Monday, July 25, 2022

T Stands for Last Week and some more Sculpture

 Hi everyone. 

It is another Tuesday, and time once again for T over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

Last week was a busy one for me. I had a few appointments on my calendar and some home things that needed doing. It was also a hot week, our first one this month in New Hampshire. We ended up at my MIL's home 3 times last week. One evening she had fallen and couldn't get up so we had to go on a rescue mission. And then with the heat we went up both days over the weekend to check in on her and cool off in the lake. 

 Luckily her home is on a small pond so we did have a bit of water time, to cool off not only from the heat but from her  house also. She has casement style windows in much of the house which she can no longer open herself. Even though there is an AC in her bedroom, she doesn't want to leave her bedroom door open because it will make the AC run too much and that will drive up her electric bill. Even when we tell her she needs some air moving to cool off her house. She is also getting confused and forgetful, not just from the heat, and someone needs to check  in that she is taking her medicines and even eating.

Sometimes we help her down to the lake with us, but it was too hot this past weekend, so she sat on the deck off the kitchen and every now and again called down sometime to us. That meant we had to go up and answer her because her hearing is so bad (and she wouldn't spend the money for a hearing aid) she can't hear you when you reply. Even me when I yell up to her, and I have one of those voices that, to put it nicely, carries very well. 

The lake was mostly refreshing and pretty with the sun on it. A bottle of ice cold beer helped cool us off too. This is my drink reference for T this week.

And I thought I'd finish off this post with a few more photos from deCordova Sculpture park that I've been sharing for the past week. 

This first one makes me think of cold ice.

And the walking path lead through these doors.

I tried looking through the door

and then looking at the doors through a different sculpture.

And instead of the doors, I could also look through this sculpture to view other parts of the park. 

Here is looking down on the sculpture.

And here is looking up at it.

And the view when I wasn't as close to the sculpture.

Can you tell I liked that sculpture? 
And besides sculpture, the grounds were pretty too.

I guess this is more than enough for one post. Have a great T day and week ahead. And thanks for visiting my blog too.


  1. I love the sculpture gardens that you and several other bloggers depicted this week. The ice-like statue is really lovely.

    best… mae at

  2. Good evening Erika, it's just no fun getting older-I am beginning to realize that now with us. My Mom refused to used the air conditioner too when she was still with us, she would only use a fan. she had never had air conditioning ever so she just preferred to live with out it.
    that is such an interesting sculpture exhibit I have enjoyed seeing your posts.
    Happy T and stay cool hugs Kathy

  3. Aww, so sad to see the decline of a loved one especially as they age... she is lucky to have loved ones like you close enough to be able to support and help her. But I know it can be difficult, and a delicate situation as well.
    A nice dip in the lake on such sweltering days is the best- that, along with a beer (which my hubby also enjoyed) this past weekend. Love the sculpture art- especially the doors!! Happy T day wishes; have a great week!

  4. Oh, well, an Ingo in female. "Nice". My youngest Niece is also such a voice carrier. Even my near-deaf right ear flips, LOL!
    It must be hard getting old. We´ll only know when we´re there, right.
    Oh, the lake is a beaut!!!! Here it cooled down again, so sad. Yesterday was too much - nearly - and now... pffft.
    I have a mix beer in the fridge called "ice" (won´t need it today).

    Big, BIG wow on the sculptures!!! Ice-ice-baby comes to mind!

    Have a great T-day, hugs from here.

  5. I like the sculptures too, the doors look so cool, and the rusty looking metal portholes give a different perspective on what's in the park. I've had that experience with someone who is clearly hard of hearing lol. Enjoy the weather, it's cool and rainy here. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  6. It's good that you are relatively close by to check in on your MIL. My dad used to say getting old wasn't for the faint of heart. I've never been to the deCordova Museum. Your pictures are making want to run over there. The doors are too fun and I liked the way you looked through them and the other sculptures. I hope you didn't get the severe thunderstorms. We didn't get anything. Enjoy the break from the heat. Happy T Day

  7. This aging is what we all have to look forward to. I am So sorry for your MIL and I am glad you were close enough to help.

    The lake is beautiful in the sun and the beer must have tasted good. I would use that cap in my art (grin).

    I loved the sculpture that looked like ice, but my favorites were the windows. I know you liked the other ones better, but those windows really made me happy.

    Thanks for sharing more of your sculptures, the lake, and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  8. You got me at sculptures and flowers! And BEER!

  9. Your MIL is lucky to have you so close by and you are so sweet to check on her so often. It is hard to be alone when you're old, but having loved ones close is a relief. It's probably not always easy on you.. Thak you for showing us more of the beautiful park, those sculptures are fabulous and I love the way you photographed them.

  10. Perhaps someone could have sat up there on the deck with her for company and she wouldn't have felt compelled to call down.. ? Sad to hear when a loved one declines.. Glad you found a way to stay cool at the pond.. Those sculptures are amazing.. thank you for sharing. You take beautiful pictures.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  11. So lovely that you could help your MIL and spend time with her, I bet it's cooler by the water too. The sculptures look amazing, what a fabulous place to explore. I'd love an ice cold beer - Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  12. The lake looks perfect! I'm sorry about your mil. It's hard, and I know the decisions to be made for her future will be hard, too. I'm glad there's family to share it with.

    That sculpture garden! I'm impressed with the variety of the pieces. It'd be a fascinating place to visit.

  13. Hi Erika, sorry to hear the mil is getting more and more recalcitrant. My dad was stubbornly independent and was just beginning that when he had his stroke and then died. My brother and I pondered whether we should feel guilty for not intervening and we decided no. He wanted his own terms and got them. And since he was 92, I honestly believe he was happier. It's a fine line alright. Well, to look at the circles sculpture overhead, it looks like an eyesore, but the beauty of it is in seeing through it, which you captured well. I really like that "ice" sculpture. Ha, the doors in the woods was once an instagram thing for a while, someone set up some doors on a road near me in the woods but still visible. LOL it was the talk of the town and no one ever confessed to doing it. Hurricane Harvey took them out, unfortunately. XOX

  14. I'm sorry to hear your MIL 's mental health is deteriorating. It's good you don't live too far away. I don't suppose she can open the windows at night to let some cool air in...
    Here we have these metal bars in front of every ground floor window, and I open all the windows at night.
    I love the sculptures. The doors and the ice sculpture are my favorite. Lovely gardens too.
    Happy T-Day,
    Stay cool,

  15. Lovely photos of the sculpture park and of the area where your MIL lives.
    How sad that her mental health is deteriorating. It happens to so many of us and is something that I dread. Not for me, but for those around me. How lucky is she to have such a caring family and how nice that when you go and it is warm you can combine the visit with a bit of rest for yourselves - and cooling off.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx


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