Saturday, January 21, 2023

A Page for AJJ

 Happy Saturday everyone. I hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend.

I wanted to share another page for Mia's Add a Photo challenge over at Art Journal Journey. This is a small page that is in the holiday daily journal that I made between Thanksgiving and New Years. You can see the 9 on it because this was my page for December 9th.

I liked this vintage photo that was then digitally enhanced. This little girl is such a cutie. Since the photo has a lot going on and  was also going to be the centerpiece of my page, I decided to make my background pretty basic. I stamped a small tree branch image  several times over the background. Then I added the photo, a bit of  metallic paper trim as well as the silver paper die cut stars.

Not the most complex page I've ever made, but I like it. 

And on the one bright sunny day we had this week, I put Pete in the car (Maddie was at doggy daycare), and we went down to Salisbury State Reservation in northeast Massachusetts to look for snowy owls. We didn't see any owls, nor any other birds, except for lots of seagulls. Yet we did have a nice beach walk and had some wonderful sun time in the car.

I should have stood away from the corner of the fence when I snapped this photo, but I  love this shadow photo of Pete and me. We were standing on one of the boardwalks that goes up over the sand dunes, and with the sun to our back, it left a great shadow on the snow.

You can tell the storm a few days earlier was a coastal one between the snow on the dunes and also all the items that washed up on the shore. 

I'm sad to see there had to be one piece of plastic in the mix, but I was also happy there wasn't more of it.

The seagulls were having a feeding frenzy. 

It was also a beautiful winter day temperature wise. It was 41 degrees F (5 degrees C) so Pete and I had a great walk too.

 Have a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. Other than the new challenge at Try It on Tuesday and 2 other photo posts that I've scheduled, you might not  hear much from me on the blogosphere until the end of next week. My husband is taking the next week off from work, and we are heading out of town for a few days.

Thanks for visiting. 


  1. We were just back from our daily walk too..wish we had a beach here...we could only take a walk around the Rhein river. Love the little girl's beautiful smile.

  2. Sometimes less is more!
    A beautiful, cute page. Cold here, but no snow.
    Great pics of your ocean / beach. (maybe minus the crab-shot, ewwww ;-)... )
    To a great weekend! Hugs

  3. The background of your page could be my backyard. We got an inch or two of wet, fluffy snow. Love the shadow photo of you and Pete. It must have been great to have the beach all to yourself, but it looks 🥶

  4. Looks like a good day for a beach walk, Erika, sunny and with few people around. To my mind, the winter months are the best times for explorations like this and you certainly found lots of things washed up, including the crab! Enjoy your time away and ope you have some great adventures to share after.

    To answer your question about any snow we received. It wasn't very much, but when the snow was falling and sticking to the trees, it was magical but I didn't take any photos as we were on the highway doing an errand. Thankfully, the major roadways were down to blacktop.

  5. Wonderful art and just spectacular photos.

  6. Good morning, awesome day at the beach, loved the shadow photo especially Happy Saturday

  7. This is a wonderful page, Erika -- I think one of my favorites. That little girl is a cutie!

    Looks pretty brisk on that beach!

  8. Lovely page and winter outing. Enjoy your time away

  9. beautiful journal page and fascinating photos of your walk

  10. Look at all those shells. WoW. I am afraid I would have been picking up a few of the more unique ones to take home for my art. And ONLY one piece of plastic is great news, but the Atlantic isn't as affected by the plastic as the Pacific seems to be. Granted, you are probably not on the Atlantic, but still!

  11. Goodness. I forgot to thank you for the adorable page you created for AJJ. That girl is adorable. It's a real beauty for Mia's theme.

  12. I love the cute girl!
    I think I´m stuck with sketching atm...
    Love the pic WITH the shadow!
    Oh, you do live in a very beautiful place. Thank you so much for sharing, I enjoy this a lot.
    I miss the ocean really a lot (but was not willing to catch COVID as many a colleague did last summer).
    1C today, we even had a wee bit of snow. Wee bit (I took pics).

    Have a very great week ahead!!! Yippeee!!! Hugs! (I hope for pics and stories!!)

  13. Very sweet page, love the tree branch stamping! And a great shadow shot of you and Pete, xoxo

  14. That little girl's smile :) Such a cutie!

    Must be great fun to live close enough to walk at a place life this. Cool!

  15. Nice art...loved the beach clicks!

  16. A lovely journal page.
    I liked seeing your beach photographs.

    Enjoy your time out of town :)

    All the best Jan

  17. A fantastic page Erika and I love that vintage image you added.
    I liked those super photos from your walk on the beach, it would have been so tempting to pick up a variety of shells. I've enjoyed a good catch up as well, great photos.
    Yvonne xx

  18. As much as I don't like snow, walking the beach when there is snow and cold is fun to do. Great photos.

  19. There is so much to discover on a beach. For a curious naturalist the search can be endless, with delight and excitement at every turn. Your post illustrates this well, Erika. Hugs - David

  20. Enjoy your time away with hubby, I hope the weather is kind to you whilst having your trip.
    What is doggy day care? I'd love to read about it some time in your blog posts.
    Great photos of your time out with Pete and what a lovely photo of the beach combing (excepting the plastic of course) and the gulls feeding frenzy.
    Lastly, but certainly not the least, I love your page in your holiday journal. So appropriate with the little girl all dressed up for winter and the bare branches surrounding her. Perfect.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. What a lovely page, I love the little girl, Erika.

    And beautiful beach photos ...



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