Monday, August 8, 2022

T Stands for Better Than Pop's?

Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday or Monday night to you. It is time once  again for T over at Bleubeard"s and Elizabeth's blog.

On the last weekend of July, I went to my niece's wedding in Waterford, Maine. It was a lovely time, and if you want to read about the wedding itself you can check out my post from last Thursday- (Wedding).

The wedding was on Saturday evening, but we had wedding events on Friday night also. My husband and I (along with my daughter and her fiance) had rented a house from AirBnB for the weekend that had a 3 pm check in. Since it was a 2 hour drive to the wedding area from home, and since we wanted to arrive to have a bit of time before our Friday night event, my husband and I decided to leave around noon, stop some place for lunch and then try to beat much of the weekend traffic going north (which we really didn't manage to do even that early in the day).

Here in New Hampshire we only have 2 local TV stations. One is PBS and the other is WMUR, channel 9 out of Manchester. Channel 9 does a weekly viewer's choice for various things, one  of them being the best lobster roll in the state. (And for those of you who stop by my blog frequently, you know how much I like a good lobster roll in the summer. This viewer's choice is one I actually pay attention to- smile.) The winner is always the Poor People's Pub in Sanbornville, a part of the town of Wakefield.

The Poor People's Pub isn't really that far from my home, and I've eaten there before. However, it's not a direction I go very often because there usually isn’t  any reason I need to go to that area. We were passing it on our way to the wedding area though, so  you may imagine that's where I suggested we stop for lunch that day. 

Now the  thing about a people's choice award is that you never know whether the week's topic is really the best in the state, or if the restaurant/other place of business just has lots of die-hard fans that call or log in and vote. And even though lobster rolls are still on the pricey side (although they have come down  in price since I last posted over the July 4th weekend), I wanted to see if The Poor People's Pub lived up to the hype.

You can see the Poor People's Pub isn't anyplace fancy. It was crowded that day, even if my photo doesn't  look like it, and  we had to be seated out in the side room because the main restaurant didn't have any tables. By the time we left, this side was  full also.

And this is their menu, which is mostly sandwiches as well as daily special meals which are posted up on the wall.

I know many of you have never had a lobster roll or even a lobster. They probably sound exotic. Where I live  they are served all over the place, and they are as common on the menu in the summer as say a hamburger would be. That's because I don't live that far inland from the coast where these lobsters are caught, and it does help support a local industry. 

And  you know I had to try out their lobster roll for mylunch.

Unlike at Pop's where you just get fries, this came with a side of coleslaw and chips. The chips were not unique but since we don't have chips very often, they were yummy.  

The lobster roll was  chunks of lobster and light on the mayo. You could even get a hot lobster roll, with the lobster tossed in butter, but I prefer mine cold. Although Pop's lobster rolls do have many chunks of meat, this lobster roll was all chunks of meat. It even looks pretty in its nice lettuce bed, and it was only one very big piece of lettuce, not layers of it to fill the roll. Pop's lobster rolls also only have a small bit of lettuce, but they never look this photographically pretty.

I must admit,   I can see why this lobster roll always wins the viewer's choice. 

Not that I will skip buying one at Pop's, as long as the price doesn't inhibit it. And I hope I can squeeze in 1 more trip to Pop's before they close for the season in a few weeks. 
(Pop's did get #2 for the best fried seafood in the state this year, which is down from #1 last year. Of course since it's an hour inland from the coast where there are lots of fried seafood places, I think #2 is still noteworthy.)

Since this is T day, let me share my drink.  It is time to link up to Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog with your drink related post.

Nothing fancy. Just a diet Pepsi.

I most likely won't be joining you for T next week.  A friend and I have plans to take a roadtrip to the Berkshires in Massachusetts for a couple of days. If for some reason our plans fall apart, then I'll be linking up, but otherwise, have a great T day and 2 weeks ahead.

And of course, thanks for visiting my blog. 


  1. Your lobster roll looks delicious, Erika. You are right, it photographs beautifully due to the large colorful chunks of lobster. My mouth is now watering. Sometimes I wish I lived near the coast as I can never have enough of seafood.
    Have a great trip next week with your friend!
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. wow those lobster chunks have me drool terribly!! I need SOME ASAP!

  3. That is the most delicious lobster roll I've ever seen! Yummy! When I was in Maine 15 years ago I had lobster roll every day - it wasn't very expensive back then. We usually had them in little shacks right down at a harbor. I hope you can get another lobster roll before Pop's shuts down for the season. Enjoy your trip next week!

