Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday Art

Hi everyone. Happy Friday. The first couple of days of June are already in the books, and the first weekend of June is just about here. 

I'm back today with some art to share.

Let me start with some more fish for you. This month Mia is hosting at Art Journal Journey, and her theme is Fish.

I decided to make a little book of fish which I'll share over the month, along with some other fishy art. I started making my little book with some watercolor paper that I colored with mostly blues and greens. I had to make it feel like water because where else would you find fish? And watercolor paints really do look like something as fluid as water is.

Then I made some marks with white ink and black Sharpie. 

Above is the cover. I added a piece of ocean map along with 3 gold metallic paper fish.  And if that page isn't enough fish for you, let me show you one more page while I'll am it.

When I retired from teaching and was cleaning out my classroom, I took down posters. I had one with lots of fish. For some reason I decided to keep it  for a future art project, and now was the perfect time to use it. This page is made with some parts off the poster, white ink that is streaked on the page and then I added the details, as well as a stenciled arrow and some clear little stick on bubbles.

I'll have more of my book to show you another post.

 I also wanted to share a tag for Wendy's Pockets challenge at Tag Tuesday. Sadly I didn't manage to join the last challenge because so many of my supplies for bows and buttons weren't accessible during the art space project. 

Here's my pocket tag for this new challenge though.

I made my pocket with part of the packaging from something I had bought.  I had the piece sitting in my scrap box, but I can't remember when or what I had bought. I only know it was from Paper Artsy because it says that on the back of the cardboard I used.

My tag's theme is what the boy becomes when he is a man. Here's the vintage image of what this boy becomes. I cut that image out of a sheet of paper that was stuck in the pocket for the first photo. 

And on my tag is a couple of faces  for Nicole's Friday's Face Off. I'm also linking up to GIllena's Art For Fun Friday.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.



  1. When one of my grandchildren was about seven years old we had this whole discussion about the plural of fish! He was convinced that "fishes" was a word I had made up! I think that fish has become, in general usage at least, like "sheep" to many people, having singular or plural meaning, and perhaps ultimately "fishes" will become archaic. Language does evolve, I realize, but not always for the better! Hugs - David

  2. Fantastic artwork. I didn't know the plural was fishes. :-)

  3. I’m enjoying all the fish pictures that people are making this month— snorkeling has always been a fun thing when I had the opportunity, so I have loved seeing live fish in their coral reef environments. I’m very devastated by the ecological destruction that has occurred in the last few years. I know that few (if any) people will have the opportunities that I had.

    best… mae at

  4. I share your sadness, Mae, over coral reef destruction. I once snorkeled over a full-color coral display, sad to know that color is gone now. I don’t always comment on BioArtGal posts, but I always love the nostalgic elements!

  5. awesome art Erika, love your pocket tag and really love your fishes page Happy Friday and weekend

  6. 😊 i knew about fish/fishes.
    Thanks for linking up at Art for Fun Friday
    Luv your fish book and your tags


  7. Lovely fish page and tag for the challenges Erika.

  8. The cover of your book is fabulous, Erika! Map and fish, the best couple! Thank you so much for joining my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!!!

  9. Time really flies! I remember it's just Easter not long ago, now it's Pfingsten...soon it's going to be X'mas again.
    Beautiful artwork, Erika!

  10. I love what you did with the fishes. Brilliant art. The tags are fabulous and are perfect for FFO. Thank you so much for joining in. Have a lovely day.

  11. Love your book, I'm sure it will be a treasure by the time it is finished. Love the tag for Wendy's challenge, thanks so much for joining us again, much appreciated. Hope you are getting on well in your new studio. Hugs, Valerie

  12. "...because where else would you find fish?"
    Tomorrow some on our plates - Ingo plans some with mustard-sauce :-)

    I love your page - the quote reminds me of my job. We´re swimming!
    ? Certainly it´s fishes.
    Your pocket tag is great! To photography - have a great weekend, hugs!

  13. Fun little book. Fish. Fishes. Tomato. Tomahto. Stay warm today. No sun like they said and I'm freezing

  14. Happy Friday, Erika! Your pink post is beautiful, the flowers, the art! I especially like the time one, because I'm perpetually time-starved. And I love the humor in the purple pink dialogue bubbles. Have a happy weekend!

  15. Wonderful fish art on your journal page ~ I have trouble keeping informed of the themes ~ but this week I extended Memorial Day ~
    Lovely tag art with words ~ very expressive and creative ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I really enjoy your fish piece! It's a wonderful theme!

  17. Very cool fish art! I like the pocket art, too. I want to give that a try.

  18. Erika where in the world did you find those lovely detailed fish in your first picture?? Elizabeth had something similar... They are so lovely as are your whole pages... Hugs! deb

  19. I love your pocket tag!!! Very old fashioned, beautiful! And your fishes...okay I'll admit, I didn't know that the plural of fish was fishes...learning every day!! ☺

  20. What a great idea to create a book dedicated to fishes, I love those gold fish embellishments or should I say Fishes :)) I feel the quote *just keep swimming* is very much mine right now as I swim between 3 houses right now tending to care duties. Hope I get chance to join Mia this month too.
    Love the cheeky vintage faces on your tag.
    Happy FFO Tracey xx

  21. I adore the cover of your fishes book. I was starting a fish spread and knew to write fishes. LOVE what you have started here.

    Your tag is out of this world. I love how you have used the challenge in two ways. That boy to man is perfect.

  22. Beautiful pages! Such a great idea to create a fish journal and I'm loving the first design with those gold fish against the map background 😁. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  23. What a beautiful book of "fishes" you made, Erika! I love the metallic fish, so much! They look perfect against the beautiful map. (I always say "fish" even though deep down inside I know the plural is "fishes!!") I cannot wait to see more of your book. And your pocket page is gorgeous, too! Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Sharon

  24. I love your fish pages Erika, very cool! I also love your pocket tags. Thanks for joining in the fun at Tag Tuesday.

  25. Love your fish pages and the gorgeous Tag, thank you for linking with tag Tuesday for my theme.
    have a good week. Hugs Wendy.

  26. Its going to be a super book with fish as its main topic, I love the golden fish on the first photo, a great textured scale look.
    Yvonne xx

  27. Hi Erika. I love your fish journal! I had to chuckle right off, because the plural of fish reminded me of the line from The Godfather "Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes." So, of course you are right, there's your proof, heeheehee. Nice tag, too, xoxo

  28. Love your fish and your tag.
    Lovely art.

    All the best Jan

  29. Good thing you saved the poster. Wonderful pages and the vintage pocket tag is fabulous, Erika! Wishing you a very creative week!


  30. Your post is the second I know that I definitely left a comment on that has disappeared! I love your fish book- two great pages! I seem to be really behind on making anything other than DT stuff! Love your pocket tag! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. A wonderful Pocket Tag, love everything about it.
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday x

  32. Love both the cover and the page for your new fish journal. At first i thought the cover was fabric with corner pieces stitched on, I had no idea they were drawn on. What a great idea to use the centre piece like that, it gives depth to the whole cover.
    Your page is very interesting too and I love that fish - and the promise of many more to come. How fortunate that you kept that poster.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  33. Love those goldfish, and the pocket tag is just fabulous! (Have worked out your comment now - somehow it had got marked as Spam... it wasn't me!!).
    Alison x


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