Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wednesday Art And Art Space

Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week. Let me share some art with you today. 

I'll start  my post with the center spread from my Little Book of Fish.  I am sharing this because for the next week the theme at Art Journal Journey is Fish. And the lovely Mia is our host.

I also want to mention how too many sharks are needlessly killed for their fins (for soup) or mainly because people think they are all evil killers.  They are predictors, but they do play an important role in the natural ocean ecosystem. Most sharks have very little interactions with humans.

The shark image and the blue ID comes off my fish poster scraps (that I've mentioned before), and the fish jars are from another collage sheet I purchased  way back in the day. The background, like all the pages in my book are watercolored. This time I also stamped some writing. The page is titled with some stickers.

 I also wanted to join Valerie's challenge at Tag Tuesday . This time the challenge is use a die cut.

I die cut several circles as you can see. I also used a scrap of textured paper for the background, an image cut out of a pretty chopped up pattern book, as well as a scrap of pattern tissue. I completed the tag by adding some pink metallic flowers with a dot of white paint in the middle, as well as a quote sticker. 

I've still been very busy trying to set up my new art space. Actually what is taking all the time is going through items and purging/cleaning them out. That and  finding out I need to change something because what I set up isn't working as well as arranging it some other way. We did get the rug down this weekend as well as setting up my new art desk though.

I love the rug and all the color on it.  Even better, it's also an indoor/outdoor washable rug. Another Costco special. It's the only thing other than construction materials I bought for the room.
 Maddie tested it out, and it passed her nap test. Smile.

The table adjusts in height and has 2 big drawers  that will be great to hold scissors, pens, etc. The table was my birthday gift from my husband back in March. Actually he bought it at Home Depot in January, which I knew because when he saw it he sent me over to decide if I would like it. It's been sitting in the box at our house ever since.  It's good to have it set up, although I'm not sure exactly where on the floor it is actually going to sit yet. 

And I have way too much "stuff" as you can see in the photos. I've purged a lot, but when I'm cleaning I have moments where I think I should just get rid of about 90% of it. Smile.  I've filled and taken 8 garbage bags  to the dump/ recycle center that have  junk in them like dried up paints, paper bits I thought I would use or very chopped up magazines. I also have several bins of items like paper and stickers, etc. that I am going to do something with (sell or donate), and I have cleaned out my stamps and purged a few, but I'm disappointed I haven't cleaned away more of them. I'm having a really hard time cleaning out my rubber stamps. It's an addiction, that's for certain.

Thank goodness I have the room. When and if I ever need to downsize more than I have with this project I am going to be in BIG trouble. Smile.

That's it for me today. My daughter informed me she and her beau are coming not only over the July 4th weekend but this weekend also. I don't feel her old room needs to be perfect, but I do need to finish picking up some items  in there also. Luckily there isn't a whole lot left to go through. At this point, I will be glad to get all this cleaning and organizing finished.

 I hope you're having a great week and start to summer.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. I didn't know shark fins were used for soup. I know they don't really go after humans, but like black cats, sharks have a bad reputation. Your art space is so bright and happy. The rug is perfect and I'm glad Maddie gave it the nap of approval. I hope you have many happy hours of creativity. And I want to come over to your house to play! Intermittent showers for today and tomorrow. Stay dry

  2. wow FINALLY! Your artspace now looks really lovely, Erika! I love that rug too.

  3. I really like the shark art and the tag is so pretty. However, your new art room is just amazing. I really like the rug. LOL Have fun organizing your supplies.

  4. Hello Erika: I hope that everyone heeds your words about sharks. Why we have this obsession to kill other creatures for frivolous reasons I have no idea. Your room looks phenomenal and the bright carpet provides the finishing touch. Obviously your output will be vastly improved as to quantity, quality and creativity. We expect no less. I intend to form a committee of your fellow crafters and regular visitors to your blog to form a sort of jury. Strict standards will be applied too! Hugs - David

  5. What a great space! And I agree about the rug. Well-chosen :)

  6. What a great space you will have for all your supplies and creative projects, Erika. The rug is a perfect addition and adds a lot of "pop" which is perfect for you it would seem. I'm sure you will find a good location for the new desk. Purging is always a hard task.

