Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Quiche for Lunch

 Hi everyone. I hope everyone's week is going well. 

This week for Food Wednesday over at Kathy's blog-Hummingbird Studio at the Lake, I want to share  last week's savory bake.  I was inspired to make a savory dish  because my older asparagus plant gave me a few fresh stalks  to eat, and I was also able to pick a bit of spinach growing my cold frame. We even had a couple of slices of left over bacon in the frig.

It didn't take a whole lot of thought to know that it was time to make a quiche.

I chopped and sauteed my veggies to soften them. I mixed the eggs and milk while my veggies (and also the bacon at the end)  cooked down. I was lazy and bought a ready done, just-needed-baking pie crust which made the whole quiche process really quick and easy. In fact so quick and easy I need to make quiches more often.

Here's the recipe I used.

1) Pre-bake your pie crust either following the package directions or at 375 degrees F (190 degrees C) for 15-20 minutes until it  starts to brown and isn't raw dough any longer. Take it out of the oven and cool. The crust doesn't need to be cold, just cool, so it shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes to be ready after it leaves the oven.

2) Chop and saute any veggies you'll use to soften them.  I also chopped up and reheated my 2 strips of left over bacon. Depending on the size of your piecrust, you don't need many veggies. My total came to just over 1/2 a cup.

3) In a bowl I whisked together 2 eggs, 1 cup milk (or use 1//2 cup milk and 1/2 cup cream or half and half), a pinch of salt, pepper and nutmeg.

4) When the crust is cool, put your sauteed veggie mixture at the bottom. Pour the egg mixture over that and then sprinkle with shredded cheese over the top. I used Swiss cheese as I couldn't find Gruyere at the store, but the choice is yours. You want to cover the top of the quiche with cheese but don't add a mountain of cheese. And if you don't want cheese, you could skip it.

5) Set your oven for 250 degrees F (about 120 degrees C). You want a cold oven so the eggs cook slowly. The recipe said the quiche will need to cook for 20-30 minutes, but my oven is on the cool side so it took 40 minutes for me. You know when it's done because there is NO wiggling of the filling on the top of the quiche. At that point the top should be just starting to brown.

Et voila. Here is my finished quiche. If you want more filling for a bigger pie shell, you could double the eggs and milk, just be sure you keep the ratio of those 2 ingredients the same. 

Too bad the hubby won't eat quiche. He'll eat a breakfast tortilla with eggs and veggies though. And he eats pie. I don't understand why he won't eat quiche, but then again, we all need some great mysteries in life. Oh well, more lunches for me. Smile.

Have a great Wednesday. And happy eating to you. 


  1. More delish food! My Honey loves quiche, lol. I have to giggle at you saying your oven's on the cool side, never heard that one before. Down here we say it's a slow oven. Our wall oven is really slow, frustrating to always adjust and look. Our toaster oven is fast, though, and that's what we use 90% of the time. xoxo

  2. Your quiche looks sooo delicious Erika, My husband would be right over for a slice. I should surprise him and make one soon-haven't in years.
    Thank you so much for sharing for Food Wednesdays Hugs Kathy

  3. I like lazy! Even Jamie Oliver goes for that at times, I like that :-)
    And yes, eggs and cheese, hmmmmm.... cheese especially.

    Mysteries, well chosen word ;-)
    This looks super-yummy and I even do think we have those alu-dish-thingies!
    To a yummy Wednesday!

  4. Yum, yum, yum! That looks both beautiful and delicious! Enjoy every bite!

  5. Can I come over and join you for the lunch? The quiche looks absolutely irresistible, Erika.

  6. A while ago we made quiche using potato slices instead of pastry and it was good. I'll have to see if I can find the recipe somewhere. Makes a great lunch or dinner, especially with a green salad, and if a glass of wine happens to find its way to the table so much the better! Hugs and happy quiche eating, David

  7. Looks good, but I'll skip the cheese. Enjoy the day today!

  8. Would it surprise you that i have never eaten a quiche? lol Looks yummy though.. Happy Food Wednesday! Hugs! deb

  9. Ohhh this is perfection. Thanks for the recipe.

  10. LOL at the great mysteries in life hee hee! Your quiche looks DIVINE...I haven't made a quiche in ages, I used to make Cheddar and asparagus quiche, that would be a great way to use up my asparagus!!

  11. This looks like a heart attack in the making (grin). Seriously, it looks SO fattening and delicious. Aside from the bacon, quiche is one pf the reasons I could never ever be a vegan. I love it too much. Thanks for taking us through the process, dear.

  12. Your Quiche looks wonderful. Good that I ate out this evening and am not hungry. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  13. That is a delicious looking quiche, Erika. I found it interesting that the oven temp was as low as 250F because just about all the recipes I have read advised 350F generally. So now I may have to readjust my cooking time.

  14. I haven't made a quiche in ages and that looks really delicious! Thanks for a wonderful idea1

  15. Seriously delicious :)

    All the best Jan

  16. I use those dairy section pie crusts but haven't made quiche in _ages_. I need to dig out my recipe. Yours looks delicious!


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