause I didn´t as often as she wishes - her Sons should, not me, plus she can contact me anytime and does not.
    Family. A weird thing...

  3. I am sure you will take good care of your mother-in-law, Erika, all the while remembering that one day you may need that kind of care yourself! Hugs, David

  4. So true with the pets :-) I like to get my cats' attention when they are asleep...they opened the eyes and looked so sleepy with blurry eyes..just cute! Beautiful pages with really nice colours.

  5. Don't worry about visiting -- you MIL is more important. It's just so nice that you guys are near enough to help take care. Grab those times when you can because one day ou won't be able to anymore.

    I love both your pages today, especially the Talking Heads! And yes, it's fun to wake up the cat!

  6. Fun page and tag 😀 I hope your weather is sunny and good for Easter time. Here was promised sun and even 15 C temperature.
    Happy Easter to you 🌷🌿💚

  7. Oh wonderful art creations ~ both of them ~ Awesome! Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I don't remember the song, but I checked it out Erika. I bet they had fun making that video :-D
    Great page, and I like how you used the cat instead of a human baby. Thanks for linking it with my AJJ theme.
    I love your tag too, and the found text.
    Don't worry about visiting if you don't have time.

  9. Your dots loook like pieces of candy.
    Luv your art today. And the fun music video.
    Thanks for linking up to Art For Fun Friday at Lunch Break.

    Happy Easter


  10. Great page and tag. Although I don't know the song. I just went to listen to it on YouTube but, no.
    Oh I love to have flowers too in my house. I love tulips but they don't seem to be available here yet although I ask every week.
    You made me smile with your Koi. You simply cannot resist!
    Yes, the stained glass is beautiful. Have you ever done it yourself?
    I sang along to 'Every snack you make'. Funny that one.
    Have a lovely Easter weekend,

  11. Long Live The Talking Heads - Always Enjoy Bands Covering Their Tunes - Have A Delightful Weekend


  12. I am not familiar with the song but loved your page and I really like your tag.
    Happy Easter weekend hugs Kathy

  13. I do like your page, it's nice and colourful (but I don't know the song).
    Lovely colourful tag too.

    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Happy Easter wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. The Talking Heads. Brings back memories. Both my cats move when I move in bed. They open one eye and then go right back to sleep. This is a beautiful interpretation of the song and the lovely Leo cat. Thanks for sharing this at Art Journal Journey using Alison's theme.

    That is one shapely woman and a funny quote on that tag, dear Erika. Hope you have a lovely and blessed Easter while you are taking care of your MIL.

  15. Very cool pieces, Erica! I identify with Mrs. Pettigrew, lol. Hope all goes well with your MIL. I think it’s tough for the spouse of the child who takes care of his or her elder parent. I’m sure there were times when the Husband felt I was ignoring him. Happy creating!

  16. I love Art by Marlene figures although I do not own any of them myself. I wish I did and that tag is fabulous!
    Now I do not know that song, maybe it didn't happen in England but i see the page and I like what I see. A great page with cats and I know exactly what you mean about touching a sleeping cat and the eye opening. Yes, they don't bother about waking you do they?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  17. I am pleased you added the link for the song, the page looked great and I liked how you featured the cat instead of a baby. It was a fantastic tag as well.
    I hope all is going well as you care for your MIL have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  18. We made a visit to the Great Horned Owls to check on their progress, and those little babies ate becoming big babies in a hurry! Hugs, David

  19. Talking Heads, one of my all time faves too. Did you see David Byrne's American Utopia on HBO? Magnificent. Anyway I love your art and wish you a happy weekend.

  20. Such a fabulous page and tag! It looks like you had so much fun creating them both too, love it 😁. I hope you're having a lovely weekend - Happy Easter holidays! Hugs Jo x

  21. I love both of your art pieces, and I adore that cat stamp. I tried to find it, but wasn't successful. Which company is it from? I hope it's not discontinued...
    I hope your weekend isn't too busy. Your MIL is certainly lucky to have you and your husband. Happy Easter to you, Erika.

  22. I'm glad you have help in the elder-care department. That makes all the difference.

  23. Beautiful projects, loving that tag and great quote. It definitely is a time consuming job and the more you do the more its expected of you from siblings. Been there done that and unfortunately you just have to do your best. Hope it all goes smoothly and everyone can chip in.

  24. cool, I love both of them. And the fact the lady is seen from the back. :)

  25. That is such a wonderful interpretation of the fun lyrics. Mine mostly just ignores me if I try to wake them up, or just rolls over. I think Mrs. Pettigrew would be a fun person. I hope all was well with the care of your MIL.



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