Saturday, March 4, 2023

More From My Florida Journal on a Wintery Day

 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday to you.

We are in the middle of a BIG snowstorm this morning as this post goes live.  My shovel has been getting a daily work out this past week. So have I-smile.  The snow from these late storms luckily don’t last long, but finally, after a fairly mild winter and already having mud season, we have a lot of snow on the ground.  If it was January it might be exciting, but by March, I think most everyone is tired of snow. At least that's what it seems like everyone is talking about.

I'm  disappointed it’s storming today though because I really wanted to do something fun. It's my birthday, and how often does it fall on a Saturday when the hubby is home?  I will have to celebrate on another day, so maybe if I look at it that way, this snow is a good thing because I can have more than 1 day for my birthday. Hee-hee.

I will definitely eat some cake that I made yesterday though. 😀

I'm going to share some warm and cheery pages from my Florida journal today. I've shown you some of my  photos from the Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg over the last few weeks, and I'll finish those up  after my journal pages.

I did a lot of brochure chopping to make these pages. They're pretty simple, but the point of my travel  journal is to have a collection of memory pages, not necessarily finished individual art pages. I look at the whole journal as 1 piece of art, unlike my art journals where each page is an individual piece. 

The shiny sticker on the next page did not photograph very well.

And if you want to read about the Sunken Gardens, one of Florida's old time tourist attractions, you can do so on the next page.

I'm linking these to Valerie's Anything Goes challenge at Art Journal Journey.
And here's the rest of my  Sunken Garden photos.

One thing I thought was interesting is that this attraction (owned by the city of St. Petersburg) takes in many abandoned  tropical birds and cares for them. They have a whole section of the garden that is closed to the public where these birds are kept. And they also have this flock of flamingos. I'm not sure this  gives these flamingos their best life as they are pinioned and can't fly, but I  don't know how to tell  if these birds are happy in their pool area or whether they'd like to be flying free.

I enjoyed watching them however. 
Here's a few final shots from the gardens that includes some cool textures that you'll see if you look at plants closely.

And like this brook, I've been babbling enough for one post. Have a great weekend.


  1. Happy Birthday / Saturday, Erika!! Do enjoy some more cakes with your husband. Celebrate the whole month :-))
    Beautiful flamingos!

  2. A very happy Birthday then for real! Hugs! To a happy day. And year, of course!
    And ohhh, the birds... yes, I agree, but I think if they never have been free they enjoy life like this?
    Enjoy your cake, we´ll have goulash tonight.
    To yum!

  3. Dear Erika, first of all Happy Birthday! I don't know if snow in March is really a great birthday present, but at least you carried it with humor. By the way, I've moved my birthday from late autumn to summer several times because it got on my nerves not being able to celebrate outdoors when the weather was sunny and warm ;-)))
    I like your flamingo pages - I love these elegant birds. I also feel sorry for them if they are not allowed to fly. But maybe they are protected by it? It was nice to make a virtual trip to florida, thanks a lot :-)
    Hugs, have a wonderful weekend & happy March days!
    ❤️ Traude❤️

  4. Happy Birthday! 🎂💐🥳🎈🪅Today, is a perfect day to stay inside eat cake and have tea. Also looking forward to an extended celebration is awesome. Since we have a nasty Wintry mix going on, seeing pictures of warm places was the best. I think the flamingoes look pretty happy. Stay safe and warm

  5. Erika! Happy Birthday -- oh, that's wonderful, a birthday on a Saturday. I hope you made a glorious cake (I know you did.) And keep the celebration going as long as anyone will celebrate with you. You deserve it.

    Flamingos are one of my favorites and I loved both your journal interpretation and the photos!

