Saturday, July 2, 2022

Second on The Second

 Happy Saturday to everyone. Today I am sharing a post at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog for their Second on the Second challenge. For this challenge you simply need to repost  something you've already shown on your blog. 

I wasn't sure if I would  be able to post for second on the second this month, with this being a long holiday weekend, but a wet morning has given me some time. Originally the daughter and her fiance were meeting us for a boat ride, but for obvious reasons, that is not happening with thunderstorms in the forecast. 

Here's my second look.

This is a page I made last summer and posted on July 21. You can click on the date to go back to that post.

I made this in my garden journal. I picked this piece because of the door, and the newest challenge at Art Journal Journey is Wendy's Door or Arches. 

Here's a new piece I am also sharing for Wendy's Door or Arches challenge.

This was a quick page made by using matte medium and some printed TH tissue paper on a sheet of watercolor paper that I gave a  partial watercolor paint wash to.  I added the door cut out of a scrap sheet of paper, as well as adding the TH woman and the TH hope card along with the little paper strip scraps. Finally I used a couple of transparent dragonfly stickers  and some little cream and yellow foam circles. I finished my page with a Sharpie and outlined the edge of the paper. 

I am linking this up to 2 challenges. As I mentioned, first I am linking to Wendy's Door or Arches challenge at  Art Journal Journey and my second link up is to challenge #84 at Creative Artiste Mixed Media where anything goes as long as you use several kinds of media on your page. 

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the new month. And happy weekend to you. 


  1. So many beautiful photos of doors! I really like yours.

    best… mae at

  2. Happy July Erika, thanks for stopping by otherwise I would have forgotten about second on the second, but I have pulled out a recycled post for that now! It is also wet here, which is typical for summer lol Good idea to not go out in the boat with a thunderstorm forecast! My back is easing a little and I have the urge to tidy the studio which I know is asking for a relapse but it's driving me bonkers haha Happy second on the second, I really like both your pages, doors are so useful for journal pages aren't they. Elle/EOTC xx

  3. Yes, I remember that original page you shared with us as your second look this month. I really loved it then and still do. It is amazing how much more I noticed this time. Thanks for sharing it again with us as your second look on the 2nd. Bless the rain that you were able to post this.

    I like that journal page you have created for Wendy's theme, too. I like how you incorporated so many wonderful, albeit disparate images in this journal page. I really like how you incorporated the dragonflies and the bust of the lady. It's a great entry for Wendy's theme at AJJ.

    I wanted to comment on your comment you left on the Arch and Statue of Liberty. How very differently we looked at the two. You compared them far differently than I. You saw them from a totally different perspective, which, once you wrote it, I could see your POV. However, had I never been to the Arch before I saw the Statue of Liberty, I might not have been so disappointed. Mine was from a very personal perspective, where I wasn't actually comparing the monuments (which I gathered you were) as much as I was the individual experiences. Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? Mine was comparing the very personal experiences and the feelings I had, not the actual monuments. Thanks for your explanations, and even though that was not my original thinking, I can see why you wrote what you did.

    BTW, the McDonald's boat was there when I was, but the first time I went to the Arch, I went aboard the dinner boat. It was NOT a cruise ship, but docked. It was the first time I'd had shrimp scampi. It made such an impression on me, I now order scampi every time I'm at an Italian restaurant.

  4. Two very romantic pages. Stay safe this afternoon.

  5. Both so very pretty. Have a good Saturday.

  6. Two beautiful pages Erika, and both with a lovely romantic theme. Sham you had to cancel your boat trip because of wet weather.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of your long weekend.
    Avril xx

  7. "Thunderstorms" I vaguely remember those...

    Love and hope. Lovely :)

  8. I love how you have used such beautiful elements alongside your door! It's such a lovely page for Wendy's AJJ theme. I love your second look too. We only returned from our holiday last night and needed to food shop and unpack today so had to miss out on Second look again! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. I didn't go to Ellis Island, because I wasn't especially interested in it. When I was a freshman in college, one of our lit assignments was to map out our ancestry. I went to my prof and explained I had no living relatives and had no one to ask about my ancestry. He gave me a different assignment. I know Kathy, my friend in Hutchinson is BIG into ancestry. She is like CJ and visits different cemeteries looking for ancestors. I am sure if I had been interested in ancestry, I would have enjoyed visiting Ellis Island. Instead, I wanted to see the Observation Deck of the Twin Tower, eat at Windows of the World, and see the Statue of Liberty.

    I'm so glad you got a good experience from Ellis Island. After taking an ancestry DNA test, I might also appreciate it more.

  10. Forgot to mention, I have NO idea why square cards are so popular in Europe and Canada, but I knew they cost more to send here in the states. Seems that's not the case elsewhere.

  11. Beautiful, romantic.
    You all of the group re-woke my interest in art, but somehow, despite I have a huge stash of snippets, I kinda started sketching again.

    Do you have any idea how much you all helped me? Big hugs!

  12. Such beautiful pages Erika, I love the compositions!
    Enjoy your weekend in spite of the weather.

  13. Doors is a fun theme. Very nice!

  14. Two fabulous pages Erika, love both of them. Have a great month, hugs Wendy.

  15. Dear Erika,
    very nice work!
    I am particularly impressed by the first of your two examples. I love this nostalgia style and the photo of the couple reminds me of photos of my maternal grandparents. (I inherited many beautiful photos from them, many of which my grandfather - born in 1900 - took himself with a tripod and self-timer! <3).
    All the best from Austria,

  16. Such lovely pages! Amour, amour indeed. I love those random vintage photos. I guess nobody knows who they are, but they do look very much in love, don't they.
    Thanks for your second look. (We have the rain to thank really).

  17. Lovely pages -both of them. Love all the details - tons of them and all are perfect for the AJJ theme. Both are romantic in a way with romantic touches. So sad you didn't get to do the boat ride. Both my went out on a wave boat and had a great time. We stayed home and did a crawfish boil. Yum but lonely without everyone. Happy T-day! Hugz

  18. Very nice and vintage-y pages. Sorry the rain ruined your plans. xoxo

  19. I love your encore piece Erika, the couple look as if they are out in their Sunday best, maybe celebrating some occasion.
    The second page has a very romantic feel about it, the pale blue background sets off the flowers and the arched doorway beautifully.
    Sorry about the weather.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Beautiful journal pages Erika, I loved the vintage look with the images and layers you used, its super inspiration for Wendy's theme.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Both of your pages are absolutely beautiful, Erika, and perfect for this month's AJJ theme!

  22. HOPE! Yes we need a lot of that nowadays. A beautiful piece. :)

  23. Such beautiful pages! I love how you incorporated the doors and all the layers look amazing 😊. Thanks so much for joining us at Creative Artiste and I hope you're having a lovely week! Hugs Jo x

  24. I hope the weather was kind and you had a non rainy day to get out on the boat this month? I can not believe July is about to end.. having had covid for nearly 3 weeks of it I feel very cheated :(
    A very romantic floral page shared with us @ Create Artiste I love the word HOPE it speaks in volumes. Hugs Tracey xx


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