Thursday, December 8, 2022


Hi everyone. Happy Thursday to you.

Today I have a journal page that combines Jo's Snowy Winter theme at Art Journal Journey as well as Rain's  Art and Dinner Date theme of Constellations.

It is hard to combine those 2 themes as when it is snowing the sky is cloudy, and you can't see any constellations. Smile. 
But I did it anyhow.  I even made the sky look like an aura borealis. 

I started by inking my page black. Then on the top part of my page I sprayed red and pink inks. On the bottom I sprayed some white ink. The red and pinks are the color of my aurora borealis and obviously the white is the snowy ground.

In the middle of my page I used an acetate ancient looking sky chart.  As it must be night to see stars (unless of course you get hit hard over the head-smile),  I thought I'd show Mr Bear going for an early winter's night stroll. It's one of the last he'll take before he dens up to sleep for a few months. Mr. Bear is a  pre-printed chipboard image.

I added some silver painted wooden stars, a chipboard snowflake I stenciled on as well as some small confetti foam snowflakes. And I finished with a couple of lines of quotes.

And for the dinner part of Rain's Art and Dinner date this week, let me share some leftover's soup I recently made.

My husband and I had Thanksgiving dinner at a family member's home, and although that was lots of fun, we  didn't have any leftovers. The weekend after Thanksgiving one of our local grocery stores was selling halves of a turkey (it was cut the long way), so we bought one. We had 3 meals from it, and then all that was left was the leg and the wing. The other day I pulled the meat off of those pieces, and then I tossed these leftovers  into some turkey stock. To finish the soup, I cleaned out the veggie drawer of the fridge. Here you have it, some turkey and veggie soup.

That's all for me. I hope you have a good Thursday. 



  1. Great page! and clever idea.
    And yummy food. One day I´ll have a turkey!
    To a happy Thursday, hugs :-)

  2. What a beautiful page! I love the light blue and pinky combo. The soup looks warming and tasty.

  3. Beautiful constellation page and I know the leftovers soup is good my sis in law does the same and it is yum

  4. Wow that is a beautiful art piece and the left overs look so good. Have a nice day today.

  5. I like that wintry sky. The soup looks delicious!

  6. Your journal page is fabulous, Erika. I like the colors they used, they are so hamonious and just make a very calm background. I think your way of combining the two themes worked out really well. Your soup looks delicious, too - I love to make good meals with leftovers. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  7. I like your choice for Auroras colors. Aurora B comes in many colors and all beautiful. I have been wondering what the circled image was. Of course, a star chart :) Cool!

  8. Very creative collage art work ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. That page looks great, and your leftover's soup delicious.

    All the best Jan

  10. I like how the snowflakes look like constellations on your page. We finished the gallons and gallons of turkey soup I made after Thanksgiving. Bundle up.

  11. What a fun and unique journal page. I love your take on aurora borealis. This makes a good constellation page and yet, you found a way to honor Jo's snowy theme, too. Nice bird and that sky chart is a great find. Mr. Bear is a real cutie.

    Your soup looks good. I see you left the skin on your turkey. I bought a roasted chicken at Sam's and ate the white meat. I shredded the dark meat and back and made chicken noodle soup. It looked very similar to your soup minus the noodles I made. I am not fond of those crinkly egg noodles you get in packages at the store, so I made my own using my (great) Aunt Betty's recipe.

    Hope your week is going well, dear.

  12. Nice winter response Erika. Great yummy food too.
    Happy Friday.


  13. I love your beautiful page, such fabuous colours. And I would love a portion of your food, now! Now I know what I will make over the weekend, I have lots of veggies in the fridge. Hugs, Valerie

  14. Your soup looks both delicious and nutritious and a great way to clean out all the veggies in the fridge. Hugs - David

  15.'s soup time in this house too. Your are culinary art!

  16. This is a lovely piece. Your background is beautiful. We had soup from our TG chicken the other night, too.Soup's the best!

  17. Beautiful Northern Lights sky above your bear - it's fabulous!
    Alison x

  18. The wintry page is magical looking. Love the colours and the look of the aurora borelius...bad spelling, I know. My hubby makes a delicious turkey soup as well.

  19. Your page is beautiful Erika, and the soup looks very warming and delicious.

  20. Ooh that soup looks so warm and inviting. I love a good soup like that.
    Well Erika, that is an interesting combination you have used for your journal page here. As usual I first turn to admiring the background and the colours you use, so beautiful and harmonising. Love how you have incorporate the bear.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. This is beautiful Erika-I love the pink sky. I do love a 'use it up' soup, yours looks delicious, hugs, Chrisx

  22. wonderful winterpage ! the idea is fabulous !
    Yummy soup, I love it
    Happy advent, hug Elke

  23. Your journal page is gorgeous Erika! I love the colour palette you chose! Cleaning out the veggie drawer is one of my "go to" soups! ☺ Add some pasta and it makes a comforting Minestrone!

  24. Such a beautiful page! Loving the constellations and the aura borealis colours with those pretty snowflakes and Mr Bear - perfect 😊. Thanks for the Snowy Winter inspiration and wishing you a wonderful day! Hugs Jo x

  25. Very creative of you to combine the two themes so perfectly. It's lovely!! The soup looks delicious, and very cosy and warm too.



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