Thursday, September 15, 2022

Make Moments That Matter

Hi everyone. I hope you've had a nice nice week. 

Today I have another mostly scheduled post. It's the last touristy day of our vacation, and today we are driving from Yellowstone back towards Salt Lake City where we fly home from tomorrow. I'm sure we'll find a stop or two along the way to visit.

I always find the last days of trips such a mixed bag of feelings because my time away is ending and there are always those things you want to visit but you don't have time to do. Yet I also am starting to get excited to go home, especially since I miss the dogs, my own bed and  I'm getting exhausted from being on the road. Plus I am sure my daughter is ready to go back to her home too. There’s been a few crisis at our house all while we’ve been gone like a water heater that leaked and had to be replaced and well as Pete and the skunk 😩

I have another page for Neet's Fur and/or Feather challenge at Art Journal Journey.

This is a smaller page (4x6 inches) on some blue-grey cardstock that I had in my stash.

I did a lot of stamping on this journal page. I fussy cut the bird before glueing her down. I also  added color using some paint pen dots. This page made me think of traveling. I think that's because of the earth image. When I travel I take tons of photos so I included the ends of an old filmstrip (that I brought home from school rather than tossing into the trash bin when I cleaned out  my classroom back at retirement time). Thank goodness for digital cameras now rather than the old film  ones. I'd never be able to take so many photos otherwise because I never could afford to get them developed. Smile.

I finished my page with the sticker quote.

Before I come home with all those trip photos, let me share a few pictures of one of the statues from the grounds of The Mount in Lenox, Massachusetts.

This lady named Cecilia was definitely one of the stars of the temporary exhibit. I'm not sure she has fur or feathers, but she sure has an adorable face.

When we listened to the artist talking about her story on our phones, we found out that Cecilia was created during the pandemic, and she became the artist's main companion. 

You can see she wasn't very small either in this next photo.

That's all for me for this post. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you're enjoying your day. 


  1. Glad you are still enjoying the last days of your vacation, it sounds like a memorable trip. I LOVE your pretty journal page with the lovely bird. And Cecilia is gorgoeus! She really has a such a wonderful face! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  2. Cecilia looks really beautiful! Love your cute page today too.

  3. Wonderful page. The bird is ready for her Winter vacation and you're on your way back home. I hope the water heater is fixed or isn't leaking and Pete has recovered from his skunk encounter. That goes for your daughter, too. I love Cecilia! She would make an awesome addition to the Zensical Garden. Enjoy your last day of vacation. Safe travels.

  4. I love that dragon!

    It's difficult when these things happen while you're away, and yet I'd not have had anybody at home to notice. I can't imagine what I'd've come back to. Yikes! I hope the rest of your trip is fun and the home place welcomes you not having suffered further incident :)

  5. Well this is just brilliant. Hope you are having fun.

  6. Cecelia certainly has a beautiful face and she is beautiful all over to be honest. I love the colours she is made up from. Her shape reminds me of the Loch Ness Monster pictures you see, but he is never as beautiful as Cecelia.
    Equally your bird on your journal page is beautiful, again gorgeous colours and I do like the background and the world that fits so well with the words, or the words fit well with the picture I should say.
    Love the film strips, now I am sure I have some negatives somewhere...
    Hugs and safe journey home
    Neet xx

  7. ...too bad that Cecilia is temporary!

  8. Very nice page! I like your stamping :) And this dragon is just amazing! Have a nice weekend :)

  9. your art made me smile. I was a birder and always had trouble ID the birds. My problem is that I recognise them but are unable to recall their names. :)

  10. What an amazing page! The colours look so beautiful and I love the wording 😊. Of course Cecelia stole the show, that is such a fabulous sculpture - love it! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x


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