Saturday, March 18, 2023

Weekend Post

 Hi everyone. It's the weekend. I hope you have a nice one and do something you enjoy.

I have a fun little adventure planned for tomorrow/Sunday that I am looking forward to. I'm going to the theater with my daughter and a friend. I'll tell you more about it in another post.

I want to start today's post with another tag for Valerie's challenge at Tag Tuesday. Her theme is birds.

To make this tag I used lots of scraps off my work table as well as a tag I painted. I really like the 2 colors and my splash like effect of the paint, so you'll probably be seeing some more of that type of background in the future. To make it I just put a blob of paint down and used a dried up baby wipe to smush it around the tag. Then I repeated that process with the second darker color.

I also promised to share more photos from Edison's and Ford's Winter homes in Fort Meyers, Florida. Let me finish off this post with rest of those photos. 

This is the view down by the river which is the waterfront of these 2 homes. You can see that the pier was destroyed in the hurricane and all that is left is the base support pylons.

I love this wonderful old fashioned porch. I really liked these houses because they were 1) beautifully vintage and 2) they were really down to earth and not opulent in any way. This would be a great place to sit with a book and read.

And in the garage Ford had built near his home, there were a few antique cars. I bet you can guess what company made them. 

This is Henry Ford's house. It was not built by Ford, but he bought this property when it went on sale so he could be next door to his friend (Edison). You can see our tour guide off to the right in this photo too. He did a great job.

There were also a few of Ford's cars in the museum they had on the property which was across the street from the homes.

I didn't take many photos in the museum so I can't share more of that.

The pool area was closer to the river, and it sustained damage during Hurricane Ian last fall. We couldn't go into the area. Edison built the pool for his children. 

Here's another view of Ford's home. I think the other house in this view, way down the end, was either private property or museum administration offices.  

And this is from me standing on Ford's front walk looking back to the Edison house. I'd love to be planting my gardens in January, but I have no plans to move to Florida.

Here's a few views from inside both of the homes.

You couldn't go into the homes, but for 2 very wealthy men, these homes were (in my opinion) really lovely. I actually thought (before I visited) that these homes were going to be large and over the top like so many people build nowadays, so their simplicity surprised me.

I think ibises are very interesting looking bird, and they make me think of ancient Egypt.

The roots of a couple of trees that came down in the hurricane.

An artist had put up 3 sculptures. One was of Mrs. Edison in the garden center (which- for shame) -I didn't photograph. There was also one of Edison and his banyan tree.

And one of Ford by his house.

I'm not sure these statues really added anything, except you could see what these people looked like.

Something was also being filmed in Ford's garage by his house. They started filming right after we walked through, but the language was in Spanish so I don't know what it was about.

And last but not least for my British and Commonwealth friends, there was a large tree planted in memory of the Queen last summer. You can see the top of it in the second photo.

This post is long enough. Hope you enjoyed the photo tour of Edison's and Ford's winter homes.
Enjoy your weekend. 


  1. Hi Erika! First off, thanks so much for making another beAUtiful tag for my birds challenge, much appreciated! Love how you panted the background, that is definitly a technique to remember and use. The pics fro our visit to Ford's and Edison's houses ae wonderful, that's another place I would love to visit! Thanks for sharing! Hus, Valerie

  2. Love your tag! So much detail.
    Do swans relax? I remember one attacking a cousin back in the day (we were around 5yo).
    Is that a "coq au vin"? In that case I would - if you like comedies - suggest you watch this movie - sexy guy included.
    Summer... that´s after work sitting on the balcony and enjoying life! See all the good we have. Be thankful...

    Wow on that view. YES. A book, a cool drink, warmth (or better: heat), a breeze... RAIN!!! That would be heaven.

    Fun fish-story.

    Yes. ALSTOM does that still, going through the alphabet...

    A pool! Oh, this is all... wonderful! Thank you very big for sharing and darn, I nearly forgot about the book but next week I have time 6 hours+ to read...
    Oh, the palms would be enough to draw me there...
    Hugs and thank you!

