Sunday, February 5, 2023

Weekend Colorful Art

Hi everyone. Happy Sunday to you.

Our bitter cold is supposed to be gone today, which is a good thing. We'll be back around freezing (32 degrees F or 0 degrees C).  It would be even better if it would get a tad bit warmer so some of our ice and crunchy snow would melt, but that is asking a lot for February in New Hampshire. Smile. 
(But now they are saying we'll be warmer as the week goes on-hurrah!)

I thought today I would share some art.

Since I am hosting Art Journal Journey this month, I thought I would share a little more inspiration.  This month my theme is Seeing Red. I’m looking for  a red page or a page with some stand out red on it. The page doesn't have to be all red either.   You can check out what I mean by using red over on the Art Journal Journey homepage. 

I layered some tissue paper and red painted scraps. I also painted some clouds and paint stamped  (rather than ink stamped) some big black rings. Then I added some images, some tape and also my quote. 

I'm also squeezing a tag for Wendy's Blue and Green challenge at Tag Tuesday

I painted a white tag this fun shade of green and then used this fun blue paint and a stencil to complete my background.  (I really love these 2 colors, can't you tell by the way I write about them?-grin) I didn't stencil with the blue paint until after I attached this dark blue number grid. I recycled that piece. It was the heavy paper inside a small package of craft supplies. Using a recycled piece from a package of craft supplies was my inspiration of where to go with my tag.

The crafty lady is a stamped and fussy cut image, and the quote is from the same set of rubber stamps as the lady. (The stamps are from Funky Fossil.) I'm sure many of you can relate to that quote especially if you think back over all the years you might  have been crafting/making art.

Then I finished off my tag with a few punched out images from an Art By Marlene image booklet.

That's all for me today. I hope you're enjoying your weekend. And as always, thanks for visiting.



  1. Beautiful art, I like esp. the red one..stay warm! Luckily our weather is rather mild..lots of rain, no sunshine at all..I prefer cold, dry, sunny weather!

  2. Are the seagulls dreaming about being girls or are the girls dreaming about being seagulls? The tag made me laugh. I'm that lady 😺 Hope you were able to stay nice and cozy by the woodstove and that your temps are on the rise. We're supposed to get close to 50 midweek!

  3. I don't recall colors in my dreams, except once in an Italian restaurant underneath a trellis full of blooms.

  4. Beautiful art. It was -4 F here yesterday morning. And the winds. But it's supposed to get up to 50 F later this week. Yay!

  5. Hi Erika, thanks for your visit today - the wearing red thing applies when it is your year so in the next year of the rat, wear red. I like the different shades in your page today and I also like blue and green together so I will try and join in.

  6. I like your red theme! Lovely page and tag today

  7. High today here in Memphis is predicted to be 58. I'm wondering if perhaps we're done with wintry precipitation for this winter.

  8. wonderful art, this is excellent work!
    Have a beautiful new Week, hug Elke

  9. I love the first and am so in with the second!!!!
    I was looking for something and found "Pinselstifte", half missing. Hm.
    But red is in there.
    Reckon I´ll pimp my T-Day-piece for you (I´ll try).

  10. Your choice of red today has be thinking how so many disparate items went into that spread and they all worked SO well together, too. I really like the sentiment. Even the black paint circles work well. Thanks for this fun entry for uyor theme at AJJ, Erika.

    That was a fun and funny tag. I am ashamed of all I have collected over the years and let sit. This hits a bit close to home for many of us I suspect.

  11. I am totally jealous that you live in a cold area...I'm in the UAE and its ALWAYS boiling!!
    I love these beautiful creations, very inspirational! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog xx

  12. Haha, me neither!! I love your brilliant tag Erika. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  13. Pretty art, Erika! Yes, we're warming up, too -- 40s beginning today. It works for me (Rick's en route to up north for a day of skiing -- it might be his last as the warm temps will be statewide).

  14. Love the wonderful, red page, and the tag is gorgeous, thanks so much for linking to Tag Tuesday! I need to get rid of a lot of my supplies to make things more managable for me! Hugs, Valerie

  15. Love the artwork!

    Enjoy the thaw--it's amazing how warm freezing can feel after it's been way colder than that :-)

  16. Fabulous page and tag Erika, thank you for sharing with us on tag Tuesday. I hope your snow goes away quickly, hope you haven't sent it over here though. Hugs Wendy

  17. Nice art and I hope it warms up enough for you, at least for a while! xoxo

  18. Super page Erika, I love the way you have used the red in different shades and tones. The white fluffy clouds (yes the tissue makes them fluffy to look at) provide a strong contrast to all the red as do the black rings and the addition of the two beautiful ladies.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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