Thursday, December 15, 2022

Holiday Journal

 Hello everyone. Happy Thursday to you.

One thing I like to do between Thanksgiving and New Years is keep a little holiday inspired journal. I used to keep it more of a written journal with some art thrown in, but now it's more of just an art journal with a tiny bit of writing thrown in. I  number my pages with the date, and my "rule" is what I put on each page just needs to be something to do with that particular day. 

For example, on the 4th I finally got around to putting away my very summery clothes and took out my heavy winter clothes. And in the process I made a huge mess.  So here's my page for that day.

 I'm really trying  to be a little less specific and a little more abstract (in a broad sense) about what I am trying to show on my page. That's hard for me because my art brain doesn't really think abstract art, so when I look at my clothes change-over page I want to add something more specific to it. Like maybe an image of clothing.  But I am resisting as it's part of the learning and art growth process.

This journal is small, and since I am working on it on an almost daily basis, I haven't had time to flatten the pages out very well. You'll have to excuse some of my photos. In this next photo please excuse the tiny tip of my finger that was holding the page flat and the slight angle everything is at since  with the  major page curl going on it was really hard to photograph.

Rain's Art and Dinner Date theme this week is gift wrap. You're in luck (ha-ha) because I spent one afternoon wrapping my Christmas gifts and that was the theme of my journal page that day.

I took bits of the paper scraps and made a border, used a red and green pen to create the stripes, and I cut a Santa  out of a paper scrap. I also used some thin foil tape to make ribbon and outline my page. Finally I added some stamped and cut out postage images. It's a pretty bright page for my taste, and it's a little messy even for me, but it works.

And I have one more page with some gift wrap on it, only the gift wrap this time was the ready made  image and not my actual paper scraps.

There's no food for me this week since I've forgotten to take any photos. With snow arriving tonight and lasting into  tomorrow (and maybe even a bit of Saturday), I'm hoping it will  be a good time to start my cookie baking bonanza, so hopefully next week I'll have something interesting to share.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. Ohhh, journaling. I love doing that. Been a journaler all my life. Do you remember that magazine from the writing folks, called journaling or something like that. I don’t recall the magazine sticking around long though.

    Love your idea of an art journal with a little writing tossed in. Delightful.

    Excited to see your upcoming post about your Cookie Baking Bonanza! What a fun title.

  2. You look really busy with all that Christmas activity — good to see you have time for this visual/conceptual documentation of what your are doing.

    best… mae at

  3. Some really fun pages today, Erika. I really love the one with umbrella.

  4. I love all your journal pages -- they're great!

  5. Good morning, I love your journal pages very much

  6. It looks like such a fun project :)

    Our weeks of rain have ended, and today we're getting sunshine and 34F. Brrrr!!! But no snow.

  7. Ohh love all your pages Erika ! They are sublime ! I always enjoy the details and so wonderful design, and colours you create.
    I wish you a merry Christmas, and great winter !
    Sending big hugss

  8. Such a fun journal. Had to laugh about putting all your Summer clothes away and taking out all the Winter things and making a mess. I was complaining to Himself that the more I clean, the messier this place looks. I'm hoping the messy mix we supposed to get turns all to rain. Stay warm

  9. I have never been a journaling type. I am so impressed that you keep a specail one during the holidays. Very nice indeed. Have a lovely day.

  10. Lovely pages in our journal. My bedroom and closet look really bad, I can't find anyything! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  11. ...Erika, I hope that Santa helps to make you Christmas a merry one.

  12. Love your Journal pages. How do you do the pages and get the projects done at the same time. You must be very good at managing your time. Yes the snow is coming and it is time to plan around staying home and finding things to do where you can stay warm. Baking cookies sounds like a great idea to me :) Be warm and cozy Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. I enjoyed seeing your lovely pages :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Oh this is a good idea to have a holiday journal, sounds like you've been doing them in prior years, too. I found out yesterday I won a year's worth of Gecko Galz junk journal kits, so with that and my top secret May project (lol winkwink), it's a sign, so I've begun making some thin journals to add pages to. Finally, the idea of junk journals appeals to me, lol. I hope you have a good weekend and stay warm. We are getting more rain and the temps are dropping for a bone-chilling night (yes, we have those, the lovely humidity!) xoxo

  15. Hi Erica, I like your black friday artwork :)

  16. I enjoyed seeing your journal pages, Erika. I'm impressed that you wrapped your presents on December 8th. I still have to wrap mine. Then I have to do some Christmas cookie baking. I love the Christmas season. Wishing you lots of fun and Merry Christmas.

  17. Your holiday journal is absolutely charming! I love each and every journal page. (I'm still wrapping... well done, you!)

  18. lol, you must have a very long summer. Switching clothes this late. It will soon be time to bring it back again. :)

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas. :)

  19. I love your journal pages Erika! Especially the rain falling on the umbrella! ♥


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