Thursday, September 22, 2022

One Big Zucchini and Other Harvests

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. 
And Happy first day of fall to you. Fall is a lovely season, my favorite. Good sleeping nights, leaves turning, no mosquitoes,  apples and pumpkins, time to get the garden ready for winter...  
The only tough thing about fall is that it means that winter comes next,especially here in New England, and the winter can just last so long. You just don't know. 

I've been missing from Rain's Art and Dinner Date for the last couple of weeks as my husband and I were traveling. But now that I'm home, I'm back with some food for this week's Harvest Dinner theme.

Before I took off to see a bit of the wild west here in the US, I let this zucchini grow oversized in my garden. I wanted it to grow a little bit bigger than I'd usually let them get  because I wanted to make a mega batch of zucchini bread.

I started with this recipe my mother had sent me many years ago. She found this recipe  in her local newspaper, and it makes a delicious chocolate zucchini bread.

To make my bread, I first had to pull out my food processor to grate the zucchini. I'm including this next photo as I like the pattern it formed. 

I ended up with SO much zucchini, instead of making a couple of loaves,  I used a bundt pan and made a cake sized bread.

And there was enough batter left to make some muffins.

FYI- I added chocolate chips and some chopped walnuts to my batter also.

And still I had zucchini left. Talk about a mega-batch of zucchini bread. And I wasn't yet done.

I made another batch of zucchini bread batter. This time I didn't make the chocolate recipe  but  some cinnamon spice zucchini muffins. I still added the walnuts but added some dried sour cherries. I would have added raisins, but I discovered I didn't have any. The cherries were actually quite yummy, and I will add them again when I ever make my next zucchini bread.

And I also made a loaf too.

I'm not sure all this zucchini bread counts as a harvest dinner, but it does make a good afternoon snack with a cup of tea or even a nice toasted slice for breakfast.

All I can say is that it is a good thing  zucchini bread freezes well. Smile.

And since I've come  home from my wild west adventure, my husband and I stopped at a local orchard and picked some apples.

This was just the other day, so I'm not sure yet what, if anything,  I will make with them. And again, they probably aren't really considered a harvest dinner. However, at least in my humble opinion (smile), an apple is never better than when it's first picked off the tree.
You can bet I've been crunching  and munching on apples this week. 

Thanks for visiting. I hope you have a great Thursday and week ahead.



  1. Your zucchini bread and muffins look really yummy. Happy Thursday


  2. There is no zucchini bread in Greece! I never thought about it! Oh Erika, I am sure I will love it. Please, if possible, send a clear photo of the chocolate zucchini bread recipe in my email. I do not read the photo your posted very well. And I would appreciate if you could tell me how to alter the recipe and make cinnamon spice zucchini muffins. Kisses, sweetie, and thank you in advance.

  3. Both versions of zucchini bread are fantastic! Awesome to enjoy over a pot of freshly brewed tea after a walk :-)

  4. Your zucchini stayed safe from squirrels!

  5. Oh. That disappointment!
    I hoped for a hearty bread, of course!
    But the blender really did some great artwork :-) In the news they said today is the last day of summer. Either way... it will get cold. Hopefully a mild winter.
    And to apples, hugs!

  6. I've never made zucchini bread, but after seeing all your deliciousness here I am very tempted. They look so good - and you sure got a lot out of it! The apples look devine, too. I agree with you, they taste best right fresh off the tree.

  7. Zucchini is amazing! You really got all those bundt pans and muffins all filled with zucchini bread from just ONE zucchini!

    best… mae at

  8. Mmm, zucchini bread and muffins. Your bundt pan is so pretty! Try adding the dried cherries to the chocolate zucchini batter. It will be like Black Forest Zucchini Bread! Today is a good day to stay inside to bake and taste.

  9. I love zucchini. All of your food looks delicious. And we're finally getting some much needed rain where I am in CT.

  10. Hi Erika, lovely post and one that has my mouth watering. All that wonderful baking and there is nothing quite like a super fresh apple. Love to see your Mom's writing on that recipe. A keepsake. Yes we are cooling down overnight here in Ontario. The season is changing over.

  11. I'd call it a harvest dinner. At least, cooking from harvest! Love your zucchini bread cake. Gorgeous in that bundt pan!

  12. A couple of years ago it seemed that everyone we knew had a bumper crop of zucchini and it hardly seemed possible to visit anyone without returning home with an armload of zucchini. We made pasta sauce, zucchini bread, zucchini muffins, zucchini scones and doubtless other items I have forgotten. It go to the point where people would say, "Don't don't bring me zucchini bread in return. I already have a freezer full!" No cornucopia this year, however. We haven't even been given one! Hugs - David

  13. For sure it all can be called Harvest as that's what you did, you harvested your Zucchini and of course apples are a fall harvest item as well. Wow, I want some of your Chocolate Zucchini bread muffins of Bundt cake. They all look delicious. I had never thought of toasting Zucchini bread. I really must try that. Love your recipe and think I may have to try it out here at home. So what kind of apples were you picking ... the ones on the trees look like Jonathans, but the one in your hand looks more like Honey Crisp. Whatever, I would be munching on them too. We used to go to the Orchards, but the last two years the kids have been too busy at work, so we haven't gone. I guess I will have to live it vicariously through you :) Lovely post, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  14. Your baked zucchini products look scrumptious, Erika. And those apples are gorgeous! Lucky you. Enjoy! And have a happy and relaxing weekend!

  15. wow lots of great baking going on here. Apples oh I wish I could get a harvest of them. Have a wonderful day today.

  16. Your zucchini bread and muffins look so delicious and definitely yummy :)

    All the best Jan

  17. How well I remember making many loaves of zucchini bread when we lived in VA and had a backyard garden. Amen to it freezing well too. I made ones with the usual nuts and also with chocolate chips, even a cheddar zucchini bread. Your chocolate one looked so good and I may also borrow your mom’s recipe, but will have to use store bought zukes😕 You are so right, Erika, in that a slice goes well with a cup of tea or cold milk.

  18. It all looks sooo delicious! That apple is bigger than the ones I buy at the grocery. Nice size.

  19. Wow, so many delicious bakes! I bet they all tasted yummy 😊. Take care and happy Fall! Hugs Jo x

  20. I made zucchini bread once. I didn't have a food processor like you have, so I grated mine by hand. You got a ton of goodies from the one lone zucchini. They do seem to multiply when you are using them. I love your beautiful bundt pan. And everything you made makes me want to find something sweet to eat right now. Gorgeous baked goods.

  21. I was amazed by that bundt pan. I have never seen one with that shape. It seems strange that you could get the bread out without spoiling it. :)

  22. I have never seen such a bread pan before. Must be hard to get the bread out without it breaking.


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