Monday, April 10, 2023

T Stands for April Events

 Hi everyone. Happy Monday night/ Tuesday and happy T day. 

Last week I had a somewhat quiet week. Those weeks make the best art weeks though. 😀

I watched a lot of snow melt too, and it was ice out week on the big lake near us. This was the first time I ever remember the big lake becoming ice free before most of the little lakes. We're wondering if that happened because ice-in on the big lake was very  late this year (not until February),  and only the smaller lakes were able to get a really thick layer of ice. 

I can't take credit for this photo. My husband snapped it when he was at his Mom's house Sunday night to turn off a switch he realized he'd accidentally turned on (and since no one is living there no one would be around to switch it off). You can see the ice and pretty sunset colors. I didn't know he was such a  good photographer. Smile.

Ice out is an important spring milestone in my area because it means spring is really here. Although I must admit I still have a little bit of snow left in my backyard.

For a while now it's been tough with the spring melt and some  rain to find places to walk. The trails  (since most are unpaved) are still wet and muddy in places, and the tides don't always work at the beach unless you want to walk before dawn or after dark. Instead of walking around parking lots because nowhere else was quite up to par,  last week my walking friend and I decided to do something different. We did something  that's been on our to do list. We went to Salem, Massachusetts and visited the Peabody-Essex Museum.

I've visited some of the special exhibits at the Peabody-Essex several times, but I've never taken a  tour of the whole museum before. It's a really eclectic mix of exhibits with lots of Asian art, some Native and Colonial American art, some modern glass, some ecological creations as well as some fashion. It was a fun visit, and I have many things I can share.

For today's post let me take you on a museum T tour. I am linking up for T day over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog . All you need to join is to share your drink related posts.

This table is all set for us to sit down and enjoy our drinks.

This coffee urn is full for those of you who drink coffee.

And there's tea, sugar and cream for those of you who prefer that drink over coffee. Or if you really want a lot of coffee and don't want to keep getting up, the coffee server is here also. And of course you might want cream and sugar in your coffee too.

Perhaps Colonial America isn't your thing. Or maybe the tea isn't very good because they threw so much of it overboard in Boston during the big tea party a couple of hundred years ago.

If you feel like something more exotic, here are some T choices for you in the Yin Yu Tang house, a complete structure transported from China and  then reconstructed at the museum. 

And if you'd  rather wine and play drinking games, here are some table cards for a Chinese drinking game as well as a cup for your wine. Don't pick the card that says drink 2 glasses if you want to remain sober-smile.

This guy is named Mr.No Body. He's offering  a T day drink if nothing else has yet  excited you.

Perhaps your style is more modern and you'd like to be in a modern cafe somewhere. There's a very cool glass teapot on the top right of the next photo. (And some gorgeous glass bowls too.)

And if none of the T styles I have shown speaks to you, perhaps you prefer your drink in  something from Japan. I'm not sure how this pot works, but I love the view of Mount Fuji.

Sadly I cut off a bit of the black teapot that was with it in this next photo. It was shaped like a turtle.  Luckily there's enough tea bowls at the bottom of this photo for more than just me to enjoy a cup of Matcha tea. (Actually, I'll skip the matcha so there's enough bowls for 3 others.)

Do you need to travel to the teahouse in style? This is a Japanese litter for wealthy women. Two men would transport you in your litter to the teahouse or wherever you were going.

But you had better be small because that seat in the left corner is very tiny. Of course you'd need room for your kimono.

And if none of these work for you, you can join me for my favorite teapot of the day. I'll take my T from one of these spouts.

That's all for me. Have a wonderful T day and week ahead.



  1. ...the multicolor glass bowl is fabulous!

  2. Wow this is an awesome museum-I really enjoyed it! Hoping your ice and snow continue to melt away into spring-hugs
    Happy T Kathy

  3. What a great museum. I love how you focused solely on drinks in this post. It was wonderful. I loved the glass and that last teapot, but I also enjoyed seeing the silver tea and coffee services, too. This was a fabulous look (sneak peek) at the Peabody-Essex Museum. Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, I loved the photo of the ice on the lake your husband took.

  4. What a fantastic museum, I would love to visit there. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos, so right for T Day. I think I wouldn't want to travel in a litter! Japanese ladies must have been lighter than European and American ones! The icy lake photo your hubby took is fabulous, and hope it soon all melts so that you can enjoy spring. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Obviously a very interesting place to visit, Erika. I am glad that you took lots of pictures to share with us. I am wondering how far your husband had to drive to take care of that switch. Am I correct in remembering that his mother's house is in Maine? Hugs - David

  6. That's a gorgeous sunset shot. Your husband is an talented photographer, Erika. No worries, I can easily tell that's a turtle shaped tea pot :-)

  7. That’s a wonderful tour of the drinking-related objects in the museum. I love museums and I’m always fascinated by the displays of table objects from the past. The Chinese items are especially interesting.

    best… mae at

  8. There really is something for every taste, dear Erika 😃!
    I would like to be carried to the big table in the first photo in a sedan chair and later play a Chinese drinking game. If the boys then transport me back in the litter, it's no problem if I'm not completely sober anymore 😉. Happy T-Day and a good week 🌷☘️🌷!
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  9. I've never been to the Peabody Essex. Thanks for sharing the fun items you found. Happy T Day

  10. I love museums, and this one looks like a real treasure.

  11. That is a wonderful first pic indeed!
    Tea did win, did it ;-) I´m in. But also for coffee...
    Love the parting one, hugs and a happy T!

  12. This is an interesting collection of drink related containers. I completeley understand your choice of favorite teapot! Your husband took a really beautiful photo of the lake, it has such a special atmosphere, very calming. Happy T day to you, Erika.

  13. That was fun Erika! I think i would have enjoyed that eclectic museum too! Hubby cannot walk far so i don't think i would have gotten very far.. so thank you for taking me there! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  14. What an amazi ng place to visit! Thank you so much for sharing it.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Great museum photos. But your husband's photo was amazing. Happy T Day.

  16. Nice to see that the ice and snow are going away with this warmer weather in NH. I know what you mean about not being able to walk on muddy trails, which is why I will be avoiding those for a couple more weeks. We have been to the Peabody Essex Museum but now I am thinking that we should go again as the local library has discounted passes.

  17. What a great museum, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  18. Your husband has an eye -- and luck. That reflection on the open water is perfect. I'd love to visit the Peabody -- it looks terrific!

  19. What a lovely photo your husband took, such thick ice, it will take some melting ~I guess.
    Thank you for the visit to this museum, how interesting and how delightful to see all the different methods of making the beverage.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Good to see the ice beginning to melt. The museum exhibits look interesting - some of them are very ornate. I like the last one the most too! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  21. This is a wonderful museum. There are many things to see,specially tea cups and pots. I'd love to visit such places and I have many things to admire...
    Have a great week!
    Amila -


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