Saturday, October 22, 2022


Hi everyone. Happy Saturday. I hope you're starting off the weekend in a good way. 

I thought I would share a few more Yellowstone photos with you today as I am making headway as I go through all the photos I took.

Back on T Day a couple of weeks ago I shared some buffalo with you, and today I thought I would share some elk. 
We visited during September which was mating season for elk, and when we arrived in Mammoth Hot Springs, one male and his harem had taken over some of the grass near a building.

The rangers with their megaphones were out in full force for protection, and if you dared to step out of your car near this group, you were told to get back into your vehicle. 

You could however drive over and park and watch them from your car. That's why you get a bit of car dashboard along the bottom of the photos. 
This bull had quite the set of antlers on him. And he a large harem of cows too, 

According to the ranger we spoke with across the street and in a safe zone to get out and walk, this area of Mammoth Hot Springs has heritage grass as it is a historical zone. The elk love this type of grass to eat, and that attracts them to this location.

Mammoth Hot Springs originally was Fort Yellowstone. This was back in the day before there were Park Rangers. At this fort, soldiers controlled poaching by arresting those caught doing it, educated early visitors, provided medical care to those who needed it, fought fires and expelled anyone trying to set up a homestead within the park. 

On the day we arrived, Mammoth Hot Springs was definitely an elk haven.
Be careful where you step.

And looking back into Mammoth Hot Springs as we headed on our way, you can still see all the elk out in the grassy area.

We also saw another harem later that evening when we stopped to get dinner at the cafe at the Lake Yellowstone housing area.  I didn't get as many photos here as it was almost dark, but these elk look more natural in this environment.

Compared to our 2003 trip to this park, we saw a lot more wildlife this time than we had on our first visit.  This next photo is terrible as it was on the door of the building where our hotel room was, and I had a lot of reflection, but it always good to keep in mind.

Have a great rest of your weekend. And thanks for stopping by.


  1. They are... majestic!
    That we have "heritage grass" is... I cannot decide. Evolution is always there, as is pollution, sad grass has to be protected, good it is done.

    Haha, no need to tell a German to tell where to step. Dog poo all over, I lost two pair of shoes before I really learned.... the dark half of the year is especially dangerous!

    Yes. I would not want to meet an adult elk in real life (or the kid, mama is just behind...)

    Thank you for sharing and to a great weekend - we´ll have Brussels Sprouts! Yay!

  2. It is very sound advice to maintain a safe distance from these large, powerful and sometimes irascible animals. I have seen them wandering the streets of Estes Park, CO and even lying on people's lawns. One had even climbed the steps up onto a front porch. I suppose that in a sense they are merely regaining the territory we have taken from them. Hugs - David

  3. It's really cool to get so close to those animals. They can be intimidating when you get too close though.

  4. The elk are really magnificent and that fella in the first picture has quite the set of horns. They look quite at home by the building and really beautiful in the natural setting. Enjoy today!

  5. Beautiful photos of the Elk. Yellowstone is a magical place. Have a lovely weekend.

  6. I don't think I've ever seen an elk before - they are gorgeous, the antlers on that guy are impressive!

  7. Just loved seeing your photographs, the elk are magnificent.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  8. Fabulous Elk, I wish there were some on the grass in our backyard. We get an occasional deer, but no elk here. Love the photos you took, thanks! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Wow, and I thought deer were bad. Those Elk look like they think they own the place. :-) They are beautiful.

  10. "Elk haven" sounds exciting. And dangerous. What beauties they are!

  11. LOL, the elk dung reminded me right off of Paris, France, where dog poo is everywhere. Kinda ruined my vacay when we walked anywhere. You either look up and around and step in it, or eyes down at the ground and miss all the views. So glad we had a couple of bus tours! The elk info and photos are fascinating. Me thinks they come there for more than the grass. That bull is a busy guy! And yes, we are all always responsible for our own protection, whether or not we all want to be. XOX

  12. What beautiful photographs Erika! I am very impressed to see that you can be so close to these magnificent wild animals. They are very calm despite the cars passing in front of them.
    Happy Monday, and send big hugs,

  13. How amazing it must be for those homeowners to find that elk herd in their backyard. I wondered if there might be some measures taken to deter them from the area.

  14. I so enjoyed seeing all the elk! When we stayed at Yellowstone I opened the curtains to find an elk right outside the window, it really made me jump 😊. Thanks for sharing! Hugs Jo x

  15. I knew I was running behind, I just didn't realize how much. Those elk are majestic and beautiful, but I would never get close to them. I hope you had a great lens to take all those great shots. They came out great. Nice that you shred the poster in your hotel room, too.

  16. Thanks for your comment on my blog - so funny, I don't know who was more scared, the elk or me 😊. Hugs, Jo x

  17. WOW! Now, can you imagine walking down the street and seeing that? I love elk but I've never seen any so urban!


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