Tuesday, March 21, 2023

So Sweet

Hi everyone . Two weeks have flown by once again, and it is time for a new challenge at Try It On Tuesday.

Thank you everyone who joined us  for our Go Green challenge, Also  thank you Aimeslee for being our guest host for that challenge. It was such fun to see everyone's green, which along with blue are my favorite colors.

Our new challenge might have you thinking about candy, babies, adorable children, puppies, kittens, honey, maple syrup or other cute things. For the next 2 weeks our theme is

So Sweet

The little bunnies I tucked in among the felt flowers are really sweet, and since I'm also thinking a lot about spring, I made this bunny themed journal page for this challenge.

I started with some stenciled deli paper scraps. Then I painted my whole page light pink and inked a bit of purply-pink also. I'm not sure the sunflower photo frame would be my choice now that the page is finished, but I had glued it down and added the big stamped bunny face before I decided to added sweet little pink stamped bunnies in the flowers.

The felt flowers were recycled from another project, and I added some paper buttons to their centers. I thought about adding string through their holes, but since this page  is in a journal I didn't want any thick string to make the page bulge any more than it does with flowers. Of course now I look at it I say why didn't I just add a bit of sewing thread. Hindsight is always so informative, isn't it?

Be sure to check out all the other ideas and inspiration from my talent design team members. 

This challenge runs for the next 2 weeks, and we allow any type of art that works with our theme. 

I am also linking up to Valerie's Anything Goes challenge over at Art Journal Journey. Please remember we only accept art journaling and no cards, tags, ATC's or other non-journaling art pieces.

I hope you have some sweet ideas and decide to share them with us at Try It On Tuesday.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.



  1. With a theme like "So Sweet", on a day when Trump is musing about getting arrested, I think it would be so sweet to see him In a jump suit to match his orange hair! Hugs - David

  2. Aaaawww, what a sweet and beautiful piece. It doesn't need sewing thread, it's beautiful as it is. Reminds me of past days when my daughter was in Kindergarten. And thanks for linking to AJJ, too! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  3. What a beautiful page! I really love the rosy tone...so sweet!

  4. So sweet is right! Love your page!

  5. So sweet Erika! LOVE those bunnies popping from the flowers... and I think that sunflower frame is perfect!!! So cute! Have a fantastic week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  6. Now THAT is sweet. Love the bunny or hare and the little bunnies running around. Darling flowers and great button centers. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20- Thanks also for another great entry at AJJ using Valerie's theme.

  7. This is a fab page Erika! The bunnies peeking out from the flowers are a brilliant add! x

  8. Oh, this is sooooooo sweet.
    Those lashes and the heart-nose and all the wee ones. Thank you for the big smile, hugs

  9. wonderful page with the so cute bunnies and the fabric flowers!I love your creativity!
    Hug Elke

  10. Your journal page is so sweet with those cute bunnies and gorgeous felt flowers- makes me want to dust off my much neglected journal and create something fun! I'm so pleased to be a guest designer for TIOT this fortnight- and thank you for your lovely comment.

  11. Nice page, very sweet! Well, the sunflower frame does draw the eye to the focal bunny! I learned a trick years ago, if you introduce a different color in one spot, put just a tad of it at least one other place. The eye will be calmed down and accept that color in the overall scheme. Hope your week began well and things warm up for you. We had some sun yesterday afternoon, but rainy/cloudy til Saturday. This see-saw weather is getting old! XOX

  12. Gorgeous page, love the little bunnies amongst the flowers and I do really like those felt flowers too !


  13. I love the sweet bunny and think that the sunflower frame looks wonderful! The flowers are a beautiful addition to your page! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Such a sweet page Erika! I love the bunny.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    Alison x

  15. I love this adorable page Erika with that sweet bunny image you used, perfect inspiration for the theme.
    As usual I've been reading your posts I have missed this morning and was realy interested in the collecting and processing of the syrup.
    Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Sweet! I love the felt and button flowers.

  17. Oh, that bunny looks so sweet! Especially with the sentiment that you added, I smiled when I read "somebunny love you" - perfect 😊. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  18. Mama bunny has a good overview of her little baby bunnies. I love how they are running all over the place amongst the flowers. nice texture and colors.

  19. I absolutely love purples and pinks. I also love purples and yellows. And pinks and oranges. OMG! The endless fun!

  20. Nothing could be sweeter than the colour 'pink'. Well, unless it was cute 'bunnies' of course. You have married the two beautifully and the result is a delightful page in your journal.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  21. A gorgeous page Erika,, looks like the Mummy bunny is watching over her little ones hopping about in the flowers, so sweet. Love the sentiment you added.
    Avril xx


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