Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wrapping Up November

 Hi everyone.

It is hard to believe it is the last day of November. I think November is always one of the fastest months of the year, and this year it seemed to go by twice as fast as usual.

Before we start new December challenges, let me send a big thanks to both Elizabeth and her sidekick Bleubeard for hosting at Art Journal Journey during November. I also want to thank everyone who shared their food, collage, or food & collage combined pages too.

Today I have my final page for Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's Food or Collage Fodder challenge over at Art Journal Journey. This is a collage that seemed to keep needing bits and pieces before it told me it was finished. 

I started with a page from an old dictionary glued down on some watercolor paper. Then I added some papers that reminded me of cloth, and I stitched them down using  my machine. You may have to look carefully to see the stitching.

In the middle of my page I added a paper doily and also this face that I cut out of a copy of an old portrait. I was still feeling like my page looked like cloth or a quilt at this time so I glued down some old buttons as well as a bit of actual lace.

However, my page still felt a bit unfinished, so I added a couple of bits of vintage style printed tissue paper to my background. Aftering glueing this down,  my page felt less like cloth. I didn't really like the way the brown tissue stood out, so I used some pink spray paint around the edge of my page. 

OK, this page still didn't feel complete to me, so I added the pine boughs stickers as well as the dried looking rose sticker. Now my page felt a bit like a vintage Christmas, so I added the stamped words. 

And there you have it. I tried flattening this page under some heavy books for several days, and it still didn't quite flatten out, but it flattened enough, although in these photos it still looks a bit crooked.  And even though it might have taken quite a bit to finish this page,  I do like the end results. I hope you do also.

And look, I have brussel sprouts in my garden.

I moved my  cold frame over my plants. I know brussel sprouts don't mind cold weather, but they also can freeze if it gets too cold. I just hope they don't freeze before the little sprouts have a chance to get a bit bigger. My goal is to pick them at the end of the week. . 

We need to put the cold frame away for the winter in case we get a lot of snow. I don't want the snow weight to crack it.  If I can pick the sprouts by this weekend, then the cold frame can go into the screen porch and my husband can cover over  the doors and close it off for the winter.  (Right now my screen porch is full of all the yard paraphernalia and all the panels are covered in plastic except for the doors. My husband is antsy to finish closing it off since it is almost December.)  I'm excited to see if the fresh brussel sprouts  taste any different from the ones you get at the store.

That's all for me today.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy last day of November to you.


  1. What beautiful and also fitting work! I was told off twice for being too hectical...

    You.have.Brussels.Sprouts in the garden? Ohhhhh, hmmm, we had frozen ones (we warmed them up of course ;-) ... on the weekend, YUM.
    Yes, please share if they taste better! Hugs

  2. Thumbs up for you growing your own Brussels sprouts!

  3. This is really beautiful Erika, what a lovely page. I love that you grew brussel sprouts! I haven't grown them for a while but they just taste so much fresher than in the shops. It's traditional to have sprouts with the xmas dinner here, whether you like them or not! It's the rule lol.

  4. I like collage and will miss seeing these.

    "Snow weight". It amazes me.

  5. I love your page Erika, great colours and layout, really good. And how cool to have sprouts in your garden! This month has really sped by, and tomorrow it will be December! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I really like the face you choose for this art piece. ANDDDDDD Brussels!!!! That is fabulous. Have a very nice day today.

  7. Brussel sprouts! I love it. I grew them once. They grow so fun. November just blew right past me. Blink. Gone.

  8. Ooh, you must tell us what the new brussels taste like. I bet they are a whole lot nicer than the store bought ones. Not that I am a big sprout eater.
    Love your journal page - what a fabulous collage and I can see how much fun you had making it. Love the fact that you went pinks instead of the usual browns and fawns too. So much to see and I can understand the urge to keep adding to it. Lovely now it is finished.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. You didn't stop when you created this beauty. I can't get over how many layers you added until you were satisfied it was the way you wanted it. It is fabulous and a perfect final page for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

    I have never seen how Brussels sprouts grew before. This is fascinating.

  10. I'm sure your Brussels Sprouts will be good ...

    All the best Jan

  11. Did your sprouts make it? I hope so. It's been relatively warm here (40s) but much colder the past couple of days. No snow though. Even teeny Brussels are good -- you just need more of them! I saw some about that size in the store last week and almost bought them but my fridge was too full!


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