  7. Lovely to see you sitting at your work table in your fntastic, new space. The rug is fabulous. I wish you many, many happy hours creating there. Love the fishy journal pages and the wonderful tag for TT, thanks so much! Enjoy your week, BIG hugs, Valerie

  8. I absolutely love your shark page, your tag too! It's good to see you sitting at your desk- loving the carpet! I know exactly what you mean about the accumulated 'stuff'. Hugs, Chrisx

  9. Your new art room looks like a great and light space. I love the picture of you and your dog napping on the rug. Oh the rug, that is so colorful and happy! I know what you mean about having too much stuff - I also feel I have too much and I actually put out a lot in a "free" box - my neighbors were very happy! Like you I have a hard time getting rid of rubber stamps. I told myself that at least not buy anymore - well, that "promise" was broken in Munich. You're right, it is an addiction.

  10. I agree. Sharks don´t seek for humans. Yet I am kinda glad at some beaches they put up nets for safe swimming (in Australia).

    I absolutely LOVE your floor/rug! (sorry for screaming, but, ohhhh!)
    And you still look like a teacher ;-)
    Great table, too.

    Same problem here. I have too much.
    To organizing and your loved ones coming over!
    Hugs and have a great day!

  11. It was good to see the photos of your craft room Erika, it looks a wonderful place to create your art.
    I loved the journal pages as well.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Lovely journal page and very interesting to learn a bit more about sharks. I love the background watercolouring which looks good with the script stamped on it. What a great find are those bottles.
    How good is that craft room! I love it and am with you on the purging. Having spent 120+ hours with my other half at my friends dismantling and sorting her craft stuff when i got it home I have made a decision - sorting milne out will be on the agenda soon.
    Just love the floor covering - fabulous and inspiring.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. A delightful Tag,loving all the circles and especially the vintage lady.
    Thank you so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday x

  14. What a terrific post! I'm just thrilled with you studio. That rug is so cheery and happy and the rest of the room look great. I know what you mean about purging. It takes a big project like that sometimes to make it happen. I have so much art stuff -- especially mixed media that I don't do anymore. I'm ready to let 90 percent of it go, save some for a little crafting. But I don't want to pitch it and don't know where to donate it. I have some homework to do on that. Most of it isn't sellable, apart from if I turned it into collage kits and is it worth the effort? A dilemma.

    Also, love how beautifully your fish jumps the gutter in your journal. That can be hard. Well done!

  15. Your art space is brilliant :)

    All the best Jan

  16. Hi Erika, gosh, sorry to be so behind in commenting! OH, I'm just SO SO HAPPY for you that you are sitting there in your finished art space at your new desk on your new rug!!! I had to squelch the urge to jump in the car and drive up there for a celebratory toast!!! (OK, my imagination is way too fertile but you know that by now, thought that counts!) You look mah-velous! Brava! And we both got our honeys to fulfill our birthday requests, too! heehee Your fish spread is lovely, kudos for using the old collage sheets, too. And your tag is equally lovely. Have fun with dear daughter & beau. Snorting at your comment about destashing, you might as well keep it all from this point on. Was discussing this once with my daughter and she said, no worries, mama, we'll just dumpster everything after you're gone. Yikes! Probably why we don't leave this house even though we want to get a new forever home, lol. XOX

  17. More beautiful art, and I love your colourful rug!

  18. Too bad sharks have a bad rep, mainly from the Jaws films, I think. This is a lovely spread and I like the composition as well as the ephemera you used. Thanks for this great addition to Mia's theme at AJJ.

    You have a ton of stuff in your new studio. Beautiful rug. ONE container of rubber stamps holds more than I own, You have so many choices when you prepare to make art. So glad you shared this.

  19. I love the bright colours in your tag Erika! Wow your crafty space is amazing. Understand what you mean though about rearranging it. I am still shifting things about my new room and can't remember where I put things lol. Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.


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