Monday, February 27, 2023

T Stands for Driving my Mother-In-Law Again

 Hi everyone.

Happy end of February. Winter has returned here to New Hampshire with more snow and some cold temperatures. And according to the forecast there's more of this type of weather coming later this week also. That old saying that March comes in like a lion and out like lamb  sounds like it will be true about the lion part. 

Since winter is rearing its ugly head in my location today, let me start off with my tulips which are actually looking lovely right now.

I also picked up this hyacinth bulb at Trader Joe's, and it is blooming and smelling great too.

I think the roots are really interesting too.

You might remember last week I mentioned I had had a mother-in-law driving day.  My husband and I  had taken her from one  sister-in-law's home to the other's home. This past weekend it was a reverse driving day. We picked up my MIL at my sister-in-law's house in Massachusetts (where she had been visiting for the week)  and drove her to the other sister-in-law's home in Maine. My mother-in-law "lives" with my SIL in Maine, but that SIL had been having  her school vacation last week and had plans to go away for a part of the week. My 89 year old MIL isn't in good enough shape to stay alone any longer (even if  she's still convinced she is) so she had needed to go to my other SIL's home in Massachusetts for the week. 

You might also remember that last week for T day  I mentioned  how when we drove my MIL down to Massachusetts, we stopped for lunch while traveling.. We did the same thing this past weekend when we drove her back to Maine. We were going to have lunch at a different restaurant, but my MIL (who can't remember what she did an hour ago) remembered where we ate last weekend and asked to go back there. Since that restaurant worked in every way we needed it to, back we went to Grill 28 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It's actually the restaurant on the golf course near the airport, and I'm guessing used to be the clubhouse when this was all air force base.

Here's my drink photo for this week's T day over at   Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog . All you need to join is to share a drink related photo.

The pastrami sandwich on the menu caught my eye, and although I don't think a pastrami sandwich is something you'd usually rave about, I could about this one. This was pastrami sandwich perfection. 😀 You can see my diet coke in the glass and also the home made potato chips with it. And you can see a bit of my blue sweater on the right since my husband took this photo. I am glad we went back to Grill 28 because I had this delicious sandwich. 

That's all for me. I had a fairly quiet week last week, so I can't say there is all that much else to write about. 
Have a great T day and week ahead. And as always, thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. That sandwich does look delicious, my husband would have loved it-Nice bread too.
    Your bulbs flowering our beautiful-I need to look where I can buy some to enjoy. we really do not have much in shopping near by.
    Hope it warms up there soon more winter can be depressing sometimes Happy T hugs Kathy

  2. Good job driving your mother-in-law! Love your spring flowers and the sandwich looks so good.

  3. I would rave about a pastrami sandwich because it is one of my favorite meats that I rarely buy as it is too expensive. Yours looks delicious and the marbling on the bread is eye candy.

    Your tulips are lovely. I would love a hyacinth as they are so pretty, but I can't tolerate the smell. I was walking into Aldi today and the smell was overwhelming. I could smell them all the way from the checkout-my eyes don't like them.

    Have a wonderful week, Erika!
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. I am thinking that the bread looks wonderful! A marble rye? Looks delicious.
    Not only are you a good daughter in law, but you are also wonderful with plants. They are beautiful. Happy T Day.

  5. Beautiful Tulips and Hyacinth flowers. It is nice to see fresh flowers. Your food from Grill 28 looks delicious.
    Happy T Day!

  6. Your lunch does look delicious. I loe this kind of marbled bread, is it rye? I'm not sure I ever had a pastrami sandwich, but this one looks so good that I think I might try it one day. Have a lovely week, Erika, and hope the lamb is not too far away. It's very lion-like here as well.


  7. Flowers always make such times better (any time, actually)
    I hope I won´t be a burden or forgetful. The food must be great your MIL remembered that and... I never had a pastrami sandwich - only saw it on TV!
    But then I never had a stuffed turkey, either.
    To a happy T-day and thank you for the Red. Hugs

  8. I know we want to look after our elderly relatives, even as they start dementing. However you are fortunate that you have at least three in laws with whom you can share the care.

