Sunday, November 27, 2022


Hi everyone. 

I want to share this page over at Art Journal Journey for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's food or collage fodder challenge. It's actually a page I made back in the summer and never posted, but it fits the collage theme.  Since November is starting to wind down, I figured I better post it before I ran out of time.

 For some reason this page makes me think of a murder mystery, possibly because of the snippets of ephemera I added to it. (And/or maybe because I read a lot of vintage mysteries-smile.)

Mary Mastersleuth and her dog Charlie are on the case of the body in the flower garden. Mary is (as my page mentions) sassy, classy and a bit bad-assy too.And she is one good detective. 

Lord Slumberbun was an avid gardener, but also a man who treated his flowers better than any of the people in his life. After a particularly distasteful conversation with his business partner, Slumberbun went out to work in his garden. When he didn't come inside for dinner, his wife called the police. They found his body in the garden. After they questioned everyone, Lord Slumberbun's business partner was immediately put on the top of the suspect list.

But Slumberbun's wife didn't see how the business partner could have done it. She thinks it was some local "bad" youth who hang around the streets and attempt to steal  people's wallets. Of course what no one  knows is that Slumberbun's wife and business partner are in the middle of a torrid love affair, but neither wants to do in Slumberbun.  His wife won't inherit any of his money, and the business partner feels that the business will fail quickly without Slumberbun's name attached to it.

In comes Mary Mastersleuth with Charlie. She finds some scraps of paper as you see on my page, as well as a ticket from the Isle of Man. And what else does she find? Well, this page is only some clues, but I like this story idea, so I may have to give writing it a try. Smile.

There are still a few days left to join Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's challenge over at Art Journal Journey. The challenge runs through the end of the month. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 



  1. It will be a dark and stormy night, perfect for a cozy mystery. Enjoy the rest of the weekend

  2. Fabulous and fun mystery page. Hugs, Valerie

  3. The journal and the story behind it is original!!! Wonderful!!!
    Happy Advent! Hugs- Elke

  4. I love your mystery page, Erika.

  5. Now I want to know the end of the story. But what enamored me was the dial on a telephone. This is collage fodder at its finest. thanks for this great entry at AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme, dear Erika.

  6. A-HA! lol Cool idea and page. Have a good week, XOX

  7. I 100% go with Elizabeth! Great page and I feel the urge to call someone ;-)
    To a great new week - I´ll join tomorrow, too, hugs

  8. The Old Rotary Phone Rocks - Dig The Dog For Sure - Always Enjoy Checking In Here - Be Well My Friend


  9. What an elegant lady. And that fabulous hat!


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