Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Midweek Musings

 Hi everyone. Happy middle of the week to you.

Today I'd like to share an art journal page for Mia's Add A Photo challenge over at Art Journal Journey.

This slightly out of focus face was in a magazine, but I liked the fact it isn't 100% clear. I cut out a photo and made a background (on watercolor paper) using some scraps of green and tan paper. Then I used matte medium to glue down the face. Once that dried, I decided the background was too busy for the face, so I sponged a bit of white gesso around it. I then added the 2 scraps of ribbon that came off my Christmas gift from my daughter and used green paint to make some circles. When that all dried, I used some large sticker letters to make the word laugh.

I am also linking this post up to Rain's Art and Dinner Date. This week's theme is Aerial View.  Here are a few photos taken in 2013 when I went  on an immersion trip to Costa Rica. The trip was sponsored by my school, and it was a teacher version of the annual trip that some students go on during the school year.

 When we arrived, we flew into San Jose  and took a chartered bus down to Puerto Jimenez which is in the Osa Peninsula, home of the largest tropical rainforest in Central America. On our trip home we flew from Puerto Jimenez back to San Jose before catching a flight to Charlotte, North Carolina and then on to Boston.

Here's some photos from our flight to San Jose.

When we arrived in Charlotte there was a thunderstorm in progress and the storm created a plane back up. We had to wait on the tarmac for the plane to get its gate. When we got off the plane we literally had to dash through the airport to catch our final leg of our flight.  We were the last passengers to board on our Boston bound plane, and after spending a day in hot and humid and non-air conditioned Puerto Jimenez, sitting in the airport in San Jose as well as running through the Charlotte airport, we must have smelled just "divine". Not. I felt sorry for the passengers sitting around us.

And for the dinner date part of this post, let me share some dessert with you.

Costco had bananas at 3 pounds for $1.39, and 3 pounds is a whole lot of bananas. To use some I made a hummingbird cake, which is a spice cake with bananas, pineapple and pecans. And I frosted it with cream cheese frosting. Yummy! 

That's all for me. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Your comment about smelling a tad sweaty after your airport running experiences reminded me that airline travel is a nightmare these days. I saw one interview of a couple who had been in an airport for four days in the same clothes with no access to a shower, and no idea where their bags were. We will be leaving on our first trip in four years in a month and I sure hope things have improved a little by then. Hugs - David

  2. That hummingbird cake looks terrific! Love the laugh page :-))

  3. Great post Erika, I love your AJJ page very much, very cool in the sky photos, and your cake looks soooo good. Happy Mid week hugs Kathy

  4. I love her - and to LAUGH! :-)
    Costa Rica - wow! And what a story!!!!

    I had spaghetti again. Since Saturday. Tomorrow I´ll be done. I´m the "house-pig" and eat up all the old stuff ;-)
    To a great rest of the week, hugs!

  5. I love this happy piece of art :) I've never made hummingbird cake, but my daughter has. Delicious!

  6. I love your beautiful page, Erika, and your cake sounds more than wonderful. Do you have a recipe for it? Have a great day, hugs, vALERIE

  7. I have been to Costa Rica but I want to go back and see more of the birds, beaches, and tropical forests. Today is a good day to think about trouble with flights! Another day another melt-down.

    best… mae at

  8. What a great page for Mia's theme at AJJ. I loved reading about your journey. This cake looks like a very tempting one for me - I love bananas, hugs, Chrisx

  9. That page reminds me of being on the swings and trying to swing high enough to go over the top bar. Yup hair blowing back and laughing for the sheer delight. That cake looks delicious!

  10. The smile on your page is contagious. :-) And happy colors.
    Love the way the land and water look from the plane, everything looks blue!
    Oh hey, that smell? Eau de Texas in summer, hahaha. Heat and humidity will do it every time.
    Now I want some of that cake. Will be showing it to Honey after he wakes up, maybe he will bake me one.
    Have a good rest of the week, xoxo

  11. Very interesting post Erika. Happy Thursday.

  12. Lovely art, and aerial views from your Costa Rica trip, how time flies. The cake looks awesome. Joys of travel (sometimes not).

  13. |That is a great photo you have used, looks with the background you created. It looks a bit G force to me with all those bones on the face being featured.
    Oh Erika, that cake looks amazing and sounds the yummiest cake I have had in a long time. Can I be real cheeky and ask for the recipe, my mouth is watering as I write this.
    Great pictures from the plane but the dash through Charlotte airport and the heat does not sound good at all.

  14. Your art photo didn't come through for me. The view is gorgeous but that cake..... OMG be still my heart. LOL Have a lovely day.

  15. a wonderful laughing journal page. Beautiful aerial photo from the plane and the cake looks delicious.
    Hug Elke

  16. What a charming entry for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey. I really like how carefree and spontaneous the page feels. Thanks for sharing.

    LOVE your aerial views. Laughed at the smelly final leg of your trip home. The visual image was hilarious.

    I've never had hummingbird cake, but it looked like carrot cake to me. OK, I love carrot cake, so it may just be my imagination! Regardless, it looks delicious.

  17. Oh, that cake DOES look to die for. I've had Hummingbird Cake before and it's delicious. I love KAF's recipes -- I'll have to check this out.

  18. My mouth is still watering as I write this comment ... Hummingbird Cake, I love the way it looks and the sound of the ingredients. Now I am hungry for something sweet and have nothing to satisfy me. :0
    Your laugh collage makes me smile ... laughing can be contagious. And finally I love your airplane shots of Costa Rica ... and laughed at your smelly tale as you departed. All in all a fun post, Erika ...

    Andrea @ from the Sol

  19. That Hummingbird Cake looks so delicious - yum! The face image on your page made me smile too, perfect 😊. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

  20. wow, I love your art journal page. It is so perfect, in an unperfect way. :) Love it!

  21. Hummingbird Cake yum!!! I got a 20 pound bag of onions at Costco before Christmas and I was able to make a bunch of onion soup for the freezer! Love Costco! ☺


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