Sunday, May 22, 2022

Funny Toucans

 Hi everyone. I hope everyone's having  a nice weekend. 

It's very hot and humid here again this weekend, before we get another cool down this upcoming week. 

I'm up early today as I need to head off to Massachusetts for my niece's bridal shower. The shower is at 11, and I have a  2+ hour drive, as long as there's no traffic to slow me down. And last night we had a wedding in Maine. I responded to both of the RSVP's when both covid numbers and gas prices were much lower than they are now. I guess next week I will be testing to be sure I didn't catch covid, even though I did/will mask up for much of these events, but you can't eat nor drink with a mask on, can you? 

The wedding was  fun though. Much of the wedding was actually outside, and it luckily was much cooler at the coast than it was at home.  The bride at the wedding has known my daughter since they were 2 years old, and I know both her and  her mom and step dad quite well.  And my niece is my  only niece not through marriage. Since her mom died of breast cancer a few years ago, I feel like I needed to go and be there for her.  Plus, she is my niece, and I want to enjoy this part of her life with her. I'm sad that I can't stop on my way home from the shower and visit my mom though, as I go right through the area where she lives. Her assisted living is in the midst of a covid outbreak, and they are requesting no visitors until it settles down. It is probably best since I'll have been to the 2 events, but it's time for a visit.

Enough  babbling. Today I have another  bird page for Matilde's challenge over at Art Journal Journey.

Several years ago when I was still teaching I went on a school sponsored trip to Costa Rica where I saw wild toucans. My page today is inspired by not only that adventure, but also by this fun set of toucan stamps I have.

I started my page by inking some foam stamps and stamping them on my page. I used purple and red ink with the stamps. I used green ink for most of the background. I was trying to create a very abstract rain forest, or at least the feel of one.  I left some whitish space where I wanted to stamp my toucans. Then I stamped my toucans directly on the page, and I colored in the toucans  with markers, as well as giving them a few details too.  

I then stamped the flower (which I also used white ink to color), some small background images, and the small words which are all from my toucan stamp set. Finally I used a stencil and a Sharpie to  add the large phrases.

This would have made a great travel journal page, although that was one trip that I never created a travel journal about when I got home. (I was also getting college credit for the trip so  when I  came  home I had to write  a paper instead.)  Oh well, if I ever go back on my own maybe I'll collect enough "items" to make a journal.

That's all for me. If I don't get by your blog today, I will do some catching up tomorrow.

Have a great start to the new week. 


  1. Sounds like a busy and exhausting social life with 2 big events on one weekend, but glad you are managing to get to them both. I hope you did not get too close to Covid, good idea to get tested. Love your Toucan page, they are such unusual birds, I have only seen them in the zoo. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. We haven't been to too many wedding in recent years, after going through a whole spate of them as various nieces and nephews on Miriam's side (a large family) got married. I am astounded by the cost of attending a wedding, especially out of town weddings with travel costs, hotel expenses, in addition to all the normal expenses of wedding gifts, hair appointments, a new dress, and so on. Several weddings a year can put you in the poor house! The worst for us was a friend's son in Halifax, NS, where they had moved a couple of years earlier, having grown up locally. We had all the expense, and five months later it was over! Hugs. David

  3. A great inspiration! Beautiful page, Erika 🥰

  4. The toucan page is so fun. I love that stamp with all the different personalities. A shower and a wedding in the same weekend, wow! I'd be exhausted. Sorry to hear your mother's facility is having a Covid outbreak, and you won't be able to stop for a visit. Numbers have been rising here. I hope you can stay cool at the shower. Take care.

  5. We haven't attended any social event since the covid...too risky! The journal page looks great with those wild toucans.

  6. I felt nervous when I went to Jan's birthday party, even though it was in a barn with good air flow. I won't do that again for awhile now that numbers are up. I'm glad you had fun at the wedding and hope the shower is wonderful.

  7. We have been quite chilly this weekend and very very windy too. woke up to the 40's such up and down weather this year so far.
    that was nice you were able to get out and attend a wedding, and I love your toucan page those are cool birds. Happy new week hugs Kathy

  8. Oh okay, I get it, the swirls are the tree tops, red the jungle flora, very cool. I love those toucans! Great page! Well, I will definitely keep you and yours in my prayers not to get covid. I swear, every time I think of getting back out, another outbreak. Ugh! I'll probably die right here in this house, but hey, I was probably going to anyway even not in self-isolation. Over 2 years is getting old though, so I totally empathize with your wanting to see your family. I hope your mom escapes their outbreak as well! Good news: the cool front is on its way, came through here last night/early this a.m. We will have 80's/60's for 2 whole days! Have a "cool" week, xoxo

  9. Wow 2 big events and happy ones. We have a break in the rain but the high winds persist. It's the way of things on the PNW coast. LOL I really like this art piece. It has a lot going on but very balanced. Have a nice day.

  10. It's chilly here again today, or at least it feels chilly to me lol I hope you get to visit your mom soon. I can't imagine what it'd be like to have those kinds of restrictions in that situation.

  11. Sounds like a busy weekend Erika, such a shame you couldn't visit your mum.
    I love your toucan page, it's fabulous.

  12. Beautiful page. Enjoy the cooler temperatures.

  13. Yay for the weddings, so sad you could not visit your Mom.
    Those toucans are cute.
    And to a great new week, hugs from here, it´s a busy life, isn´t it!

  14. Lucky you. I want to live YOUR life (grin). Sounds like a lovely wedding. I laughed at your comment about drinking with your mask on. I actually caught myself trying to drink water with my mask on one day when I was out and about. SO easy to forget.

    Loved your toucans. I knew quite well you went to Japan, but had no idea you went to Costa Rica with a school group. How lucky for you. I am truly impressed. Your background is lovely, Reminds me of some paper towel texture I got recently. The toucans are great, too. Thanks for sharing yet another inspiring entry with us at Art Journal Journey using Matilde's theme.

  15. It sounds like you have had special visits and outings recently, its good to read about happy occasions. Its a fabulous journal page and the toucan stamp looks super. Great inspiration for the AJJ theme .
    Yvonne xx

  16. Oh, they are delightful - so full of character and humour. The glow of the beaks is perfect and the background adds lovely movement and lightness to the whole page.
    Alison x


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