Thursday, March 2, 2023

Second on the Second and Warm Colors

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. It's snowing again here at my house. I will have to shovel again today, which I have had to do everyday this week. 

It's March second, which means it's time for Second on the Second  over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. To join, all you have to do is repost a post or share something that you've already had on your blog.

And it is also Thursday, which also means it's time for  Rain's Art and Dinner Date

This week Rain's theme is warm colors, so I'm combining these 2 challenges by sharing some warm colored journal pages from the past posts. 

Any of these pages, if they had never been posted, would also work for our new challenge at Art Journal Journey. Valerie is hosting this month, and her theme is Anything Goes. I'll have something new to share tomorrow.

I had to go through quite a few posts to find these since more of my pages are made with cool than warm colors. I suppose I could have shared some pages from last month when the challenge at Art Journal Journey was red themed pages, but it's fun to look back and see where I was artwise other than in my recent memory.

And I did a bit of baking this past week. Even though my baking isn't  for the dinner part of Rain's Art and Dinner Date, it would work for dessert.  Let me share some yummy cookies my husband requested.

These are peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips and salted peanuts. 
I haven't made cookies since before Christmas so these are tasting really yummy.

That's all for me today. I've got an early allergist appointment for the second day in a row, and I'll be out most of the day so I might be  late stopping by to visit blogs. The same was true yesterday, so if I never stopped by, it's because I didn't have a chance.  And for those of you who I only "see"  on Thursdays, have a great rest of your week.



  1. Your cookies look delicious, you have some fabulous journal pages on show. Now I want a cookie! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Nice to see warm colors which will hopefully melt all the cold white snow outside. Rain today. I hope you have rain and not snow, too. Stay warm and dry

  3. Those pages with warm colours are really lovely and beautiful! 2 and 3 are my favourites though. Peanut butter and chocolate chips...these cookies would disappear in no time in my house.

  4. Lovely warm art and those cookies are tempting!

  5. I love these bright pages Erika.
    Your cookies look most inviting but I had a naughty scone today so I have to pass!
    Hugs, Chrisx

  6. What a lot of lovely art! And your cookies look fabulous!

  7. Lovely art on your post.
    Those cookies look good.

    Hope your allergist appointment went well.

    All the best Jan

  8. Lovely Art. I especially like the third one. Great quote too.
    Oh, the cookies look so tasty!
    Enjoy the weekend...

  9. A garden, oh, if only...
    I have in A3 "Love of my Life" framed on the wall, as song-text and signatures of all Queen members :-)

    I still wait to try out my rain boots.
    Hm. That peanut butter sits still somewhere in the kitchen. We tried it once. It was too sweet.
    Looking for recipes to use it in (if it´s not already waaaaay past "best before"-date, cause time runs...)

    Good luck. I know what luck I have to have no allergies. It even was in the news yesterday night... Must be a pain when you want to enjoy Spring and all you do is sneeze, blurry eyes and all...

  10. ...ah, mud seasons. We seem to have gone between winter and mud season all long. Try not to walk out of your boots!

  11. Love your journal pages, Erika ... my favorite is the "Mud Season". And I could go for a few of your cookies as well :) I am a once a weeker, so same right back at you ... have a great rest of your week :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  12. I love the texture of the first background, that looks great, and those rain boots! Cookies look delicious, not had a cookie this year! Happy Second on the Second! Elle/EOTC xx

  13. I started a bit of cleanup on the patio today -high of 60-ish and sunny- and planted some dill seed in the pots I had parsley in last year.

    Those cookies look delicious!

  14. I love all the warm colors you shared for your second look this month, dear Erika. I loved and laughed at Mud Season. I really love the Welcome Journal page since it is filled with such great collage fodder. And I especially love the background and the children in the final entry.

    Now I'm ready for a cookie. Bet you didn't save any, though (grin)!

  15. lol, LOVE the boots for mud season :)

  16. I'm loving your art posts with the warm theme and your header too! It's good to see warm colors in this still cool season. I'll have to go off and make some cookies for my hubby now. He would love those! XO Have a great week!

  17. Those cookies sound yummy Erika!! I love the warm colours of your artwork, especially the rain boot piece!! ♥


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