Monday, February 20, 2023

T Stands for Back to the Beach

Hi everyone. Happy T day to you.

Last week was relatively quiet for me. I did manage 3 beach walks which made a world of difference in helping my winter restlessness. For two of them it was cold and mostly cloudy. I just bundled up because I can deal with normal winter cold and at least there was no ice or ankle deep mud. 

Here you can see my hive swollen (and kind of wrinkly) face. I've been in a  bad outbreak of my chronic hives (urticaria) for several weeks now, and if you care to look you can see my red and swollen cheeks and eyelids. UGH!

This time I was at Rye Beach in Rye, New Hampshire. I figured I'd get a change of scenery, plus it is closest to my allergist where I had an appointment for my shots that afternoon.

And these 2 were very happy, even if they didn't get any off leash time. 

This was Wednesday. By Thursday when I walked the sun was out, and it was 55 degrees F (about 13 degrees C). I wore a light jacket, no hat and no scarf.  What a difference a day can make. (But I still had my hives.)

I stopped at Trader Joe's after one of my beach walks for some groceries, and they had their $1.99 daffodil bunches. 

And my tulips that I showed you last week are starting to get buds. Here's 3 days worth of photos.

Once they start to bud they change so fast, don't they?

This past Sunday we had to transport my mother-in-law from one of my sister-in-law's to the other sister-in-law's house. We had to go to Maine to pick her up and then go to Massachusetts to deliver her. And then back home to New Hampshire. It went well, but I must say for me (and also for my husband), the whole mother-in-law issue can be  stressful because both of my husband's sisters can be rather demanding and my husband's sisters do not get along with each other either.

I was anxious that my MIL would end up at my house  because one of my SILs is also not particularly cooperative.  With my husband having to work, her care would fall on me.  And she is at the point where she  must have some nursing level care now. Luckily I have a supportive husband who doesn't think that kind of care should fall on me as the daughter-in-law.  I don't mind helping, but helping out and nursing care are 2 different things. My husband still wants to do his part though, so he volunteered to be the driver. Next weekend he'll be the driver again, and we'll  transport her back to Maine. (And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this week goes smoothly. Smile)

This story brings me to my T day drink. Every week we share a drink related post over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.  On our way to Massachusetts we stopped for a late lunch.

You can see my water, and this bowl of Greek style calamari my mother in law wanted for lunch. It was an appetizer, and we thought it might not be enough for her lunch so my husband ordered one for all of us to have a few bites of. It was really delicious.  I haven't had calamari in a long time, so it was a nice treat. And my mother-in-law probably could have had this for lunch as there was a lot on the plate. But then of course, I wouldn't have had a chance to have any either. Smile.

That's my post for T this week. I hope everyone has a nice T day and week ahead.


  1. Hi Erika, your blooms are gorgeous-and I think you can make botanical ink from the petals (smiles) Nice to have flowers indoors to enjoy.
    so awesome you live near the beach for a walk, I am thinking the dogs really enjoy that too. so sorry for your allergies-sounds awful-hugs.
    Happy T and new week Kathy

  2. Good luck getting over your outbreak of hives! I hope the allergy shot is helpful. Those beach walks look great.

    best… mae at

  3. The tulips are really beautiful! The beach view is stunning, Erika. I thought the allergy usually happens in Spring..

  4. Great you brave up the cold anyways, and I´d rather say "pink". not red, if that sounds nicer?
    Oh, the ocean!
    I only was there in winter once. I was turning 5 and I still remember how much I loved the beach and the water, the wind...

    A light jacket in 13C???? You are tough!!!No scarf, no hat´!

    Now this is ... Ingo got some... aha... they are called daffodils! - for €0,99 still naked and they are now in full bloom.
    Spring is arriving, yipee.

    Family. You have too much, me too little... Hope all goes well, hugs! And a happy T-Day :-)

  5. I'm sorry you have hives. Must be so uncomfortable. Poor you. Do you know what is causing it?
    Lovely walk along the beach! But a light coat at 13 degrees? I wear my heavy winter coat. Any colder than that and I stay home.
    Beautiful flowers! I love tulips and daffodils look so cheerful in the house.
    Sad mother in law issues. I hope it all goes well.
    Happy T-Day,
    Keep smiling,

  6. SO sorry to read you still have hives after getting a shot. I know that can be stressful. Speaking of stress, I hope the MIL situation goes smoothly this week.

    Nice you are able to walk on the beaches. There isn't a beach near me within 1500 miles any direction.

