Monday, May 2, 2022

T Stands for a Second Look, as Well as Take Out and a Bird

 Hi everyone.  Happy May and happy new week.

It is Monday, and although unusual for me,  I am posting early for T day, which is where we share our drink related post and chatter over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog .

This Monday is also the second of the month, and it is time to share something from an earlier post over at  Second on the Second. Both of these challenges at hosted by the lovely Elizabeth and her side kick Bleubeard. 

I am making these 2 challenges into one post because tomorrow, Tuesday, we start a new challenge at Try It On Tuesday. By combining Second on the Second and T Day, I don't have to write 3 posts. Smile.

For my second look this month, I thought I would celebrate Cinco De Mayo  a few days early. I'm also celebrating spring because I really enjoy doing all kinds of spring gardening and other chores, well except maybe day to day cleaning. Here's my back link for this drink second look. (May 31, 2018).

This is me with a big margarita at the end of a busy day. I'm in my hammock on my screen porch. Opening the screen porch has yet to happen, but it's high on the list, behind finishing the spare bedroom project, getting the bees installed, working in the gardens, art, cleaning, reading...hee-hee. Anyone who says retirement is when life slows down is obviously not retired, especially when there are so many fun things to do around the house  and garden. Smile. (But just to clarify, I don't work, work, work all day. I'm up early, usually get my chores done by lunch or before, and then after that,  there must time for fun, like art and reading, and I am very good a taking an afternoon nap too.)

This leads me into last week. I kept busy with yard work. I'm also getting ready for my bees that arrive very soon (I'll share more of my bee adventures in a later post), and we started putting down the floor in the spare bedroom/ craft space. Hurrah for that. The end is in sight to this project. I'm figuring the spare bedroom/craft space project will be finished in a couple more weeks, and I will be more than ready to move my supplies back into place, although I'm still not sure how exactly I will arrange them.

For T this week, besides my look back drink,  I am sharing some Friday evening take out. I wanted to get a few yard-garden supplies at one of the big box hardware-garden stores, so I took the truck and met my husband there when he was on his way home from work. Friday evening is a great time to shop as no one is there, compared to the weekends especially. Since one thing I wanted was some bags of pea stone for a path I made down to the bee hives, we needed the truck to transport them. I also needed my husband to lift them all because those bags of stones are just a tad bit heavy for me to lift up into the truck (although I can lift them out of the truck where I have some help from gravity.)  My husband also had a small list of needed supplies, so it worked out that his shopping could be combined with mine.

When we finished, my husband said he'd stop and get some Mexican food take out for dinner, so I drove the truck home, and he came home a few minutes later with dinner.

I set the table and made us each a margarita to celebrate that it was Friday night.  We both had fajita salads. I got a double dose of guacamole because my husband doesn't eat it so I could have his. 

If you haven't checked it out, we have started a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month Matilde is hosting with the theme of birds. 

My latest page combines bird with gardens.

The background is tissue paper as well as watercolor paint. Then I used matte medium and attached some printed tissue paper, a piece of paper trim and some brick printed paper. I also added a few images I cut out of some other paper as well as a strip of thin washi tape. To pull the page together, I used a rock path stencil several times with white gesso around my already attached images. Then I added the quote, outlined it, and also added a few white foamy flowers on the bottom left.

OK, this post has a lot going on, so I will end it here.

Have a great T day, start to the new month, week ahead. Also thanks for visiting my blog. 


  1. Reading your to do list made me exhausted. The sun room is open and the kitties have been enjoying it. We haven't moved out there yet as it's still too chilly at night. That was sweet of your husband to get takeout so you didn't have to cook. He's a keeper. Pretty page. I washed out one of the bird feeders and will put it back up later today. I hope it attracts some entertainment for the kitties. Happy T Day

  2. That's a nice way to relax yourself after a long working day! That fajita salad looks droolworthy.

  3. Oh your journal page is wonderful and so creative and Spring like ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Everyone is celebrating whatever signs of spring they can find, and it's very exciting to see how spring comes differently to different places. Driving from Arizona to Michigan, we saw all stages -- sadly our own leaves are very far behind.

    best... mae at

  5. Hi Erika - where to start?! Your art is fabulous as always, colourful and happy. And you are shouldering an enormous amount of work, wow! People who work so hard deserve lovely takeaways and drinks! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Hi Erika, I love your art page too, and your take out food looks really delicious-I would enjoy that and Yum for margaritas-this is one of the drinks I enjoy and don't get sick from-a good thing since I really enjoy them-smiles
    Enjoyed your second look too.
    I started posting T early awhile back to get a jump start on all the links to visit so not needing to visit everyone in one day.
    Happy new week and and Happy T hugs Kathy

  7. I remember that post from your second look. I wonder if I commented then as I will now at how much I like your toenail polish! I don't think I noticed the dog hair on your black pants before because I was probably looking at your drink. That's the price you pay for shedding pets. Believe me, I know!! Thanks for sharing your Cinco de Mayo drink with us as your second look on the 2nd, Erika.

    On the subject of bees, PBS is having a several part series on bees for the next few weeks. However, all I can find at the present is an episode on NOVA on Wednesday, May 4 (7-8 pm CDT).

