Monday, December 26, 2022

T Stands for Dinner by Lantern Light

 Hi everyone.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, if you celebrate any of these holidays. And this is already our last T Day for 2022. It's time to share your drinks and maybe chat a bit about life.

The horrible storm that blasted across the US hit us on Friday the 23rd. We had strong winds which knocked out our power on the morning of the 23rd and it stayed out until afternoon on Christmas Day. I know none of them will probably see my blog, but thanks to the power crews who worked through the holiday weekend to restore so many outages.  I hope everyone who was out of power has it back.

And then it got cold. For us a low of 10 degrees (-12 degrees C) with  an added wind chill seems to happen at least once every winter, but it's still very cold. I know many of you  had even colder temperatures or even lots of snow, so I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe until temperatures return to normal.

When the power went out my husband hooked up the generator so we could have water (as we get ours through  a well on our property), some of our lights,  the refrigerator, and the TV. However, our generator isn't powerful enough to run the stove, dishwasher and microwave, so on the 24th, when we had our family Christmas  celebration, we did some cooking on the woodstove.

For breakfast we had bacon, pancakes and French toast. In the above photo is my husband as I put him in charge of the bacon.

And the lack of power didn't stop us from having breakfast mimosas. Here's my link to this week's T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

And our Christmas dinner was by lantern light. The table isn't exactly beautifully laid out, but it was the best it was going to be. You can also see the leftover Prosecco from breakfast as well as a bottle of red wine we had with dinner for more drink related items for T.

Luckily I had some foresight and made a beef stew the previous Thursday night when we had power, as well as a batch of popovers. The stew heated well on the woodstove, as did the popovers, so we had a  nice meal with some lantern light. Even though we can run lights with our generator, for some reason the  light over the  table didn't work well on generator power, and the bulbs kept flashing. That meant  lanterns it would be, and they worked well.

We had a very nice holiday though. It was just my husband and myself on Christmas, and luckily the power came back on after our woodstove cooked brunch. I was able to use the oven and stove top to make us a  little Christmas dinner. We also watched the first 4 Die Hard movies in our movie marathon and had a relaxing low key weekend. 

And look at what my son-in-law made me for Christmas. It's a beautiful wood sign for my bees.

 Back in the' autumn we'd been discussing names about what I should call my bees, and I'd suggested Two Pups. He did a fantastic job catching the likeness of my 2 dogs on the sign.

He even put a hook on the back of my new sign so I can hang it on my screen porch come spring when we open it back up.

 I also wanted to share some fun cards I have received for the holiday from some blogger friends. I know there's been some mail issues because I've been told there 's another card in the mail somewhere in the process of crossing the pond. Hopefully it will be here soon, but I know the spirit of the card has reached me even if the card has not yet gotten here. Thanks in advance Elle.
And also thanks to Valerie for the very lovely digital card.

This beautiful candle photograph on this first card is from the Carola.

And Jeanie at the Marmalade Gypsy sent this fun Santa gnome.

And last but definitely not least is this fabulous fun holiday tree from our hostess Elizabeth. And Bleubeard too of course.

Thank you all for your lovely  holiday mail. It is always appreciated. 
As also thanks for all the wonderful holiday wishes I receive digitally. 

That's all for me this week. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe T day and the rest of 2022 also.


  1. Were the beautiful candles on this first card hand made? I find skinny candles that burn out in a short time frustrating.

  2. Looks like that you had a great X'mas, Erika. Bacon for the breakfast is the best :-)

  3. Sounds like a "pioneer" Christmas, good thing you didn't have days of below 0 that was the worse part for us from this storm.
    You received really lovely cards for Christmas and I love your sign too for your bees. Nice work
    The handmade cards you have made were really wonderful too, that I viewed on T posts.
    Enjoy the last of 2022 and Happy T hugs Kathy

  4. Good thing that you have a wood stove so you at least had heat when the power went out. You really made the best of the situation, it is almost romantic. We have the same lantern for blackouts and camping, they are really good. I think you had a lovely Christmas and were even able to watch the Die Hard movies that you wanted to. You also received beautiflul cards. I hope the remaining days of the year will be good ones for you and you have a wonderful new year, Erika.

  5. Gladx you managed to enjoy your Christmas even though the power was out. Good to have a wood burner at such times. Love the sign your son in law made for you, really fantastic . Have a great week, happy T Day, Valerie

  6. I'm so glad your electricity came back on relatively quickly as opposed to having to wait weeks or months. I love your pioneer spirit and the meals you prepared. The sign for your apiary is fantastic. Your SIL did a fantastic job and the sign is so you! Happy T Day

  7. You did very well coping with the power outage, Erika. We were lucky. Even though there were interruptions in service in many parts of the province we never lost ours. For two days we didn't go outside other than to fill bird feeders, which is unusual for us, but we were snug, warm and well fed (too well fed) indoors. We did have to cancel an out of town visit to Miriam's daughter and family, but that is rescheduled for today. It's heartwarming to see the cards you received from your fellow bloggers. All the very best for 2023. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the sign for your apiary is really lovely - so well done. That would have been the Christmas highlight for me. Hugs - David

