Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fur or Feathers

 Hi everyone. Happy Thursday.

I'm sending thoughts to everyone in the hurricane zones, those of you who might be in Florida as well as those of you in Atlantic Canada who were hit by a rare hurricane too. And I forgot to mention those you in hit in the Caribbean also last week.

Today I want to share another page for Neet's Fur and/or Feather challenge at Art Journal Journey. The challenge ends tomorrow since it is almost October. (Dare I ask where September went?)

I used to be a huge scrapbooker before I got into art journaling and other mixed media forms of art, so I have a lot of 12x12 printed and plain paper that is left over from that time.  I now use it in collages, to make prints on, and occasionally, a piece works for a background. That's what I have today on my ocean inspired piece.  This cloud paper worked perfectly as the sky for this feathered page.

I had made another page with many of these images, which I ended up not liking at all. I couldn't stop working with the sky on that page, and in the end, the sky (or my continuous dabbling) ruined it. Instead of tossing it out, I cut out the images and went for a second try with them on this printed paper.

The sand is made of a piece of burlap. The sea gulls and posts are stamped, colored and fussy cut. I die cut the curly q's as they reminded me of waves, and after I glued them down I added some glitter glue because I wanted to create a bit of spray.  The lighthouse (minus the seagull on it) is an Art by Marlene punch out, which I over-colored to match my page. I then created some "light" coming from the lighthouse using a few colors of glitter glue.  

Finally I stamped the quote.

This week Rain's Thursday Art and Dinner Date is all about hair, and that connection is in my quote. 

I guess I don't find hair very exciting as a topic.  I do have a photo of the Swedish Ivy plant I planted last spring in a pot on my deck. The way it grew I think it looks like flowing long hair.

Especially when we look down on it. 

I keep debating whether to bring this pot inside for the winter. I really don't have a great place for potted plants (maybe because I already have too many-smile). But I really like this plant.

Hope your week is going well. Mine was until last night.

Mr. Pete had his second run in with a skunk when out for his bedtime yard visit. (He was also sprayed when we were away.)  I gave him a wash in the basement, which helped, but that odor still gets into places and just doesn't go away. Today's project is to go find good air purifiers for both the house and the basement. Poor Pete spent the night in the basement, and he cried and barked all night. That meant we didn't sleep very well either. This morning I took him outside, and he got another bath-not his favorite thing, and he smells better. I have the windows in the house open to give it an airing, and it is chilly this morning, but better chilly than stinky. If you've ever smelt a skunk, then you know how awful that odor is.

Have a good Thursday; and I hope there are no stinky skunks are in your life.


  1. We both have lighthouses on our blogs today, and both remind me of my fabulous runaway vacation with Teague. I love your kitty statute. Oh, poor Pete. That smell is horrible and just lingers. Did you bathe him with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide? That's supposed to get rid of the stink better than tomato juice. We have a couple of Levoit air purifiers that work well. Ordered them online.

  2. Such a beautiful page! I love that lighthouse. We call skunk 'Stinktier' (Stinkt means smelly, Tier animal), so I can imagine how stinky the whole basement would be...poor Pete.

  3. Love your lighthouse page, so pretty withe shades of blue and flying burds, love it. Sorry about Pete and the skunk, that must be awful, Poor Pete having to stay in the basement! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Very nice art and I do like your porch with the lovely plants and the cat. The skunk is good luck. The best way to wash the smell from your dog is to bath him in tomato juice. It really works. Have a great day today.

  5. Oh such a wonderful collage art and lovely photos ~ amazing one of the skunk ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Yes, it must b scary to live in such regions. Save little Germany, nature-wise.

    Wonderful piece of art and quote!
    And poor Mr. Pete! We don´t have skunks here. To a non-smelly-day, hugs!

  7. Thank goodness I have never had to smell the effect of a skunk. I have heard it is bad and from what you say it is worse than bad. (I have just been told it is sufficiently powerful to be detected by a human nose 3.5 miles downwind.) Is there any antidote type thing you can use to get rid of the smell? (My OH has just read that 1 quart solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and tsp dishwashing liquid helps when dogs have been squirted. Don't make ahead of time or keep in a bottle or it could explode) Phew!
    Well, after that - I love your journal page today - such a lovely blue sky against those white clouds. I love looking at gulls, most of the ones I see are strikingly clean and white and yours look beautiful against that skyline. I do like how you used burlap for the sand, what a great idea, and the rolling waves with glitter on them for foam is a truly inspired idea.
    The words resonate with me, I love walking along a beach and letting all my cares just blow in the wind, the salt on my lips and hair. Wonderful. No visit to the coast is complete unless you see the sea.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. I love your page, Erika - this is right down my alley, and everything with the ocean and lighthouses is great anyway. Ugh, that skunk! We have skunks passing through out garden almost every night, but thankfully they never had a run-in with the residing cats. But that smell is very familiar for us. I wouldn't want this in my home for sure.

  9. lol, as soon as I saw your lighthouse I got a huge smile on my face.
    Such a nice one with the lighthouse, the birds and the gull sitting on a pole.
    Totally love it!

  10. Poor Mr. Pete. Hope he isn't hanging on the furniture! I remember that scenario for decades back with our dog, Jack. The burlap has a wonderful for texture for the sand. Great idea.

  11. Just love your art work with the waves and the lighthouse.
    I feel sorry for Pete. I 've heard tomato juice works well to get rid of the odor,

  12. ...Ocean air, salty hair, not a care, take me there, count me in! Your plants still look fresh, mine are past prime. For some reason my oldest daughter loves the smell of skunk.

  13. You collage looks so wonderful. Impeccable fussy cuts. I really like the sky too and the glitter glue worked really well for the spray. The little kitty statue is adorable. Poor Pete! I hope you find a good purifier. Happy Weekend to you!


  14. The hurricane news has been scary! Swedish Ivy lives through the winter here. It makes a good ground cover in places where grass won't grow. We appear to have a skunk population here (urban Memphis, TN, who knew?!), and every once in a while I'll smell it. Powerful! I haven't seen one in the road yet... Good luck on the air purifier search.

  15. Been there done that ... my Izzi got sprayed on a Saturday night while out on a potty outing. She was in an Agility trial the next day. I used this recipe for skunk spray and while it wasn't fool proof, it improved her presence a great deal. At least the people didn't have to walk wide circles around us.

    Dog Skunk Shampoo

    1 qt 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

    1/2 C baking soda

    1 t liquid soap

    We had to wash and rinse her twice before we could stand to be around her, but it is the best I had found.

    Love your collage and the quote. All beautifully in balance :) I also like your Swedish Ivy. I Haven't seen it before, but may look into it for my garden next year. Lovely post, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  16. I love your seagull creation, Erika. It took me back to many happy days on the beach in the company of seagulls. Terry and I love to travel, so I don't have plants depending on me. Poor Mr. Pete! Having a run in with a skunk is not pleasant. We have skunks in our neighborhood, although I have never seen one. Their defensive spray is potent and persistent. Have a happy and creative week. Take care!


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