    Sounds like you both lucked out on Friday and afterward were able to eat very well. I also love guacamole. Sally hates it, so I always get hers if it comes with her meal. Thanks for sharing your margarita and fajita with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  8. Sorry Erika, I forgot about the oage you created for Matilde's theme at AJJ. I like the path, the foam flowers, and the stenciled rock path. I especially like how you incorporated the birds. Nicely done, and really inspiring.

  9. The fajita salad looks very delicious and how wonderful that you could have your husband's guacamole as well - I do love a good guacamole myself. Margarita to go with it is just perfect! I also like your bird page very much, there is a lot going on here. The poppies on the left are such a nice addition! Have a wonderful May, Erika!

  10. How Cool Is This - Great Update - Keep On Keeping On My Friend


  11. You surely are busy Erika! Yummy looking drink and fajita salads. A beautiful journal page and quote. Happy T day!

  12. I love your garden & Bird page. Beautiful. Your Second on the 2nd was fun. I would love to lay in a hammock on a screened in porch with a cup of tea. :)
    Also, I would love a double dose of guacamole, too. In fact, tonight I had avocado spread on a sandwich with egg on rye toast. Yum! Happy T Day!

  13. Drink and hammock really love each other, color-wise, very cool!
    Did I mention hammock? Cool. Screen porch? Wow.
    Yes, I can relate! When I lost my job people thought I´m bored, "hell", no!!! Busier than ever. Can´t wait for retirement!

    Mexican food! Oh. I really must try and find some here! Though... Ingo came home with three avocados that might be good.
    Hmmm, garden, yes. Very loud here. And sadly the weather is bad - usually I would hear the birds by now... Anyways, your page makes up for that - have a happy T-Day!

  14. I am very glad to hear that you have mastered the practice of an afternoon nap, Erika. It is a habit I heartily recommend and one to which I have become quite addicted. Obviously if you are into margaritas, a siesta goes right along with it. In fact if you quaff a couple the nap might overcome you, intended or not! Maybe you have a little Spanish blood you didn't even know about. Soon you may get a craving for castanets and flamenco shoes. Cuidado! Abrazos y besos querida amiga, Erika de tu amigo del norte, David.

  15. Oh, it's really awesome! Garden is the bes combination with birds :) And I like the sentence - it's so true!
    Hugs 🥰

  16. You have found out that being retired is being even busier than before. You must be glad that your craft room project is coming to an end.
    I’m interested in your bee project. Are they still hibernating? Why are you getting new bees? Did many die over the winter? Or are you adding another hive?
    Your Mexican meal looks very scrumptious. I’m eating bland ( because hubby is on a diet) but I’m longing for something spicy.
    Have a happy T-Day,

  17. You have quite the to-do list, Erika! I think that margarita is well deserved (even if it's in advance -- fortification!) You're right -- retirement is rarely boring! Or at least, needn't be, given all the things we love to do when we aren't doing the things that need to be done!

    Yum. Haven't had good Mexican in awhile!

  18. Making me hungry lol. Love your beautiful art
    Hugs June x

  19. We're getting some highs in the 80s here. I'm planning Mexican food for May 5, too, and a paloma to drink :)

    I'm looking forward to hearing about the bees. Do you need new bees every year?

    Happy T Tuesday

  20. What could be better than a margarita whilst in a hammock - the perfect way to chill 😁. Loving the look of that salad too, we went Mexican today as I made burritos and salad for dinner - yum! Your garden bird page is a delight too. Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  21. You are soooo busy!!! I SHOULD be that lots of things to do.. Love the pic of you with your feet up and your margarita.. :) Perfect! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  22. Forget the to do list. I am loving the food and of course the margarita. Have a nice day.

  23. A beautiful art journal page! I am amazed that you are creating with your craft room remodel. Good for you!
    Your fajita salad looks delicious. Whenever I eat Mexican, that is what I get because it is easy on my digestion. YUM!
    Looking forward to hearing how everything goes with your new bees.
    Happy Tea Day,

  24. Sorry to be late visiting Erika, I hope your list of things to do has decreased a bit by now there is always tomorrow and enjoy the 'today'.
    Fabulous journal page and inspiration for the AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Mexican food, margarita and a hammock sounds like bliss to me Erika. You will be glad when you can get back into your craft room and start arranging stuff again I'm sure, good sign that the floor is going in soon. Love your bird page. I love my Billy's, but because I moved them I can only have 4 of them together now instead of 5 like they were on the other side of the room only because I need to use the door on that side, but they still look good together filled up with books :) Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  26. Ooh, I love a Margarita and I gorge on guacamole.
    It's a lovely page you made for AJJ - love the birds and the lovely lady in the hat. The birds look as if they are nestling in a stone wall. Gorgeous border at the base.
    Hugs Neet xx

  27. Oh Yes! It's a real joke that - slowing down in retirement - it's not going to happen here for a while I hope!! Love the hammock and drink pic but it is your journal page that stands out here! I love the quote and I think your garden looks wonderful!.
    I hope the home and garden projects get done soon.
    Well done to hubby for getting dinner sorted! Looks good!
    Hubby has suggested a day out tomorrow - I think food may be involved!
    Belated happy T Day
    Hugs, Chrisx


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