Thursday, December 22, 2022

Wishing You a Wonderful Holiday

Hi everyone. This is my last post for a few days since tomorrow (the 23rd) I need to get a lot of things finished. That is as long as the heavy winds during the big storm that arrives  tonight don't knock out our power. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen. (And luckily we're going to have a short warm up so it will be rain coming in rather than snow, but like the temperatures so many of you are getting, the  bitter cold is coming in right after the storm.)

My daughter is coming tomorrow night, my son-in-law is coming first thing Saturday morning, and Saturday will be our family Christmas. It's a little weird  to celebrate on the 24th since we've always celebrated on the 25th, but now that my daughter is married, we need to be a bit more flexible.  The hubby and I plan a Die Hard movie marathon on the 25th, and we'll be making a nice holiday dinner for just the 2 of us.

I have an art journal page for today which I am linking up to a whole bunch of challenges.
First of all, my page today is for Rain's  Thursday Art and Dinner Date, where the theme is a Christmas scene. As I'm not posting anything new tomorrow, this is also for Nicole's Friday Face Off and I'm also linking up to Gillena's Friday Lunch Break. 
And last but never least, I added some snowflakes and I am linking up to Jo's Snowy Winter challenge at Art Journal Journey

The Santa was on the cover of a Vermont Country Store catalogue I received in the mail. I used my printer/copier to copy him onto  heavier paper, and then I fussy cut him out. I used some spray paint and a stencil to make the background. Santa made me think of children, and even though these 2 vintage cuties look like they are a little afraid of Santa, I added them and made a pile of snow for them to stand on. Perhaps  once Christmas comes and they get a few new toys, they'll  smile. 

I die cut the snowflakes and added them so my page also would work for Jo's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

And I have been doing some baking. Last week I made this Scandinavian advent bread from a cookbook I borrowed.

It's made with some butter and milk, as well as white and spelt flour. It actually called for some whole wheat flour, but since I didn't have any on hand I substituted the white. The topping is a maple glaze which was easy and tastes amazing. My maple syrup is on the browner side (the maple sap gets browner as the season goes on) and comes from my son-in-law's family syrup house. His parents gave us a few quarts of fresh maple syrup as I'm not fussy about the color.

I soaked the dried fruit in some vanilla vodka first rather than the sherry the recipe called for. This bread is really moist and delicious. I may have to see if I can find a copy of this cookbook since this bread is so good I want to make it again. Plus there are several other recipes I'd like to try.

I've also been on a cooking baking binge. I know I showed this photo for T this week, but here it is again.

Last Sunday I made a bunch of cookie doughs, and then earlier this week I spent an afternoon making  cookies from the doughs.

From top to bottom in this photo (above) are spritz, festive pecan sandies that I forgot to put the pecans on top, hazelnut balls, sugar cookies and some lime icebox cookies.

I also made some gingerbread dough, but for some reason it just crumbled, and I couldn't roll it out for the cookie cutters. I might have to make that one again because it's my daughter's cookie of choice. 

I really would like to also make some gingerbread (in cake form), but I'm not sure if that will happen or not. If I feel like it maybe on Christmas I'll whip one up in the morning.

(FYI: I'm writing this part Friday morning. We have severe winds right now, some of them over 50 mph, so if I don't get to your blog it's because I've lost power. So far it's hanging on, but it has blinked a couple of times. Keeping my fingers crossed it stays on. I just want to apologize in advance. )

And let me end this post by wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season, whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas or Kwanza. 



  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Erika, and hopefully the weather will be wet rather than fluffy as we are traveling to RI for the holiday. We haven’t watched Die Hard yet, but more than likely it will be viewed sometime next week. Enjoy your movie marathon. You have been busy baking up quite the variety of cookies and they are sure to be enjoyed during your family time.

  2. Wishing you the happiest of weekends. Here in our home we’ve always moved holidays to fit our needs. It’s the best! Love the snowflakes that you dye cut.

    Love, love, love using spelt. It’s my go-to for all things. Just love it. I am nearly out though … boooooo.

    Local maple aka fresh and 100 percent real is the ONLY way we roll here. Just like the spelt is my go-to. Maple is my go to sugar for bakes and non-bake dishes.

    Cookies look wonderful.
    Happy 2023!
    Cheers and boogie boogie, Ivy.

  3. Lovely Christmas scene and the baking looks sooo good! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Erika. We will also have a quiet Christmas.

  4. I cannot bake to save my life, so I am very impressed with your biscuits and bread. They look so professional!

  5. I hope the electricity stays on so you can get all your last minute things done. The cookies and bread you made look so delicious. Enjoy the holiday with your daughter and her husband. Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„

  6. "Flexible" is a blessing :)

    All those cookies! Yummy :)

  7. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Erika!! All those cookies and advent bread look so tempting. Can you believe that I didn't bake any cookie this year?

