Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wednesday Art

 Hi everyone. 

I'm back today with another red journal page for the challenge at Art Journal Journey. This month the theme is Seeing Red, and if you don't yet know about the challenge,  I am hosting.

Meet Otto. He loves to ride his bicycle and to wear red.

For today's journal page I went with a darker red background. This paper had the white swirly border already on it. In fact my background started out as  an old piece of Christmas scrapbooking paper. I used white and green paint, stencils and my Gelli plate to create the final background. 

I then layered a piece of a map that had a lot of pink on it as well as the printed when I received it tag which also had the light red stamps on it. I added the black reinforcer (thanks Elizabeth for that word)  to the top of the tag and outlined both the tag and the map piece. 

I continued by adding a couple of lightbulb stickers and a metal  button  as well as the clear acetate bicycle image. They were all from my stash. The man is a TH figure, and I used a red Sharpie to color over his suit, hat and tie. To see his red clothing  I had to lighten  up my photo quite a bit.

I also drew in a little piece of the road for the man to stand on as well as adding some TH stickers quotes.

And I lightened up  Otto even more so you can see his red suit better. It still looks a bit like rust to me but at  least you can see how red his bowtie is.

That's my page for today. 

Let me also share a few more photos from the Canaveral National Seashore that we visited while in Florida. This is the longest stretch of undeveloped natural coastline on the Atlantic side of Florida. Thank goodness it's part of the National Park system because from what I can see of Florida, there would be no natural coastline left otherwise. 

I saw my first armadillo.

Not my first, but here's some  pelicans. 

It was a lovely beach to walk on.

I'm sure my husband would have liked to have been fishing like these people were. Instead (and since he didn't have his fishing pole with him) he walked with me. 

I hope your week is going well, and I also hope that you have a little red  and a nice walk or 2 in your life also.  Thanks for visiting. 


  1. I only saw armadillo in zoos. The page looks cute!

  2. I thought the armadillo was a mythological animal.

  3. To Otto! I had a very nice colleague named like that!

    I never saw an armadillo! He looks so... confident! Pelicans are scary, LOL.
    Oh, fishing. I always read a book when Ingo was at that.

  4. Sadly, the first armadillos I ever saw were dead ones along highways in Texas where road mortality seemed to be epidemic at that time. Finally, I saw a live one and since then have seen them several times in Panama. It is a fascinating creature. Local people will eat them given a chance. I have no idea what they taste like but one can almost be sure, "It tastes like chicken!" Hugs - David

  5. Love your journal page Erika, wonderful beach photos too I love seeing the pelicans-they migrate through here

  6. That looks warm and wonderful! This is the second armadillo I've seen online this week. They're cool looking!

  7. Nice warm weather shots! The armadillo is interesting. Your page is great, as always!

  8. How wonderful to see the armadillo and pelicans on your walk Erika.
    Your page is fantastic, I love it.

  9. Love your happy, red and green page, and the red man on it, lovely idea. And the photos are wonderful, I have never seen as armadillo, never, ever! Hugs, Valerie

  10. hi, I always wondered how it would be to try to ride a bike like that. :) I doubt I would be able to do it.

    The armadillo is a beautiful creature :)

  11. I'd like to try to take a spin on Otto's penny-farthing. That looks like such a nice beach for a walk. Are you getting any sun today?

  12. My week is not going that well, my neck is absolutely driving me nuts. Yesterday was bad and today is a little better but hey ho not here to moan or whinge.
    Love the armadillo. Wow, I would be made up to see one of those walking by. How lucky are you! Gorgeous beach scenes, I love the beach.
    This is a great page Erika, I love Otto and his red suit. I got a carrier bag with a bicycle on it and saved the whole bag as i intend to use it some time in a journal - not too close to yours though. You are certainly giving us ideas for your theme with the work you are sharing. Thanks!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Nice red suit!

    I'd've been excited to see the armadillo. We have them around here but never see them. I'd also love some beach time :)

  14. What a fabulous page this is- I love the background! Otto looks great in his red suit. How great to see the armadillo. Great beach photos, hugs, Chrisx

  15. This is the second time I've left a comment on this post. I hit a wrong combination of keys and it all disappeared.

    Otto is adorable and even looks like an Otto. I like his bicycle, those light bulbs, and the background. It's wonderful for your theme at AJJ, too.

    I was impressed to see so much wildlife on the coast, especially the armadillo.

  16. I am such a sucker for hanging light bulbs, love them and the old bicycle and the map and the stamps, great collaging. Now, I did not know they had dillos in FL! But hey, Florida and Texas share the state bird, mockingbird. So I guess they share dillos too. "The State Roadkill" haha You see more of them dead than alive in Texas. XOX


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