Saturday, March 25, 2023

Weekend Post

 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday or Sunday to you, depending when you see this post. It is Saturday afternoon in my spot on the planet, and we're due for some unsettled weather.  It is raw and grey outside. In fact a few minutes ago it was snowing; now it has stopped, and I hope it stays that way. ☝

I'm in a lazy Saturday afternoon mode. I have lost my ambition, but I did have a busy morning. Since I am relaxing on the couch,  let me take the time to share another journal page for Valerie's Anything Goes challenge at Art Journal Journey

Met Sam and Felicia. They are 2   modern artists who lived back  in  the early 1900s. You could say they were ahead of their time when it comes to creating art and living a bit of a bohemian lifestyle, much to the dismay of their very reserved and conventional parents.

My page today is in honor of Sam and Felicia, my fictional artists. I started my page by using some watercolor paints and painting circles and rings around the circles. Once dry, I outlined them with a black Sharpie. I still had a white background, so I used a light pink gelato and a wet brush to spread a bit of color around the background.

After that I wasn't sure what to do, so my page sat for a week. Then I decided it needed an acetate image of some kind. When I hit my stash the first thing I found was these 8x11 page sized maps. I had made these for a lab back when I taught school, and every time I did the lab the kids would use and then return the acetate maps. When I retired I figured my replacement wouldn't be using them since none of us had been doing this particular lab for several years. Because of that I brought the stack home with me. It was better than tossing them out. 

I glued the map down on my watercolor paper, and then, once the glue dried and so I knew the acetate wouldn't peel off, I  rough circle stitched around each of the painted circles. The stitching went through both the acetate and the watercolor paper.  Then I was able to finish my page by adding a strip of green tape, Sam and Felicia's photo (from TH) and a stamped on paper and then glued down the quote.

Here's a couple of photos I took of the snow melt yesterday. Now that the snow has started falling again this afternoon, (and it's coming down quite hard right now),  hopefully this area won't be all white again. 😢

That's all for  me in this post. I just need to decide  whether to spend the rest of my afternoon  watching a movie or reading, both which could lead me to taking a nap.

Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hi Erika, your page with the young and unconventional artists is great, very well thought out! And sorry your weather is still so bad. It rained here most of the day, too. Hope you are enjoying your relaxing weekend as I am. Hugs, Valerie

  2. ...we have no snow now. I try to stay busy between my naps.

  3. I like Sam and Felicia's sentiment So sorry about the snow. I hope that burst was the last of it for you. We're just getting rain.

  4. It has been a pretty grey, miserable day here too, Erika, but it gave me a chance to catch up on a few long overdue responses to emails - stuff like that. Other than a little birding through the window I didn't even go out for that - very unusual for me. A friend of Miriam's came over and had stopped at the local bakery, so not only did I not walk I ate a tea biscuit. For shame! I have tried to find the self- flagellation whip, but I must have hidden it well! Hugs - David

  5. Nice page. Good to see the snow receding, here too.

  6. Sam and Felicia look very bohemian and very well worth honouring. What a shame they were fictional artists and not your beloved great aunt and uncle :)

  7. Great page and so many new techniques again.
    Oh, you must be so sick of snow! I would.
    Happy napping :-) Hugs

  8. Had my, what seems a weekly catch up these days . Super photos but not so good that you still seem to be having snow, shouldn't say that as they say we may get some here as well.
    I loved your art pages and the sweet junk journal spread.
    Have a good week.
    Yvonne xx

  9. We have been having some rain, but snow at the end of March? Wow..that's just too cold for me. Love your flowery spring header, Erika.

  10. Wonderful journal pag, great idea of yours!
    Yes, the weather is cold and stormy for me on the North Sea, at least the sun is shining! Hope you don't get any more snow.
    Beautiful Sunday evening!Hug Elke

  11. We're past our date of the last frost here, so I'm taking my plants back outside. I've already planted some seeds in pots, and they're a couple of inches high already. Your snow melt is more snow than we hardly ever see around here. I hope you can see more warmth and less snow soon.

  12. It's a great page Erika. I love the colourful circles.
    Hope you have a good new week.

  13. So sorry about your snow.
    Our weather is quite mixed, but I have to say the daffodils in the garden are looking good :)

    I do like your new Spring header, it is so colourful.

    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  14. Behind on everything so commenting here on the past couple posts including your gorgeous sunsets, terrific melt off (finally) and those mesmerizing water shots. I especially loved the ice crystals.

    Are you doing Sketchbook Revival? Between that, appointments, other stuff I am not able to keep to even a bit of a schedule.

  15. It took me a minute to see the sewing, but I like how you wound it around the circles. You have done a great job with that TH couple. I also like how you have put that acetate to such great use. Thanks for sharing this with us because it is perfect for Valerie's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I hope you are not snowed in right now, dear.

  16. I love your page for Valerie's AJJ theme! Sorry you had more snow. Hugs, Chrisx

  17. Fingers crossed you are done with snow! I like your page and what an inventive way to add the map transparency to it. I dare to think that Sam and Felicia had a mixed marriage, religion-wise, as that was a shocker back then. By the 20's, pretty commonplace. Both sets of my grandparents - one set was Church of Christ/Methodist and the other set Baptist/Methodist, and my great-parents said they would never last, lol. They'd all die of shock were they to live today! XOX


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