  4. Interesting name, Poor People's Pub. Very interesting name. Bold. Clever.
    I could bite my but# for not liking this healthy food!
    "Pop´s" is such a sweet name.

    A roadtrip!!! Yipeee, that sounds great! Have fun!

    Happy T-Day and hugs from here.

  5. I agree with Christine-this is a Wow for the lobster roll which actually looks much better than Pops that you have shared, I have never had lobster that I can remember-I may have had a little at a seafood buffet for brunch we used to enjoy before retirement when we lived in Illinois.
    Do enjoy your road trip next week sounds fun Happy T hugs Kathy

  6. I am glad you found such a great lobster roll on your travels, I know how you like them, and it looks like a very satisfying meal! And Pepsi is always good! Enjoy your trip with your friend next week! Hugs, Valerie

  7. I am sure that your lobster roll was delicious, Erika (it certainly looks that way), but I am reminded of a sign I once saw in Maine which said, "The best lobster roll anywhere else, is not as good as the worst lobster roll in Maine." Not there's confidence for you! Hugs - David

  8. You never fail to make that Lobster Roll look delicious! Your right i've never had one... and i grew up on the East coast.. Probably just not far enough North.. I never had clam chowder until i went to the West However i do LOVE steamed clams!! Happy T day! Enjoy your trip. Hugs! deb

  9. I'm glad they lived up to the hype. It certainly does look mouthwateringly delicious. That menu looks like it would reward repeat visits. Happy T Tuesday!

  10. I LOVE lobster rolls. In Toronto they cost around $16-$20 CDN at an average place. I have seen them for $35 in a very upscale joint.

  11. The lobster roll looks good, but how was the price? After all, lobster is lobster. It is beautiful.

    Saw photos of the wedding, and have to admit the bride was beautiful. Thanks for sharing this lobster roll and diet Pepsi with us for T this Tuesday.

    BTW, you asked about the napkins. I left a message, but you may not have seen it. However, since you won't be here next week, you may show your napkins when you are back in 2 weeks.

  12. Oh my, the wedding looked so beautiful! What a lovely place to get married overlooking the water and it must have been wonderful to catch up with all your family too 😊. Such a great idea to stay over and celebrate with everyone, and wow that lobster roll looks delicious - yum! Glad you had a great time and wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  13. Unusual name for a pub? Restaurant? Does that mean it has good cheap prices too? For the poor people? In my seafood eating days, I tasted plenty of lobster, fresh caught in Australia and some of the places that sold it (especially the RSL clubs) sold it very cheaply because it was so plentiful. Still one of the more expensive options over prawns, bugs and other seafood but not outrageous like in some places. It's not actually my favourite though, and I've never had it in a roll. I'm always amused at how many English place names there are in some states. Berkshires - do you pronounce it Berk or Bark like they do here? Enjoy your road trip next week, sounds like fun! Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  14. What beautiful days for your niece's wedding! There are precious moments in life that you have to enjoy to the fullest.
    Happy t-day! That lobster and its garnishes have to be really delicious.
    I hope you have a great time these next few weeks, I send you big hugs,

  15. I don't think I've ever seen a lobster roll more beautifully presented. It's close to supper now, and I'm dying for your lobster roll. Hope you got some rain. Relief for the heat coming tomorrow night. Happy T Day

  16. That is the best lobster roll I have ever seen. This is the perfect place for the wedding. Have a lovely day.

  17. Wow - that lobster roll is beautiful and sounds wonderful. I hope I get to try a real one some day and not the knockoffs you get this far down. Sounds like a good trip with family too. Have fun on your trip this next week - can't wait to see the pictures.

    Happy T-day a bit late, Erika! Hugz

  18. I'm sure I would love lobster roll, wherever it came from although a good review is definitely helpful. Sounds as though that pub was popular! Your lobster roll does look very attractive. Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  19. I would definitely eat that sammich, Erika! Looks delish. Seems like you are well-situated geographically for lobster rolls, #1 and #2 being close to you. Have fun in the Berkshires, we will miss you but will be here when you return, xoxo

  20. I have never had a lobster roll, not even sure what one really is but your photograph looks mighty delicious. I do like lobster and those big chunks certainly got me wondering where could I go to find something like this. Despite living very close to Manchester (in the north of England) I doubt I would find anything like this.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. My mouth is watering! I would really love to try that lobster roll. One day I will! I'm so glad you got to have your favorite lunch.
    Happy belated T-Day,
    Keep smiling,


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