  6. Happy Birthday and lovely and dynamic photography and art creations ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Happy. Happy, happy birthday dear Erika. You have to celebrate the whole week, so get going on the cake today and keep celebrating through Friday!
    Love your journal pages, Florida has so much to offer. The photo with the feathers is a real WOW! And thanks a bunch for linking to my challenge! BIG hugs, Valerie

  8. Happy Birthday Erika! You need to get back to Florida. Lovely page.

  9. Happy birthday!
    Lovely flamingo page.

  10. Happy Birthday! I wish I could send you our perfect weather.

    Your flamingos are a bright spot :)

  11. And A Very Happy Happy - Enjoy This Trip Around The Sun - Yahooo000000000

  12. Happy Happy Birthday!
    Eat that cake!
    Nice travel journal pages - a variety of images and cool info. You will definitely remember this trip.
    Stay warm and cozy, XOX

  13. First of all, happy birthday to you. It is snowing and hailing here. I am sick of this. I don't live in snow country. LOL I haven't seen Flamingos since I was a kid. They are such cool birds. Have a nice day.

  14. you had me at flamingo... I have collected those for since childhood. The palm photo of the center radiating off like a mandala is so cool... want...

  15. Good evening, I really enjoyed seeing all of the photos-you have put together a really nice journal of your vacation too. I have never seen a flamingo in the wild-I think I saw one at a zoo though.
    Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  16. Happy Birthday!
    Those photos of flamingo are fantastic.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. Belated 🎂 wishes to you, Erika, and hope you had a great day even with the snow storm. Here, in Nashua, there were only a few inches total compared to what you may have received. Flamingos are so colorful and intereresting and enjoyed seeing your FL captures.

  18. I wish you a happy birthday and your diary pages have become beautiful with your great photos!!! Flamingos are such pretty birds!
    Happy new week, hug Elke

  19. Happy belated birthday, dear. I hope it was great. Yur getting snow was an omen when I thought you might like to be in the southwest, where it is warm and sunny right now. Of course, dreaming of returning to the Sunken Gardens is wonderful, too. Nice way to remember your trip. Thanks for this latest entry at AJJ using Valerie's theme.

    You asked if I have the book I reviewed for my second look. Gosh, I need to visit YOUR second look. DUH. Yes, I still have the book. I have ALL the books I reviewed for Artful Readers Club. I have given some of the artwork away, but sill have all the books, except one, which I promised to pay forward after I won it. Thanks for asking. in fact, I wish I had rephotographed it, since my old camera was so lousy.

  20. Forgot to mention, the flamingos at our zoo are like that, too and they seem quite content. Of course, I can't be sure, since I don't speak flamingo.

  21. Belated birthday wishes to you Erika, hope you had a good day.
    Your pages are beautiful, and I love your photos of the flamingos.

  22. Two birthdays sounds good ! I came across some of my Travel journals in my tidy up. Yours looks great and holds lovely memories of your trip. Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Happy belated birthday, Erika. We were away for the weekend, but I think we had to contend with the same storm you did. I shovelled my driveway twice on Friday night and again before we could get out of the driveway on Saturday morning. The local roads were clogged but the highways were quite clear and once we got north a ways it was plain sailing and we had a glorious weekend. Hugs - David

  24. Many happy belated birthday wishes.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  25. Happy belated Birthday Erika, I hope you had a lovely day even with all the snow.. oh my it looks like an tremendous amount to me. Hubbys roses are beautiful.
    The idea of creating your travel journals as a reflection back on the memory is a really wonderful idea, so full of bright colour and interesting facts. The sunken gardens do look amazing.
    Sorry I am late getting here, it's been a hard weekend with my Mom as her memory continues to fade there have been many distress calls from her..
    Popping in here this morning before I have to go over to her again.
    Big Hugs Tracey xx

  26. Belated Birthday Greetings, we are close together with the day for our birthdays as mine is this coming Friday, just a week or so behind yours. I guess we are both Pisces then, I just knewI was drawn to your work for a reason.
    Thank you for those lovely pages showing your trip to the Sunken Gardens - the flamingo in the top picture is magnificent. What gorgeous colours, draw you straight to the bird.
    The photos are stunning and it must have been lovely to see so many flamingoes - and how wonderful to get a feather from one of them, did you?
    Sorry about the snow, we had a sprinkling today but more is forecast although it is very doubtful it will be anything like you have. It's jolly cold though.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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