  8. Your journal page is beaucitful, Erika, and so fitting for the season. You really are on a cooking/baking binge! Everything looks tasty!
    We always celebrate on the evening of Dec. 24th, it's a German tradition. This year it will be just my husband and I and we will take it very slow. Weather permitting we will probably go on a hike or to the ocean.
    I wish you a peaceful Christmas - so lovely that your daughter in SIL are coming to celebrate with you.

  9. A Fantastic Christmas scene. And all that scrumptious Christmas treats


  10. Dear Erica, your Christmas cookies look delicious and your art journal page is gorgeous. I especially love the vintage kids <3 For us in Austria it's not unusual to celebrate on the 24th, on the contrary. We always celebrate here on Christmas Eve. But we also have to find compromises every year. This year we "may" celebrate on the 24th with my daughter, her partner and the grandson and on the 25th they go to the partner's parents. Last year it was the other way around and next year we will change again. The most important thing is that there are harmonious family times :-)
    I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas time
    and all the best for 2023, Traude

  11. Oh wow, you have been very busy, yummy! Your journal page is great, too. I have managed to bake an English Chrstmas cake, but that's all. Have a merry Christmas with all your family, stay safe and well. Hugs, Valerie

  12. Your baking looks so delicious Erika, pretty cookies and your bread looks really good too. I might make a gluten free stollen bread tomorrow.
    Your journal page is very sweet.
    stay safe in that storm that is coming. we are down to minus 6 right now and the winds have been howling since early morning-hoping it moves out of here tomorrow.
    Merry Christmas and stay warm and safe in the storm hugs Kathy

  13. Beautiful your journal and baked such great cookies and cakes. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
    All the best that you survive this winter storm well!
    Hugs Elke

  14. Merry Christmas to you and your family! It looks like you are ready! The cookies look delicious and your page is absolutely beautiful. I also want to thank you SO MUCH for your support of my blog throughout the year. It means the world to me! HUGS!!! Sharon

  15. I am wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas πŸŽ… and Happy New Year
    for 2023 year ✨πŸ₯°

  16. certainly have been busy baking Christmas treats. Have a Joyous Christmas.

  17. Well you can't go wrong with those faces. I am loving all the baking you have done. Yummmm..... Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely holiday.

  18. Beautiful cookies! I hope you have a lovely two-day Christmas celebration with your family.

    best…mae at

  19. I do hope the electricity stays on so you can get all your things done.
    Your baking looks delicious.

    Yes, when the children move away/get married Christmas arrangements and festivities do become more flexible.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
    My very good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. delicious looking baking. Hope the winds have settled and you are safe for Christmas.

  21. The bread and cookies look delish and your page is festive and fun. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and here's a little present for you, this article was in a publication I read and I am thinking you will enjoy it:
    XOX, Aimeslee

  22. You seem to have endless energy, Erika. All that baking and creating and you will be ready for Christmas by Christmas Eve ... Good on you, girl! Your Scandinavian Advent Bread makes my mouth water ... and having your own source of fresh maple syrup ... I am extremely jealous :( I can remember a time in my life when I made cookies, only my emphasis was on fancy or cutesy as opposed to quantity. That was back when we make cookies to send to school with our kids. Now I don't bake because I eat what I bake and that is not a good thing for me. I do buy Christmas baked goods for my FH as his sweet tooth is still the master of his apatite :) So I do hope you still have power and you don't have to spend your Christmas in the cold and dark ... if at all possible, have a wonderfully Merry Christmas, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  23. Love your page, very festive. We will also be watching Die Hard it's always on our Christmas viewing list, great Xmas movie. Wow look at all those cookies! And that advent bread looks delicious! Happy Holidays!

  24. Great art and photos. Your compromise Christmas Eve and Christmas Day plans sounded like fun. I hope you didn't lose power. (Where I am in CT, we had the rains and high wind gusts, but fortunately, power stayed on. Then the arctic, bitter cold came in. It's still cold. BRRR.)

  25. A maple glaze? Be still, my heart. That looks beyond divine! And your cookie baking is so prolific! Well done!

  26. Your bread reminds me of babka, which I believe is Polish. It looks great and I want those lime cookies!!

    Nice art journal for Jo's theme at AJJ, too, dear.

  27. It sounds like you have a wonderful Christmas planned and I hope you had a lovely time with your daughter and her hubby celebrating Christmas 😊. I was unwell with flu over Christmas so I kept warm whilst watching Christmas movies, Die Hard marathon sounds just the thing too! Take care and sending you happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  28. My words, you have been busy baking and it all looks delicious. I love the thoughts of that maple topping.
    Such a pretty card, that baby Rudolph is enchanting.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  29. Oh my the cookies look great!!! And the icing on the advent bread, I could eat that with a spoon lol!


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