Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Page for AJJ

Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you.

Here in the US (and Canada too) it is the long Labor Day weekend. The summer "season" is drawing to a close. I am never ready for that; even though I love autumn, it means we have a winter to get through before summer returns again. And just the thought of winter makes it sound long and dreadful (even if it usually is never quite as bad as my head makes it out to be-grin). I must say  that now that I am retired and get to enjoy  autumn and get to spend a lot more outside time,  Labor Day weekend isn't quite  the ending to summer that it was a few years back. And yes, I know the actual end of summer isn't until later this month.

Plus next week my husband starts his summer vacation so that means the season really isn't over yet, right? (Smile) 

Today  have another page to share for Neet's fur and/or feather challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Today I am going with feathers, and these cute little chickadees. They are one of my favorite birds because they are cute, feisty and  full of personality. 

I made my collaged page by layering bits of paper and washi tape. Besides adding the birds, I also added a few other bits like the button, some clear page hole protectors and a couple of stamped images.  I also added the paper quote, some doodling, and finally a spray of a couple of ink colors.

When I went to the Berkshires a couple of weeks ago, another place my friend and I visited was The Mount. The Mount was designed by and was the summer home of author Edith Wharton for about 10 years in the early part of the 20th century.  

Edith Wharton wrote several books that became American literary classics like In This House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence.  She was also the first woman writer to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1921 for the novel The Age of Innocence.  Before writing fiction, she wrote a book about architecture called The Decoration of Houses which she wrote with architect Ogden Cogman Jr. 

Here's the house she designed based on the principals she outlined in her book.

My friend and I took a tour of the house. Although there are very few of Edith Wharton's belongings in the house, I thought the tour was really interesting. My friend said she could have skipped the tour, but to me,it explained so much about the structure and the grounds around it, and also gave some fascinating insights into the author's life, (making in my mind) the visit complete.

We had to pay a small fee for the house tour, but you could walk the grounds for free. The gardens were quite lovely, and they were also hosting a summer sculpture exhibit. I didn't take any photos inside the house, but I did take photos of the gardens, grounds and sculpture exhibit.  Let me share a few photos of the gardens  today.

And yes, you see a dragon in the last photo. I'll show more another day, but that was one of the sculptures on the grounds.

Thanks for visiting. Have a great start to your weekend. 



  1. Dear Erika,
    well, if you have ice storms in winter from time to time, I can understand that you are not looking forward to it sooo enthusiastically ;-) But as far as I know, you have a particularly beautiful autumn time in New Hampshire with great foliage colors - the "Indian Summer " - attracting people from many parts of the world. And I think there are also winter sports opportunities, which I find very tempting. The Northeast would probably be the area in the USA where I could most likely imagine living.
    I really like the photos you show of Edith Wharton's house and garden! I'm already curious if you show more of the dragon, because I love garden sculptures like this and I its play of colors is very pretty.
    And last not least I like your page for the fur and/or feather challenge. Chickadees are really lovely birds, which fortunately also visit us in our garden. And the quote is very true - many forms of art - including music, sculpture... - are ways of expressing things that are difficult to put into words.
    Happy weekend!

  2. Chickadees are so fun and surprisingly bossy for little birds. The Mount gardens and house are beautiful. I really like the dragon which to my mind looks like a sea monster in an ocean of green grass.

  3. A fabulous page with those sweet birds, and wonderful textures too.
    I love the photos of Edith Wharton's house and gardens, it looks beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more pics of the dragon.

  4. Lovely page and wonderful photos you took on the grounds. Yes, summer is leaving us, it is not so bad until November!

  5. I dread winter, too. In m yhead it always lasts forever, all the darkness, especially when the happy Christmas lights are gone.
    And today (!!!!) I saw Christmas deco at the hardware store.
    Great piece of art - glad we can do both, paint and say it in words!

    Never heard of Edith Wharton! The Age of innocence sounds interesting, oh, but I have soooo many books!

    Hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend. So far today: ferries wheel and ice-cream - sunny, and warm!

    What about your bees, btw? Have a nice weekend, hugs!I dread winter, too. In m yhead it always lasts forever, all the darkness, especially when the happy Christmas lights are gone.
    And today (!!!!) I saw Christmas deco at the hardware store.
    Great piece of art - glad we can do both, paint and say it in words!

    Never heard of Edith Wharton! The Age of innocence sounds interesting, oh, but I have soooo many books!

    Hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend. So far today: ferries wheel and ice-cream - sunny, and warm!

    What about your bees, btw? Have a nice weekend, hugs!

  6. Yes, going by weather changes it's Autumn indeed :) But you know I belong to the meteorological season camp ;)

  7. What a fabulous page you've created in your journal. Being in England I have never seen a chickadee in real life but I love to see the ones you have on your page - along with the different papers and the buttons. I especially like the page hole protectors and the doodling.I too am fond of cheeky birds and the chickadees remind me of the bluetits we have who nest around our garden.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps thank you for the lovely photos that followed your page what a fabulous designer she was.
    Hugs, Neet xx Have a great weekend x

  8. Your journal page is fabulous. I was firmly convinced that I had visited you this morning, but evidently I didn't! I love those little birds, they are alway so pretty. And hungry! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  9. Your journal page is lovely. It's great you shared chickadees, because I've never seen one except in photos. I love the recycling aspect, too. Thanks for another great entry for Neet's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    The Mount is beautiful. The grounds are lovely. They have some beautiful flowers and bushes in addition to the sculptures. So glad you shared these.

  10. Love the layers, texture, and bird on your journal page, Erika. I love the words too. I feel inspired by this.

    The house and grounds are lovely. She was brilliant. Wow.


  11. Rich collage page of different BG materials, Erika. The birds are cute. We don't have them, I suppose.
    Have a happy upcoming week 💚🌺

  12. The house and gardens look lovely, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    Enjoy the Labor Day weekend.

    All the best Jan

  13. hi Erika, love your journal and the birds. :) And, such a lovely garden you share. I would love to visit it!

  14. I'm never ready for summer to end!

    My one and only visit to the Mount was in March! It hadn't opened for the season (we window peaked) but it must have been an early spring because looking back on the photos, there is a lot of green. No gardens, though! I loved seeing these beautiful gardens and your wonderful photos. I'd love to visit this spot again in season (and see inside, too.) (Here's my post -- you can compare the difference. Yours is prettier!)


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!