Saturday, February 18, 2023

It's In The Mail

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend. I hope your weekend is a good one, whether it is just starting or whether  you are already well into it.

Today I have a page for Art Journal Journey . Seeing Red is the theme this month, and for my page I went with a red background.

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my page when I started except I had all these leftover red die cut numbers that I wanted to use. The first thing I did was glue some scraps of red polka dot tissue paper on my background, and then I randomly glued down my numbers.  After that I gave my page a couple of sprays with red ink.

Don't you love the mailbox? Since it's too muddy to walk outside most places where I live at this time, I sometimes drive to a nearby shopping center and walk there. I walk through the big stores and around the perimeter of the lot to get in my steps. One of the stores is Hobby Lobby, and on my weave up and down the aisles one day  I noticed that they've stopped carrying cutting dies. They had a few on their mark down wall though, and I noticed this mailbox. Since I'm a fan of mail and mail related art, and since it was marked way down, I picked it up. It also came with this mini envelope image die, so besides using the mailbox die pieces I also cut a few letters on my page today.

The mailman image was in my stash so I added him. I also added this old US postage stamp. Years ago the US post office printed a sheet of 50 stamps, one for each state. 

I liked this set and picked up a couple of sheets of these stamps when they were released, not for mailing (although I could use them for mailing if I needed to),  but to use in my travel journals over time. I decided to add my state's stamp to my  page. To finish my page I rubber stamped a few postage words and images.
Speaking of travels,
how about these boat tailed grackles we saw in Florida?

 When my husband and I were at Kennedy Space Center,  and we had picked up sandwiches and a cup of French fries to share for lunch. We were warned about eating outside and the birds.  The cashier told us the birds particularly like French fries and they can recognize the fries and the cups they come in.When my husband came out with the food tray,  a couple of grackles swooped down towards him as he was carrying the tray to our table, hoping to steal a fry or two. He waved them away. After that they looked for other unsuspecting people.

This girl tried to feed them and her parents quickly (and loudly)  stopped her. 

It could have been like a scene from Hitchcock's The Birds. I thought it was funny to watch the birds and to watch people's reactions to them. Luckily none of the birds were really interested in attacking people though.

That's all for me. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Great page!
    Ack! I let in the mailman. Cause I still wait for my ALSTOM-Laptop.
    No idea, maybe a ??? guy from Syria or such, spoke a little German and was devastated cause he could not find the person the package belonged to.
    I was so "nice" and took it. He put in a note into their mailbox. That was Tuesday, no one ever came.
    Now I am again the "forever mailman" and Ingo hates that... Still I love your page and "my" mailman really was eager to do his job well!

    Usually I have "bad" mail in the box. Tax-office is one of them!!! But sometimes nice one, too.
    When I was out of work I didn´s open it. It became Ingo´s job, I was too "afraid".

    Ours is inside btw.

    And oh. We have such boring stamps. Mostly.

    YES on the not feeding (OK, I feed Peanut... hm. Logic...)
    Oh, but aren´t those ravens? I would share with these cute, clever birds (just not with the "flying rats" aka pigeons, they are a true pest here).

    Oh, that movie, YES!

    To a safe weekend ;-) Hugs

  2. I have this argument about feeding birds every weekend, when we have a family lunch outside the local cafe. Spouse says people who attract birds by throwing bread on the ground are going to spread disease and endanger the elderly diners. I think that, once the humans have eaten their fair share, don't throw the leftover bread in the rubbish bin. Rather carry it away from the cafe and let the birds eat well.

  3. Fun page and I love the from state stamps. I had a win for the Graceful Envelope Contest using the Massachusetts stamp. The grackles remind me of the seagulls at Ogunquit Beach. They didn't just go after French fries, but sandwiches and chip bags right out of people's hands! Chilly, but the sun is out. Enjoy!

  4. Lovely red page. I like the idea of a different stamp for each state.

  5. Your mailman page is wonderful. I need to go to Hobby Lobby because I have NO dies whatsoever. You can count all I own on one hand, including one from you.

    I love the mailbox and the letters. I also love those stamps. I bought a sheet, too but I used mine. I see Kansas has both sunflowers and wheat on it. We are known for both. Thanks for this really clever journal entry using your theme at Art Journal Journey, Erika.

  6. Lovely collage art and awesome photos of the crows ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Love the postal images on your page, I'm a sucker for the vintage icons. We had the same basic problem in Hawaii at the Macadamia nut factory. We were told where people begin feeding them or food is left out is where the problem exists. Once it starts, it doesn't stop. Kind of like feral cats! :-0 I know we have a shopping center near us a good 5 miles inland from the bay that has a few fast food drive-throughs and a bad seagull problem. I try to be smart-ass about it and say, well it is called Bay Plaza Shopping Center, maybe they can read? LOL XOX

  8. Your page is brilliant- I love the addition of the envelopes. The stamps look really great - were some of these images on Sufjan Stephens album covers? I don't like birds around when we are eating - even when its just sparrows. These Grackles look as though they could give a nasty peck, Hugs, Chrisx

  9. Those birds look BIG! We have grackles here, but they don't look like those, and they don't tend to stake out restaurants.


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