Friday, June 24, 2022

The Last Friday in June-How Did that Happen?

Hi everyone. Time is certainly flying by, and I feel like June should be just beginning instead of starting to enter wind down mode. Today I have some art to share.

First for Mia's fish challenge at Art Journal Journey I have a couple more pages from my Little Book of Fish.

Mia's Art Journal Journey challenge runs through the end of this month, so you still have time to join in if you're interested.

On the left page I added a fish and it's info from the same old poster I have been using all month. I also used a watercolor crayon to create the wiggly wave lines, and some stickers to add the word discover. ON the right side I added the fish which is cut out from an old book about aquariums. I stamp lots of the little fish as well as the quote. I also added a scrap of paper along the top right side and used a Sharpie to make the dotted lines.

I also want to share a page for Nicole's Friday Face Off. I still have some faces in my drawing pad that I made back in 2008 when I participated in a drawing class and group.  I have never posted these on my blog, so even though they are not recently drawn, I'm not re-posting. This week I think Iris will like my faces.

Mom isn't looking too happy in this piece. I used a photo in a wildlife book I have as my model. I didn't get the eyes quite right on the cub's face, and I have to smile as he looks rather cute being cross-eyed. 

I am also linking up to Gillena's Art For Fun at her blog.

Have a great start to the weekend. 


  1. Hi Erika, love your fishy pages in your little journal, so pretty. Nice faces, too. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely artwork. Time just keeps flying by.

  3. Wow your art is just fabulous. I love your drawing. Mr. Linksy is now up. I am such a bonehead. LOL Thank you for linking up.

  4. Good morning Erika, I am amazed too how fast June is going, especially since it has been this extreme heat and humidity every day now for a couple weeks at least.
    I am so in love with your fish journal-it's really special.
    and I really like your face off too-hugs Happy weekend

  5. Time flies when you are having fun :-)

  6. the fishpage is great and the drawing from mom and joung is very sweet!
    Hug Elke

  7. The background in your drawing seems to have the same feeling to it, not very happy, just like mom! Did you plan it that way? It’s perfect!

  8. Hi Erika 😀
    Your fish book's spread looks nice and lively as there is much activities 🐬🐳
    Your old drawing is fun and is worth to show us.
    We are celebrating here the Midsummer festival which is our biggest celebration in summer. It's very warm, 30 C all over the country. The Midsummer bonfires are forgotten for the temperature, which is pity.
    I wish your weekend is joyful and sunny 🌞💚🌺

  9. You tell me and we'll both know. It feels like summer is half over already!

  10. Your big cats have lovely faces! Nice sketch.

    best… mae at

  11. Your fish pages are wonderful and I really really like your mom and the cub drawing. I like the expression on both of them. Fantastic, Erika! I do hope you get more art time this weekend.

    -Soma xx

  12. Beautiful fish page and sweet cub!

  13. Crazy how this month has just evaporated, the last Friday of the month and I've missed out again on joining in with AJJ. A fabulous double fishy page Erika but I really love the pencil study of Mother and Cub, he looks like he's up to mischief hee hee..
    Happy FFO a little late linking up as Mr. Linky wasn't awake this morning then found out Hubby has come down with Covid :/ Someone else to take care of...
    Have a great weekend HUgs Tracey xx

  14. Fabulous pages Erika! It maybe one of your older drawings but I really love those facial expressions! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. The fish sentiment certainly sums up the news for today

  16. Fabulous pages Erika and I loved your drawing.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Your fish pages are really nice Erika! And I do love your sketched lions! I think the cub's eyes make him look mischievous!! ☺

  18. Gorgeous fish creations ~ wonderful sketched lions ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. Henry was busy (sadly, so was I) but he loooooooves your sketch (just like I do!). awww.

  20. I do like your fish page ...

    I have to agree the days, weeks and months are flying by so quickly.
    Next Friday it's the 1st of July!!!

    All the best Jan

  21. A very cool fish spread with snarky sentiment lol and I envy your drawing skills with realistic models. I'm only a whimsical drawer at best. Well, the last Friday in June comment startled me even though I knew it was. Always surprises me every month! Enjoy the last of June, xoxo

  22. Beautiful fish pages Erika, and I love your lion and cub sketch.

  23. You have really gotten into that fish challenge at AJJ. This is a beautiful example and a great way to use that excess fodder you have accumulated. I really LOVE it,

    You drew the lion and the cub great. I can't draw, so I was incredibly impressed. Great job, even if it is old.

  24. Fab fishy page - that poster certainly came into its own. Bet you are ever so glad you saved it. Love the lettering and the background.
    Also am impressed by your drawing. Thanks for sharing - you should do more now you have more time.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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