Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday Faces

Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you. Can you believe April is just about over? This month went faster than a normal fast month usually goes, but I'll add that I've had a great month.

Today I have some photos to share for Nicole's Friday Face Off  and also for Gillena's Friday Lunch Break.

You might remember that last Friday I showed you some faces from a short roadtrip I went on up to Belfast, Maine.   Today's post takes you back to Belfast, but specifically to Tracy's Diner, where we stopped for breakfast Saturday before we started towards home.

The diner had the original area with the counter and a few tables, and then it had a small room off to the side.  We ate in the side room, and the wall murals in this space were absolutely amazing.

It was a little bit crowded since it was breakfast time.  I didn't want to bother people  that were eating, so some of my photos aren't necessarily head on. I think you can get the gist though.

Here's a view of the side room and you can see into the main room too.

I've zoomed in a bit more so you can see the mural.

And here's a few more faces from the diner.

And I don't know why I didn't snap a head on photo when we got up and left the table, but here's my last face from Tracy's Diner.

And there you have it. As the sign on the door said when we left,

and that's what I want to say to each of you who stops by.
Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. I would love to eat in that diner - fabulous faces, love them, thanks so much for sharing, dear Erika. Happy Friday to you, hugs, Valerie

  2. Some really fun and colourful murals!

  3. What an original restaurant Erika! I think those faces are beautiful, looking at us while we eat, a great Art!
    I also wish you a good weekend, enjoy!
    I send you big hugss

  4. And A Big Ol Happy Friday To You Two - So Dig That Hooper Bugsy - Have A Fabulous Weekend


  5. that is so cool... happy arting to you

  6. I was truly engrossed with that huge mural on the wall. It was fabulous. Great faces, too. I think this place is AWESOME.

  7. Great photos of those awesome murals ~ love the dogs, or course ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Amazing interior,indeed 😉 hopefully the menu was as
    great 🍔
    Enjoy a weekend at home 💚

  9. Wow what a great looking place. I would love to have a meal there. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely day.

  10. What a super place this looks, the murals are amazing.

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. I like murel and such.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  12. Nice pics Erika. Thanks for linking to AFFF


  13. Wow, I love the artwork in that place!

  14. Belfast seems like a wonderful place to visit and I hope the food was as good as the atmosphere and the murals in the restaurant. In answer to your question about the sculptures ... They were by Daniel Popper on display at the Morton Arboretum, a place I go to several times a month just to breath in the fresh air and wallow in Nature. Enjoy your Spring, Erika ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  15. They've done a great job with the decor. Fun artwork adds so much to the experience.

  16. That looks like a terrific diner. And I love ALL the murals!

  17. Hi Erika, hm, having lunch at that place would be a great distraction. I would probably concentrate more on the art then the food. :) :)


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