Monday, February 13, 2023

T Stands for Fool's Spring

Hi everyone. Happy T Day and Happy Valentine's Day to you.  ❤❤❤ 

We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day in my house, which doesn't bother me. Last year my husband bought a mini chocolate cake for the holiday. I think he only picked it up because he happened to be at the grocery store after work and saw it marked down-smile. But it was one of the yummiest chocolate store bought cakes I'd ever had, and that made it memorable. I know he thinks of me all the time, and that's what's really important.

I found this fun "meme" online. Some of you might have seen it. I'm not sure who came up with it so I can't credit anyone. (Sorry) I do think one correction needs to be made  for us folks in the woods because before  we get to The Pollening  we also need to add in Bug Season. 😉

Right now  we are in Fool's Spring, and I'm in my February slump. I get this way most years. I am loving our warmer temperatures for sure. But the snow on the ground is dirty and brown; my road goes back and forth between being ice covered/ frozen solid and then turns muddy; the walking trails are covered in snow, ice, snowmobile tracks; my car is filthy  outside and has so much dog hair and beach sand on the inside. I need some dry driveway time  to put my car out in the sun on one of these warmer days and give the inside a good cleaning.

Just an FYI- here's a photo of what I'm living with.  I'm not sure you can make out the road but it's just like my driveway.

I should clarify my February slump is  not me sitting around in a lump on the couch being sad; it's just me being restless while I wait for things to dry out a bit. 

The good news is that  low tide at the beach this week is not at the crack of dawn nor after it gets dark so that gives me a place to walk at least a couple of days.

This past weekend my husband and I ran errands, and I dragged him on some walking around a shopping center and around Costco. I have to be creative with my walks since I can't really walk on my road right now. If I can get some chores completed while getting in some movement, why not?

One thing I picked up at Costco were these tulip bulbs. Here they are now, and it will be fun to watch them bud and bloom. And they make me think of spring too. 😀

Perhaps you noticed the cool shadows behind these leafy bulbs.

And this shape is

my beloved wooden bear with a fish in his mouth.

After our afternoon of errand running/walking we decided to get some dinner since we had skipped lunch. We decided to go to one of our other favorite restaurants in Manchester (New Hampshire), The Puritan Back Room. We haven't actually eaten in this restaurant since pre-pandemic times, and I admit, the waiting area was too crowded for my post-pandemic personal space requirements. The Puritan is always mobbed, and we had a 40 minute wait even though it was 4:30 in the afternoon. I told myself it would be OK and waited.  Funny how before 2020 I wouldn't have thought twice about things like waiting area personal space.

 There was an open table in the bar, and  we decided to do something different (for us) while we waited. We grabbed the bar table and each ordered a drink.

Here's a slightly goofy photo of me and our drinks that my husband took. This is my link to T this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog .

 The Puritan's signature drink is their mudslide. When I've eaten there I've noticed so many people having them. I've always wanted to try one of their mudslides, and this seemed like a good time since I'd have plenty of time after my drink and before I had to drive us home (which is like an hour away). I had the classic mudslide, and my husband had the milky way mudslide, which I actually liked better.  

I won't make you hungry by showing our dinner, but I will mention the Puritan is best known for their chicken tenders, which is what we both had. And the best part is you get so many that we had leftovers for another meal.  

That's all for me because I think I've said enough. Sorry if I sounded like I was complaining.  Have a wonderful T day, Valentine's Day and week ahead. 


  1. I think you are SO clever to get a walk in while shopping. Two birds, one stone. I can see how you wouldn't walk on that road or want the dogs walking on it either.

    Mot sure what a mudslide is, but it looks like it has chocolate in it. Guess there is liquor in it, too. Thanks for NOT showing your food, because I haven't eaten all day. Thanks for your drinks and muddy road you shared for T this week, dear Erika. Not sure that combination sounded right!

