Saturday, February 25, 2023

Weekend Art

 Hi everyone. Happy weekend to you. It's already the last weekend of February.   I am ready for March to begin however. I definitely want spring, even if I am half expecting  winter to come back with a vengeance next month. We've had too much nice weather in February. I could just be superstitious, but it always seems like when the winter is fairly mild, as this one has generally been, March is a lion. A lion roaring lots of winter weather our way here in New Hampshire. grin or maybe I should say frown

 With a little luck this year spring will be early. One can always hope.

My first piece of art is a journal page that tells the story of a family. It also has red in it for my Art Journal Journey's Seeing Red challenge.  This challenge runs through the end of the month, which is this upcoming Tuesday to be exact.

For my page today I made a layered collage in a journal with some tissue paper, stamping, collage sheet art and ephemera from my stash.  As you might notice on the punched out postmark, my page is set in 1946.

Can you see Dad? He's the small photo next to the daughter. Papa is a  French baker, and now that the war is over he, his wife and his daughter are thinking of coming to the United States or Canada with  dreams to open their own patisserie. Post war life is still hard in France, and he and his wife are looking for a better future for their daughter. Still,  the idea of leaving extended family, Mama's garden and  the life they have known is very hard. 

I also have a tag for Michele's Fairy challenge at Tag Tuesday.

Meet my butterfly fairy.

I thought this woman looked like the body of a butterfly, except I forgot to add 2 antennae (and to be technically correct an extra pair of legs). I stamped and colored her wings, stamped and lightly inked the tag background, as well as adding the black scrap paper off my work table and also some purple painted little foam dots.

And to finish off my post, how about a few more garden views from the Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg Florida?

Not much else is new with me. Thanks for visiting, and have a great weekend. 


  1. Lovely collaged journal page, and 1946 is my birth year. The tag you made for Michele's challenge is super, thanks so much for joining us. And I LOVE the photos, I would love to visit that garden! Hugs, Valerie
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. LOL! I really had to scan for Dad!!!
    Maybe they went to Australia!
    It was a village, I think in South Australia, 1995. We stayed an extra day just because at Coles they had "petit pain", just like the German bread rolls!
    Back in the day the Aussies only had that terrible white brad.
    Well. My Brother lives 60 km from here and visits anyone but me. I would not miss much if we´d made it to Perth...

    Your fairy is very fancy.
    Antenna! My doc nearly let me go with two acupuncture needles in my forehead (I thought he wanted them to stay in longer - he didn´t! LOL - imagine driving a car with those whipping needles in!)

    Sunken Gardens sounds so... exciting - I´m watching "Lost Places" on my left monitor right now.

    We are in the West of the USA, so interesting! To a great weekend, hugs

  3. Very creative pages! What's the name of the fish in the Florida garden? Are they those expensive Japanese fish?

  4. Don't write off winter quite yet, Erika. March generally has a few surprises in store for us, and not always the ones we want. But Spring is definitely on the way. The cardinals are singing (the ones in my garden, not the virgins in Rome) and that's good enough for me! Hugs - David

  5. I love the story of your journal page. I hope the family settles in the Worcester area. We could use a good European type bakery. Oh, to be in FL where it is sunny and warm. I wish you live closer. I'd be happy to sit by your woodstove and sip a cup of tea. Stay warm!

  6. I am ready for spring too. Beautiful page, tag and lovely garden photos. Love the idea it is a sunken garden.

  7. Your outdoor photos are very cheerfful! I hope you’ll have a great week and fun with art projects.

    best… mae at

  8. Once again, you have captured some cool stuff with your camera, Erika. And I do like both of your art pieces very much. I get a kick out of your biology mind ('and to be technically correct...' heeheehee). Your French family must have been in a bad economic place to leave, we've had very few immigrants to here from there, they are a fiercely proud lot, so I must assume they have big visions of prosperite' and if they did come, that patisserie was surely a huge success. Happy weekend, XOX

  9. What a fabulous and fun detailed journal page Erika with the tissue paper flowers and stamps, and I can the papa in the photo and I loved your story line, just fabulous..fabulous fairy tag too and all your lovely photos..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  10. Beautiful collage art and awesome photography ~ divine ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Garden scenes like those make me feel warmer, even though it's dreary, gray, and 50 here.

  12. what a gorgeous journal page! and the tag? it is perfection, very classy and unique. thanks for joining my faery challenge at tag tuesday! xo

  13. Oh wow that is one striking fairy Erika! Brilliant tag. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday.


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