    My spouse is the only member of the family for his dementing relative. I can tell when he has been there - his shoulders are sagging and his headache is throbbing.

  9. Wonderful looking flowers. Those tulips look wonderful.

    To be honest, to my knowledge, I've never had pastrami. The marbled rye, cheese, and chips look good (grin). Thanks for taking us with you to take your MIL back "home" by way of Grill 28 in Portsmouth. Thanks, too for sharing your diet Pepsi (?) and pastrami sandwich with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    BTW, I laughed at what you wrote about your MIL not remembering what she did an hour ago.

  10. Lovely tulips on the last red day of the month. I love hyacinths, but they trigger allergies. Aren't we all like your MIL that the older we get, we still think we can do things just like we were younger? I love pastrami and haven't had it in a long time. Your sandwich and bread look amazing. Homemade chips, too. I hope you're not going to get slammed with snow today. We're 5-8 and more snow for the weekend. Lion weather, indeed. Happy T Day

  11. You will obviously be very grateful for that moment of clarity in a world of befuddlement for your mother-in-law. It got you a Reuben sandwich meriting great praise. I expect you will be dreaming up reasons to chauffeur her often and if the car should happen to veer off into the restaurant parking lot, that's simply the way of things. Hugs - Davud

  12. I love a good pastrami sandwich and have not had one in a long time. I think I hear the deli calling me now....

    Your flowers and plants look wonderful. The whiplash weather may reek havoc on all our outside plants and flowers this year - I am a bit worried about that. I am ready for it to be true Spring.

    I have missed you Erika. Happy T-day and I will try and catch up soon on your posts. Hugz

  13. The tulips are lovely and hyacinth really has such a wonderful scent, even if it’s sometimes overwhelming😉I am sure that your MIL enjoyed seeing you both again and also dining out for lunch. Now you have me thinking that it’s been a very long time since I had a pastrami sandwich, Erika. Stay safe in this next batch of snow. We’re heading to N Conway for a few days and a visit with NJ friends who traveled there to ski.

  14. Such beautiful tulips, and the hyacinths! We're expecting another record-breaking high temps today near 80. I'm not complaining, but it does feel strange...

    I'd love yo try out restaurants with you. Y'all can really pick 'em :)

    Happy T Tuesday

  15. Erika that pastrami sandwich looks divine!! Its been awhile since i've had one. I used to get them at Schlosky's YUM! But they stopped carrying them during the pandemic and haven't brought them back. So nice of you to play taxi for your MIL. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  16. Love your beautiful, red tulips, and the hyacinths. You have done a lot of driving these 2 past weekends, good that you look after your MiL so well. Pastrami sandwiches are good, and your one seems to be even better! Hugs, Valerie

  17. Hi Erika, it's funny the things you remember and forget isn't it. I guess that restaurant must have made an impression on your MIL so it stuck in her memory. Tulips are looking gorgeous. February can often be the coldest winter month here but not much snow. Hoping March will start to be a little warmer as I would like the soil to warm up so I can get things done in the garden. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  18. Love the flowers. We got another 2 inches of snow. REALLY? I hope this all ends for all of us very soon. It is so sweet of you and DH to drive MIL to and from. It is also nice that she remembered that restaurant. It means it was a happy experience for her. The sandwich looks amazing. Stay warm and have a nice day.

  19. It's good your MIL has family to care for her. (And I was thinking about that saying, too: March comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb. That's what happened here in CT.)

  20. Wow, you've got I-95 memorized, don't you? :-)
    The meal looks delish. Is that pumpernickel or marbled rye? I saw a little tik-tok-like video the other day showing a chef making 3 different sized puff pizzas, then stacking them to make a pizza snowman with salami slices for buttons and a very long pastrami scarf. Grated parmesan for the snow. XOX

  21. Well, it certainly looks like the lunch was good, even if it wasn't the one on which you had planned! I haven't had pastrami for ages and I do love it. And I'm ready to buy bulb gardens now, too. Getting itchy!

  22. 3rd Try.....your Tulips look wonderful. I'm glad the trip with MIL went well. That place must have made an impression and seems to have done the same with you. I've never tried a pastrami sandwich but it looks good.Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx


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