Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Tropical Fish

 Hi everyone. 

Today I am back with some tropical fish in my little book of fish mini-journal I made. 

You can see not all of the pages are the same size, but I used the same colors and style to make the backgrounds of them all. I assembled the book before I added my fish.

Both big fish came off an old poster I brought home from my classroom when I retired. The little fish on the second page are small foamy confetti fish.

Last week Mae commented on my post how sad it is that tropical coral reefs are disappearing. I agree with sentiment, and not only are people in the future not going to be able to enjoy them, but I wonder how that will affect all the fish and other organisms that live in the reef. I'm sure most will not adjust well.

Whoops, I see I have a loose sequin that fell down over the fish.

I am linking these up to Mia's  challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month Mia's theme is FISH, in case you can't tell from my pages. Smile. 

And I'll finish my post with some more photos from my last trip to Bedrock Gardens 2 weeks ago.  Dover (NH)  High School art classes had a display with some paper mosaics and some clay tiles. Obviously since they are outside the paper mosaics were heavily covered with a waterproof medium.

I thought you might enjoy the views of the ones I took photos of. You can see in this next photo there were a lot of them lining the woodland trail.

I always used to love seeing how talented so many kids are when I was teaching.  Hope you enjoyed these as much as I did.

And I hope your week is going well also. Thank you for taking the time to visit also.


  1. Love the art paper mosaics in the Bedrock Garden!

  2. The loss of coral reefs is not only tragic in the sense that people will not be able to marvel at their beauty, the deleterious trophic cascade will be devastating for entire ecosystems. If there is one thing that humans are good at, it is destroying the environment. I just read a report that microplastics have now been found in every snow sample in Antarctica. Hugs - David

  3. Wow those tiles are amazing, awesome way to display them and I love your journal book with the fish-very beautiful Erika-hugs

  4. Your posts always bring a smile. Thank you.

  5. LOve your fishy pages, Erika, the addition of the lttle fish and sequins is very pretty. I think mankind is somhow in a hurry to destroy the world - coral reefs, fish, forests and everything else!
    Love the art along the trail, fantastic! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Your fish journal is wonderful. Like a trip to the aquarium. I like how the sequins add bling. Fun to walk down the path and to see so many wonderful creations from the kids. I hope the sun comes out so you can get out to your garden. I have some weeding to do, too.

  7. Thanks for mentioning me! In today’s post you show some of the very beautiful reef fish that I’ve seen, and that can still be seen in some tropical places. But the tragedy continues.

    best… mae at

  8. I do like your fish journal and love the art along the trail.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    All the best Jan

  9. Love your pages and yes. It is scary how "we" destroy nature. 1995 we were in Coral Bay, Western Australia, the reef was so near and even if you´re not a diver you could see it all. Does it still exist?

    Beautiful works of the students, too!
    Thank you, a good start into the way with this path - hugs.

  10. Hi Erika! Hope you are well. Love that little fish book, that was a great idea as many AJJ pages as you do. I LT-subbed high school art classes one semester years ago and mosaics always a student favorite. The kids were always Zenned out while working on them, lol. Love the way they have displayed them, too. For some reason it would remind me of coloring maps in Geography class, same Zen feeling I guess. Well, it is hot now down here. Ugh. I may start sleeping in the daytime, flip my biological clock. I've done it the last two summers and I do feel I had more energy and less sweating, lol. XOX

  11. Fabulous fish pages from the journal you are making for this subject and I liked the sparkle you added to the page as well perhaps the fish had a twinkle in his eye for the ladies. Lovely photos as we;; Erika.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I could have sworn I commented here yesterday but I bet that's when the phone rang with Rick's bad Covid news and I never got back to it. We're in a holding pattern. I especially love the student's walkway. And of course, your fish!

  13. I'm really loving your fish journal. What a fortuitous time to work on it. I love the background and the way you incorporated the fishes.

    Those works of art from Bedrock Gardens are awesome. Some of those young people were quite talented.

    This is the second time I've been without electricity in my neighborhood in the past two days. That's why I'm so late visiting, Erika.

  14. Two fabulous pages for your journal Erika. Loved seeing the children's art at Bedrock Gardens, hugs, Chrisx

  15. I'm loving your little fish journal pages Erika. The children's art is beautiful too.


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