  3. I have made a careful note of this esoteric technique you mention, i.e, depositing a blob of paint and smushing it around. I think with a little practice even I could get that right. I appreciate the tip! Hugs - David

  4. The old fashioned porch is perfect - wide, easily cleaned, surrounded by trees and with a great water view. I would put a table and two chairs out there, a coffee machine and a small book case. Sometimes life can be excellent :)

    Art and Architecture, mainly

  5. Lovely homes! I like the dining rooms and the fireplace. So cozy and warming.
    Have a good time with your daughter!

  6. Wonderful tag. I love the buttons. I was surprised the homes aren't more ostentatious. They are beautiful. That porch would make a great studio space. As much as I would love the warmer weather year round, there is no place like New England. Enjoy your theater outing.

  7. Beautiful tag and enjoyed the tour

  8. Hi Erika, hope you and hubby are staying warm and dry. The cold has settled here, just south of us next town over across the ship channel had sleet this morning! For here, that's a big deal, haha. It will only be in the 50's for the high on the first day of spring, another weirdity (new word, lol). Well, I love the painted background on your tag, the blues are so pretty with the red and it does remind me of summer! Those two summer homes are quite grand in their simplicity. I'm pleasantly surprised the porches survived the hurricane so well, but it's a real testament to the craftmanship back then. We have several homes like those built around the same time down in Galveston, which was another destination for northern wealthy folk to escape to and the peeps who lived there year-round. I just love all the wood inside the homes. I even like that jalopy with a wood carriage! Ford had many faults but his genius more than made up for it. Still trying to decide how I feel about Edison, what with the Tesla controversies. We grew up enshrining Edison and then, WUT? I guess history, like science, never truly rests. Hope it warms up for you some, XOX

  9. Engaging post. Happy Sunday Erika

  10. Old homes are beautiful for the woodworking details and thanks, Erika, for more into on Ford and Edison’s FL residences which it is unlikely I will visit in person as FL is not a favored return destination. And, those vintage autos were beautiful too.

  11. Dear Erika, you did a wonderful job with your tag.
    And I am very happy that you show us more of the Ford & Edison mansions - fantastic. The vintage cars also fascinate me a lot. It's a shame that the hurricane caused such damage to nature, but fortunately the houses remained intact.
    Have a nice Sunday and a good new week!
    Traude ๐Ÿ˜˜❤️

  12. Hi, Erika ๐Ÿ˜€
    Your tag BG is a great idea ๐Ÿ‘, and the tag looks beautiful ๐Ÿงก
    Thanks for sharing your travelling photos. Interesting houses indeed.
    I wish your upcoming week is happy and inspiring ๐Ÿฅฐ

  13. Hi Erika, I love how you have created your tag from scraps, it's really lovely.
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday
    Great blog post too. xx

  14. Thanks for the tour :) We need more homes built to take advantage of sun and breezes. I'm a big fan of deep porches.

    I like that background on your tag. Nice design and color.

  15. The thing I love here is how really liveable these places are. I feel like I could move in and feel at home -- not too precious or "protect me at all costs" (though I'm sure the docents would say differently!) They are reasonably cozy (unlike the more formal mansions of Ford in Detroit). I love these.

  16. Your tag is gorgeous and so full of colour Erika! Wow I really enjoyed your photos, what a great tour to be on. I absolutely love seeing older houses and I'm really caught up on Downton Abbey at the minute. But that front porch, wow, yes please!!!

  17. I think your tag looks great.
    Thank you for sharing all of your lovely photographs, I certainly enjoyed the 'photo tour' from the comfort of my armchair :)

    All the best Jan

  18. That tag is awesome. I like that technique using a dried up baby wipe.

    I was mesmerized by the photos of the two homes you shared with us. Sad about the pier, but the houses were spared at least. They are so well kept too. The interior of the one house's living room caught my eye with its mission style couch and that amazing slag glass lamp. What amazing photos, Erika.

  19. Great photos, and your tag is beautiful Erika. I love the paint effect and the colours you used.
    P.S. I love your Spring header too, so beautiful.

  20. So many places I am hearing of now that I would have loved to have visited when I used to go to America. This looks wonderful but I was rather taken aback when I saw the statue, it looked almost ghost-like standing there so white against the dark background.
    What a beautiful house, inside and out it is.
    Oops, I came on here to mention your artwork but the pictures took over with me - love the tag you made and I always like orange and blue together. Very complimentary.
    Hugs, Neet x


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