  2. Winter does vary but it’s all messy, cold, and inconvenient. Sunny winter days are a little better, but cold is cold. I see why you are restless!

    best… mae at

  3. Fun post, no snow here, but the icy patches are all melted now. My parents always walked in the malls back then they even had clubs for that.
    your drink looks delicious I love your bear and the fish plus the shadows and your potted blooms Happy T hugs Kathy

  4. Erika, I´m with you! We make lille pressies when we see something, not on official dates.
    Still yay for the joy the cake brought!

    Hell´s Front Porch! LOL, please, YES!

    "Igitt!" - snow is far from Spring to my mind!
    Oh, lucky you. Trying to talk Ingo into shopping... nah. To the tulips. And ah - a bear, I was wondering about the shadow. What a cutie with his bait.
    What are they on, I don´t know how you call it, we call it "Läaufer", that mini-carpet, does it have a meaning?

    Yes. No masks required on public transport or such (in this time of the year where everybody coughs!!) - I still turn my head and hold my breath even in the street if someone comes near...
    Better safe then sorry...

    Cute pic of you :-)
    And hungry now anyways! To a happy T-Day and hugs!

  5. Oh, you have my sympathies concerning mud. Days upon days of rain, humidity, etc. -- we get it too, just not icy. The rainy days make me feel restless and sometimes a bit irritable. You are smart to fight to find places to walk. I used to be a mall and neighborhood walker before my Arthurs hit me. Now I have my gazelle machine. The drinks look yummy. You had dessert first! Glad y'all got a fun shopping date in on the weekend and maybe send hubby to the store on Tuesday in case they still make that cake, lol. XOX

  6. Yummo! Mudslides are made of vodka, coffee liqueur and Bailey's Irish cream, all of which sounds perfectly straight forward. But I have no idea what "the addition of a chocolate drizzle for the muddiness" means.

  7. hahaha love the 12 seasons of New England. I think we must have similar seasons here except with more winters and false springs and no heat at all in the summer lol. I'm with you on the personal space issues, I'm not comfortable in those situations either any more. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  8. There's one of these locally with a Memphis label. I think we're in the Spring of Deception right now, so we're closer to The Pollening than y'all are. Our high yesterday was 67, but we're expecting rain later today and a cold front coming.

    Watching the tulips will be fun. If Spring won't come to us any other way, we can trap pieces of it ;)

    I've never heard of a "mudslide" drink, but chicken tenders is one of my husband's favorites. Happy T Tuesday!

  9. yuck, it must be awful your winter. I wouldn't like it. We've had a week of clouds and one day of rain and I'm already fed up.
    Your mudslides sound delicious. I looked it up and it is made of vodka, Kahlua and Irish cream, all of which I love.
    Happy T-Day and Valentine's Day,

  10. The 12 seasons sound good! Sorry about the bad weather and hope it soon dries out for you!I'm not a fan of mud either, but my dogs always loved it.... Glad you got out for some shopping. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  11. I have never had to deal with snow , slush etc... as an adult.. trying to go to work etc... But i loved it as a kid. So those are my fond memories of snow.. We often go to Chilis and sit in the bar area and sometimes The Roadhouse and sit in the bar area... we like having the tvs to look at.. We don't drink so we always have Iced Tea... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  12. Wow, you have a lot of snow! I think besides adding Bug season, you need to add Mud Season to your list. Today seems to be the day for tulips as I've seen them on other bloggers' posts. Happy T Day

  13. No snow for us, in fact we've had a couple of nice sunny days - but will it last - we wait and see!

    Happy T Day and Happy Valentines Day.
    I have a cup of tea on my side table as I type this comment :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Not so long ago when it seemed to be nonstop rain hubby and I decided to walk both floors of a shopping mall before doing our shopping! Lucky you found that table away from the crowd. Happy T Day Chrisx

  15. Nice photos. Mr. M. got me tulips for V.D. I look forward to seeing yours grow. I do a low run in my house. 10 minutes a day, I read it is good my heart. Nice photo of you too. That pace you are at is packed. The mudslides look so good. Have a nice day today.

  16. I am so glad we don't get as cold where we are as yu do but we do have brown snow. Like when the cars have churned it all up.
    Love the photo of you, you look happy - and the drinks look rather inviting too.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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