  8. Yes, you are even in German news with that weather. We have 6C.
    The bacon-pic sure made me smile :-) Hmmmm....
    And you drink and table look beautiful!
    Really. I cannot remember a blackout here. We lived with a gas-latern in Australia, other we always had everything (spoiled brat, am I).
    I see all the snow, the cold weather you have. The temps, oh, by golly.
    At least you have your hubby and WOW on that sign!!!! Wonderful, your bees will love that, I can imagine. So creative, a paw as hive. You must be proud!
    Ans such fun cards, too!
    Oh, I did nothing at all. And I mean that. (taxes, ahhhh)
    To a happy holiday season! hugs

  9. Happy T-day, Erika.

    We had a cold snap too and were in danger of losing power and water (according to the calls the water company kept making to us). Luckily we didn't lose either, but we were braced for it. You seemed very prepared and took it well. So fun you made the best of it and have a great set up for doing some light cooking.

    Super fun cards you received and I love that sign your SIL made - so thoughtful.

    Hugz and Happy New Year

  10. Great to see how you made the best of things despite the storm and the power being out! I hope you have a good rest-of-the-holidays!

    best… mae at

  11. Well it looks like you managed pretty well with no power. Everything looks beautiful. Nice gift from your SIL too. Stay warm, over there.

  12. oh my goodness, -12C!!! I thought we were bad with -8C but you definitely win with that low temp, I'm cold just thinking about it, and then no power! You are so lucky to have a generator and a wood stove, it probably felt a bit like camping indoors, cooking on the stove and lantern lights, maybe even a bit special for Christmas? I love the wood sign you got for your bees, it looks great with the dogs on it. Happy Holidays and Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas despite the cold snap and power outage 😊. Loving your new bee sign, how cool is that and such a thoughtful gift - perfect! Take care and stay warm! Happy T Day wishes, enjoy the rest of the holidays and all the very best for 2023! Hugs Jo x

  14. Oh dear, but quite romantic! Were you supposed to be just the two of you? Or was your daughter coming but culdn't?
    Good that you had the woodstove. Here in Holland it was dry and mild temperatures.
    I love your bee board! Lets hope they survive this cold winer.
    You too have received happy mail.
    I'm sorry to be late but hapy T-Day and a happy New Year!,

  15. We're still laboring under a boil water warning, but at least we have water we can boil and the power outages seem to be over. A mimosa sounds like a great idea!

  16. It's a Christmas you will never forget, perhaps far more memorable than some before and some to come. You made do VERY well indeed! Lovely cards all -- thank for sharing mine!

  17. Well it looks like you had a fabulous Christmas despite being without power.. It was just my hubby and me too.. A Die Hard Marathon would have been right up our alley.. We were without water! Some of our pipes froze.. Both toilets froze!!! That was not fun.. lol.. But the good news is everything thawed out the next day and we managed to keep it unfrozen by flushing toilets and running water.. Hope that doesn't happen again for a little while.. 'knock on wood'.. Love your wood sign and your Christmas cards! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  18. Oh my! What a Christmas adventure you had, Erika! That storm hit us a few days before it hit you but thankfully our power stayed on. At least you had the cook stove to make some food. I love your Christmas spread by candlelight. It sounds like you had a wonderful time together despite the weather.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

  19. I was SURE I left you a comment on your Christmas adventure, but it is obvious I didn't. You fared quite well considering the circumstances. To be honest, I thought I had it bad since I had no phone or internet. I had it GOOD compared to you. If I had lost power, both the boys and I would have probably frozen to death since my home has zero insulation (or so it seems).

    What a great new aviary sign. And it is HUGE, too.

    Love Carola's and Jeanie's cards. So special. Sorry I know you would have preferred a card to a tip-in, but I just HAD to send a tip-in because I was too ashamed to send a purchased card.

    Thanks for sharing your breakfast mimosas and food, as well as your dinner wine with us for T this week. BTW, I have one of those black lanterns and they are really quite handy.

  20. OOPS. I have you growing birds, not bees. Apiary, NOT aviary! Amazing what one little letter can do to change everything.

  21. Well, that was certainly a ;bit different Christmas for you two but it sounds absolutely adorable. I love the idea of cooking on the burner and using lanterns and things. all very Christmassy to my mind.
    The plaque (enormous) that your sil made you is fantastic. Wow, how lucky are you.
    Great to see you with it and good to see hubby doing his bacon.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  22. We had a storm, too. that is why we are having Christmas this week. The 22 or 23rd we didn't have power off and, on all morning, but finally it came on and stayed on, however for two days no internet, land phone or tv. Very interesting. Didn't miss tv or land phone as much as the internet! I was thankful for my unsmart cell phone. You and hubby did very well with the power outage. Happy belated t day.


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