Sunday, April 2, 2023

April First Was a Really Bad Day And Second on the Second

Hi everyone. 

I bet some of you didn't expect this post today. Neither did I. April 1 was a really bad day.

And this is a very long post-sorry!

It started when I woke up to a dusting of new snow (a lot you see on the ground is what was already there from previous storms.)

" Ha ha, April Fools" said old man winter.

The snow was OK because I was supposed to be heading south. 
This is when the story gets complicated and really frustrating for me.

 I was originally supposed to fly to Raleigh, North Carolina (on Saturday April 1) to meet my friend. She is a teacher and has this upcoming week off for spring break. However, her sister is arriving from Canada on Wednesday, so  we were going on our roadtrip Saturday through Wednesday morning since she obviously needed to be home for when her sister arrived.  Our roadtrip  destinations included Atlanta and parts of Alabama.

Friday, the day before I was due to fly,  I got 2 texts from the airline, the top 2 in the next photo.

If I was just going to my friend's home in Raleigh the new rescheduled flight would have worked and I would have just missed visiting on Saturday. But that flight was not going to work since we were hitting the road when I arrived first thing Saturday morning. I went online to see what other flights were available to Raleigh that I could easily switch too, and there was nothing. Every flight was unavailable. It was time to call the airline.

If you follow the weather in the US you might know that some really bad storms had been blowing through the southeast (and other places), and there were more predicted for Saturday. These storms included some serious tornadoes as  well as tornado watches and warnings. The amount of damage has been horrible, and it is really sad  how many people have died. 

The airline rep  told me they had cancelled flights and made rebookings to work around these potential storms. They could not switch my ticket to get me to Raleigh early on Saturday. I called my friend and explained. She said no problem. Why don't I see if I can get a flight to Birmingham, Alabama. She'd  drive there  and just meet me at the airport, and since we were heading for Birmingham Saturday night anyhow, we could just start our trip from there.

So I called the airline, and  I got the very last seat on the only flight from Manchester (NH) to Tampa, Florida and then from Tampa to Birmingham. I was due to arrive at 4 in the afternoon Birmingham time. "That is a great schedule" says my friend.  "It's just a small snafu and really doesn't affect the trip."

Now my new Saturday flight left at 11:30 (AM)  from Manchester instead of 5:30 (AM). Oh good, I could sleep a little later. I headed for the airport at 8:15 after breakfast, as it takes me a little over an hour to get there and I like to be early otherwise I can get a little stressed. I was just about at the airport, and my phone dinged. I quickly glanced over to see who the text is from (but I didn't read it because I am driving) and I saw from the corner of my eye it is from the airline. When I arrived at the airport, rather than parking in the garage, I drove into the cell phone lot so I could see what is going on now.

My flight to Tampa had been delayed. This was a big problem. I had an under an hour layover in Tampa before I flew to Birmingham. I could get to Tampa, but with the delay, I would miss my connection. Once again I called the airline to see what they could do. 

The representative is very very nice. 
The rep then said she'll see what she can do. I sat a while listening to that lovely recorded music. Then she got back on. Other than the flight I was booked on, there was NOTHING available Saturday. I could fly to Tampa and hope my flight to Birmingham was also delayed. But if not, then I would be left in Tampa. So I asked  if I took my flight to Tampa  can I get into Birmingham first thing Sunday morning? That  would work since my friend would still be in Birmingham.

No, there are no open spaces on the Sunday flight. The earliest they could get me into Birmingham is Monday morning, and by then my friend (who needs to be home by Wednesday) is off on the roadtrip we planned and is no longer in Birmingham. 

AUGH!!! I couldn't find any other flights. These storms were really doing a number plus it is last minute and planes were already full. I once again called my friend who had been driving for a few hours. I explained the situation, and she said exactly what I was thinking.
"Trips are supposed to be fun and low stress  and this is turning into a bigger uncontrollable, more stressful mess."

OK,  you must be sick of this story. It ended up I cancelled my trip. Luckily I could get 100% refunded for my flight, and my flight home was paid with points, so those points just rolled back into my account. She and I are now planning a weekend trip sometime in the near future. My friend  continued off on our roadtrip on her own. I  turned around and drove home to the snow covered ground.

That means here I am for Second on the Second over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog. And although I'd rather be in Alabama with my friend, I am glad to be here sharing a second look with you. 

