Thursday, April 20, 2023

Libraries Mean Books

Hi everyone.  

It's already Thursday. Another week is flying by, isn't it?  I've been working out by getting a lot of yard chores completed. We get invaded by annoying little black flies in late April or early May, so I am trying to get as much of my spring clean up and garden prep done (as is possible) before bug season arrives.

Today I have a journal page for both Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's Recycle, Reuse or Repurpose challenge at Art Journal Journey and also for Rain's Art and Dinner Date . This week Rain's optional theme is Libraries

Here's a book themed page from my recent junk journal. Other than some washi tape, everything on my page comes out of some pulled out magazine pages. The backgrounds on both sides are journal type pages that were in an old issue of a FLOW magazine. The letters were also postcards that were in the magazine. This quote comes from the same magazine, as do the ladies which were part of a sticker collage and that I cut apart. 

Since I've been busy outside much of the week, I haven't really done much for cooking or baking at all, even though I want to make some anadama bread and the recipe is sitting out on my kitchen counter. I really need to get my act together I guess.

Here's a few garden views from the last few days.

My rhubarb is really growing fast. (And that is not snow around it. It is actually very faded landscape fabric.)

The hydrangeas are getting leaves, and my delphiniums are coming up.

The daffodils will be blooming very very soon, maybe even today.

And the grape anemones are in bloom.

My iris bed is getting  large.

And sadly my crocuses are already starting to get passe, but here's some late bloomers I am still enjoying.

I'm happy that the daylilies a friend gave me last year are really coming back. The ones I already own are growing too. I love daylilies as they are such low maintenance plants and give you weeks of pretty summer blooms. If only my irises would bloom that long as they are also low maintenance and so beautiful when they flower.

I haven't even gotten into this garden to rake but the peonies are coming up.

And for some reason this  last photo isn't very focused, but the beehives are ready for my new bees that will be here in a couple of weeks. My alliums are growing like crazy. too I do need to rake up all the bird seed in the garden though. 

And that's all for me today. It's time to get out and finish the bark mulching I never finished yesterday. Thanks for stopping by. 



David M. Gascoigne, said...

All that new growth is looking good, Erika. Those Black Flies can verge on pestilential so it's smart to get outdoor work done before you have to contend with them. Thank goodness they're not around for too long. Hugs - David

David M. Gascoigne, said...

"If plan A doesn't work the alphabet has 25 other letters" - I really like that! Hugs again - David

Hels said...

The crocuses must have looked wonderful in full bloom. They still look unique even as their season is ending.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Beautiful artwork and it's great to see the Spring growth. (I hope that's it for your Winter weather.)

Tom said...

...libraries mean books and ideas that scare many these days.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Nice to see that spring is making some inroads in your yard, Erika, and I did notice the absence of snow (finally). The daffodils in the small park near the mill apts have finally bloomed this week. The trees are still struggling to get to full bloom. Last week's 80 and near 90 degree weather helped, but this week it's been chilly and back to the 50s and 60s, quite a surprise for not only the plant life, but humans as well!

Christine said...

Lovely book themed page and nice to see the spring blooms.

Angie's Recipes said...

Awesome that Spring finally arrived at your side! The page looks beautiful and I love esp. the background and composition is excellent!

Shari Burke said...

Oh, those black flies! When our daughter was 4 or 5 and we were living in NH, she got bit and her head was swelling. That's how we discovered she was allergic to their votes. Poor kid. Hopefully they will be fewer in number soon so you can enjoy your beautiful gardens!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am in LOVE with your journal spread. I must remember that "Plan A" saying. It is really clever. I also LOVE all those letters that had been postcards. You got a LOT out of that old FLOW magazine. I love this and it's absolutely perfect for Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

Your spring garden is really in bloom. My tulips are gone and my daffs haven't bloomed for several years. I LOVE how you have lettuce, too. Just perfect weather in your world, I suspect. I hope winter is truly gone where you live.

craftytrog said...

Lovely photos from your garden Erika, and a fabulous journal spread!

Neet said...

Lovely photos of the garden growth to now and the journal pages are wonderful. Such a lot of work has gone into the making of these two pages and I just love what you have done and the idea behind it.
Hugs, Neet xx

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love your journal page and especially the quotation you chose to use in it! The whole piece is bright, cheery and eye-catching!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful and fun journal page and a great theme, love it! Your garden really keeps you busy. I'm late visiting, we had art group this afternoon, so I wasy busy painting! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Valerie

The Happy Whisk said...

I love all the flowers! What a lovely day. And yes, already the weekend. Whoosh, goes the weeks.

carol l mckenna said...

Your journal pages are awesome and what wonderful nature photos too.

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Divers and Sundry said...

Lookin' good! I'm looking forward to my hydrangea blooming, too :)

Jeanie said...

Your garden is coming on well. I love the detail on that crocus. And that's a nice spread -- lots going on there!

Carola Bartz said...

I love to see your garden photos! You're certainly several weeks behind us, our daffodils are long gone, so you still have that joy of seeing yours. It's always exciting to see peonies coming through the soil and growing. I have a few here, they're already pretty big, but honestly, California is not the best place for peonies. I grow them out of sentimentality because they were my mom's favorite flowers and I do find them very pretty. This week is has warmed up considerably - typical Northern California, one day you switch on the heater and the next you run around in Birkenstock sandals. I will plant my tomatoes this afternoon - I so look forward to tomato season. Have a lovely rest of the week, Erika.

Iris Flavia said...

Absolutely love this page and the thought of plan A!
Oh, the FLOW magazine. I used to get it monthly but then it turned so boring (in the German version at least).
Ewww to flies. What do you do with the rhubarb? I tried it once, it was so sour! The crocuses look great.
Do I sadly assume right the bees from last year didn´t make it? To the new ones then, hugs and good luck!

Barwitzki said...

It looks beautiful in your garden... it's so fantastic when the first flowers sprout.
I look forward to cutting the rhubarb and making cakes with it. Mine is similar to yours... greetings to you and enjoy the sun. Viola

Aimeslee Winans said...

All the new growth must be exciting even though it's a lot of work. Your spread is delightful and humorous, XOX

CAAC said...


It's good to see spring returning to those so far north. I know it's a happy sight for you. Everything beginning to wake after a long winter's slumber is so refreshing.

I like your junk journal page. I've read the quote you used "If plan A...." before and love it! Thanks for visiting. Have a doodletastic weekend, my dear!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Don't you just love Spring ... all of the new life and bright colors after a long winter of gray days. I am envious of you getting a good start in your garden work. We have had cold or rain or both, so it has been hard to get out to do anything in our gardens. But, things are starting to sprout and some flowers have bloomed. But, ohhh, my bones ache just thinking of all the work I have to do in the garden. Love your junk journal page too :) Wishing you some sunshiney days ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

NatureFootstep said...

hm, if plan A does not work...I wait for plan B to show itself! :)
Beautiful spring flowers :)

Rain said...

Erika I am not looking forward to black fly's nearly here and I've got my head net out waiting! ☺