    It's been at least 10 years since I've had calamari. That Greek calamari looks good. Water is always a good choice when eating out. Thanks for sharing your walks on beaches, your swollen face, and your calamari and water with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  7. Ah, our lovely immune systems! If it's ANY consolation, I clicked on the photo of your beautiful face and looked at it up close and it's really barely noticeable. More under the eyes than anywhere else. I know that would drive me nuts. My left eye is starting to tear and eyelid to itch AGAIN, but we figure it's because we've been having such mild temps that clover's in the grass and plants are flowering so maybe it's cedar time again. And that's what I'm very allergic to. Who really knows, though. This time I need to be extra careful about washing my eyes and putting in my drops and not touching with my fingers. Anyway, I do sympathize with you very much. I also feel for you about the m-i-l and s-i-l situations. Honey's youngest sister is tasked with taking care of my m-i-l and you are now making me pray extra hard his sister outlives us all! I love my m-i-l dearly but could not live with her 24/7. XOX

  8. Hi Erica. I know just how awful hives can be. Right now I am loading up on a pro biotic, drinking a cleansing tea, and eating a low histamine diet. I also take an antihistamine OTC the cheapest one I can find. This hleps me, so thought I would pass it on. Your photo of the beach is just stunning. We are in high tide and sneaker tide warnings here. I never go to the beach anyway. Too cold and windy especially in the summer. LOL It is always difficult when our parents and PIL get to that stage of care. It is too bed the sisters don't get along. I got tulips too. I think they are my favorite flower right now. LOL Again I have to tell you how much I love your blog banner.

  9. A beautiful post, Erika. Love those anew England water shots. You look fine in spite of allergies. I hope the tulips and daffodils aren’t bothering you. My husband buys those every year and the beautiful scent is overpowering in the house. I end up putting them out on our porch. 😏

  10. Your daffodils are beautiful, Erika. Your face looks uncomfortable. I also get hives but I have only had them swell my face once. I hope you are able to find the source.
    The beach looks cold but still peaceful.
    I hope everything works out with your MIL. I think every family has drama.
    Happy Tea day,

  11. Hi Erika, fun fact: did you know there is also a Rye beach in Melbourne? It's considerably warmer right now than your Rye, but all beaches are fab. I love tulips, they are my fav flower, not seen any here yet, a bit too cold still. About your urticaria, have you tried green juice? A few years ago, there was a documentary by an Aussie guy who cured his chronic urticaria (and other things) by drinking green juice. You can usually find the original docu on YT, here's a link if you haven't heard of it

  12. So sorry you are suffering with hives again this year! I hope you're feeling better soon ☺️. You're beach walks look just the thing, loving the views and your meal looks delic too. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on ym blog and many apologies for not visiting recently, I've had lots of family stuff to sort out. I hope you are keeping well and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  13. I want to go on a beach walk with you :) Sounds like a day brightener even on a gloomy day. Your flowers, also. I think I'll look at the flowering plant selection the next time I'm out. So pretty!

    I wish I had just moved my mother in with me against her will, but I didn't, and then when it was too late for her to raise an objection it was just too late. My mother-in-law, though, that's another issue. Even if they wanted me to the memory of her telling me she already had 3 daughters and didn't want another one made it easy to back completely away. I'm the only one among them local and not working, but still... Families can really suck. I hope your situation stays stable and that the sisters work things out.

    Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Lovely spring flowers and delicious food! Sorry about the hive outbreak.

  15. So sorry to hear about the hives, hope you soon get some relief. Daffs are always wonderful, I bought more this week, too. Glad you are getting around and eating some good food on your way. Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  16. How coincidental, Erika, that you were also at Rye Beach last week and then we were there this past weekend.

    Yes, I too was curious about what those beachfront homes might have cost back in the day (pre 1942 condemnation). I checked online and couldn't find any information. I read one article that said by the mid-1880s, wealthy families had begun to build summer “cottages” at Odiorne Point, one of which became the elegant Sagamore House, a hotel that attracted such notable figures as Cornelius Vanderbilt.

  17. That IS stressful. I'd definitely vote for being the driver.

    Your TJ flowers are great. The one they are building here has been stalled for about a year. It's a great hole in the ground now -- I don't think it'll make a 2023 opening. So, we go back to business and drive to the one by the kids' house!

  18. Gorgeous blooms & daffodils. It looks like a fun walk. I didn't notice any hives, BTW. It sounds like a good plan for you guys to be the drivers, and the sisters do the caring for their mom. As it should be. Too, bad they don't get along. Happy T Day.

  19. Sorry you have hives again - a walk on the beach must have been uplifting though! I love Spring flowers and yours are wonderful! I'm not a fan of sea food but I'm glad you enjoyed the calamari. Belated Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx


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