This month Elizabeth is hosting at Art Journal Journey and her challenge theme is Recycle, Reuse or Repurpose.  That's the general idea I have to share with you today for Second on the Second.

Some of you might remember this fish, spray painted here. My husband had found it at the recycle barn they used to have at our "dump".

After the spray paint I covered him with some printed tissue paper and then I painted him and gave him some google eyes.

Here's the original link: Recycled Fish from April 18, 2021

And here he is as of yesterday, sitting on my living room bookshelf.

Sorry for the long post. I hope April has started off better for all of you who visit my blog. 


  1. ...from here, the only is up.

  2. Erika, I am so sorry that you had to cancel your flight. We saw about the storms and tornadoes in the TV. Just awful. I hope you will soon be able to schedule a new trip.sending big hugs, Valerie
    I remember your beautiful fish!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about all of the complications with your flight. The storms have been horrible. Your fish art is lovely.

  4. Erika you did your very best to make the trip and who can argue with the weather. And you have re-planned and made the best of it. That is a lovely piece you made.

  5. What a story. And it is NOT a fish story, either. I am sorry you missed your friend, but you may be safer at home, because even MORE storms were forecast for that area last night and possibly today.

    I loved that fish. It was great that you recycled it and it was the best gift you could have given me, too. One of TIME. Thanks for sharing your harrowing experience with the airlines, your cancelled trip, and youor wonderful recycled fish you gave us as your second look on the 2nd.

  6. I was hoping your story was going to be an April Fool's. So sorry you had to cancel your trip with your friend. I like the color of your fish, and he reminds me of the Singing Bass.

  7. Oh Erika. That IS awful. I'm so sorry about the flights and cancellation. You must be heartsick. I know I'm sick at heart for you. I'm glad you can reschedule but so disappointing. (And glad you aren't out money for it, either. Phew.)

    I LOVE your fish. Love it.

  8. I love that the rep was nice. That helps a lot. Recently dealt with a few people via over the phone last week that were a delight and super helpful.

    I love that!

    100% refund. Wow, wow. Love that too!

    The fish came out really fun. How cool!

  9. Your fish is fabulous Erika!
    I'm so sorry you had to cancel your trip, hope the storm blows over soon.
    Happy April

  10. Sorry that you had to cancel your will only get better :-))

  11. Oh, what a sad start to the month!Glad you got at least the money back and are home safely. Even if in snow. Here it´s cold also, but dry.
    Fingers crossed your next try for that trip is successful... and fun! Hugs...

  12. What a disaster! Travel is no longer a simple matter these days. Miriam is reluctant to fly anyway, but she has told me that unless it's a direct flight she is not even willing to consider going anywhere. I would dearly love to return to Australia, but given the fact that you have to make connections and it takes best part of two days to get there, I doubt that it's ever going to happen. Your new guardian of the bookshelf looks terrific. The least you can do now is add a book on fishes to the mix! Hugs - David

  13. OMG! That is a horror show trying to see your friend Ned have fun. You did the right thing…who needs stress on. No stress road trip. I love th5 fish! You created a fun look and love that blue colour.

  14. Too bad you and your friends were not able to go on that getaway due to the re-scheduling nightmares. Storms across the country are really wrecking havoc with travelers plans. A friend had similar problems with flights to Hawaii a few weeks ago. We're hoping that our fall travel plans to Europe won't have issues as we will have to switch plans as well. That was very good news on the refund, so you can travel at some other time. WOW on the snowfall, what an April Fool's surprise as we only had a Friday overnight rains and then more rain on Saturday in Nashua NH, on Saturday morning. It cleared up in the afternoon and then the lightning and thunderstorms rolled in on Sat evening. It was quite the show!

  15. Hi, Erika. I'm just now catching up with my blog reading as Honey and I are feeling our allergies right now and all my trains are behind schedule, so to speak. Gosh, I can tell that you were/are so very not happy, that was rightfully an intensely disappointing and frustrating experience! It seems so many people are having similar experiences. Even with the bad weather, flying is not what it used to be, I'm being told by those who have to do it regularly for work. Anyway, I sure hope you were able to shed it and regain your happy medium. Love that fish, by the way. I love chachkis like that. xoxo

  16. What a mess! I'm sorry your trip had to be cancelled but am glad you didn't end up stranded somewhere or caught in the tornadoes.

  17. Oh dear Erika, I am so sorry you had to cancel your trip! Good to see the fish though.hugs, Chrisxx


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