Monday, April 3, 2023

T Stands for "I Need a Drink"

 Hi everyone. Happy T day to you. It is already the first T day of April. Although there is still some snow around where I live (it's a combination of bare ground and snow right now), the snow is melting, and spring is here.

I've seen robins this season, but the other day this was the first pair in my yard. (The other member  of the pair wasn't close enough to get into the photo.)

And these little birds in the next photo are dark eyed juncos, part of a flock of about 30 that was in my backyard at the same time as the robins. These birds aren't around in the summer because they fly further north.

You can see what I mean about parts of my yard  being snow and parts being snow-free.

Some of you might have read about my "misadventures" with a cancelled trip south in Sunday's post. (April First was Really Bad Day). If not, just know I was supposed to be going to see a friend and due to airline issues, I never made it. It was very frustrating at first, but now it's just a good story.

Anyhow, I was pretty down Saturday when I got home, so for dinner Saturday night I suggested the hubby and I go out for some Asian food. He looked at me, smiled and said "What you really want is a fancy cocktail to drown your disappointment." I  smiled back. There's a good Asian restaurant about 20 minutes away, so off we went for an early dinner. 

We shared a Scorpion Bowl for 2. I have no idea what's actually in a scorpion bowl, but they are yummy. Too bad they don't light the sterno candle in the middle any longer. We haven't shared one of these since pre-pandemic days  (it was actually New Years Eve 2019) since we've only done the occasional take out from this restaurant since 2020.

These photos are my link to T this week over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog.

And for dinner I had a giant plate of shrimp pad Thai.  It was so big I had it again for dinner the next night and there's still even a meal left.

My husband brought home much of his meal also. It was  great not having to wonder what's for dinner, especially on a Sunday night.

That's all for me today. I hope everyone has a great T day and week ahead. 


  1. ...I'll have the scrimp please.

  2. wow this is a bummer google popped in and said no found address to publish my comment what? haha I will see if this posts and if does will be come back again to comment

  3. What a fun looking Scorpion Bowl. It looks yummy in that ceramic container. I adore Thai Pad or pad Thai. I love shrimp, too. Two meals for the price of one works great. Thanks for sharing your condolence Scorpion Bowl and meal with us for T this week, dear Erika.

  4. A Scorpion Bowl? Interesting...can't really tell what it is from the picture, but awesome that you enjoyed it :-) Still so heavy with snow in April..

  5. when we lived in northern Illinois-on the Wisconsin border we enjoyed seeing the robins early spring, but here where we are in Missouri we don't see them very often. not here at the lake yet and in the woods only once in awhile.
    bummer about your trip-your meal and beverage looks really good-Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

  6. I am with you! It is warm, sweaty and very busy before Passover Wed evening. Pass around the cocktail, if you would :)

  7. It is lovely to see birds in the yard. Scorpion Bowl sounds interesting though I never heard it before. Pad Thai looks delicious. It is one of my favorite foods too.
    Thanks for this lovely post. Have a fabulous week and a great T day!

  8. Yay for dining out again! And wow, that is some bowl :-)
    Yes, I often wonder about those super-size portions you get!
    And then to imagine most have a starter and a dessert!!!
    It´s great to take some home, but I would prefer smaller meals with a better quality.
    I remember those Hot Dogs at IKEA. Together with a drink for but €1.
    Certainly it was the cheapest, oldest "meat" and Ingo and I both got very sick. Never again!
    But yay to a good drink after such a miserable adventure, happy T-Day and hugs!

  9. I've never heard of Skorpion bowl, but it looks great. Chinese restaurants always give huge portions, and I enjoy taking leftovers from all restaurants home. Haopy T Day and enjoy spring! Hugs, Valerie

  10. Looks delicious Erika!
    Happy T-Day!

  11. So sorry about your cancelled trip, Erika. This may be the coolest drink any of us has posted so far this year! Super fun. I am sure it helped to cheer you. The food looks yummy. Hoping no more snow for you until Winter. Happy T-day and hugz (Happy Easter too.)

  12. When we turned 21, my friend Teague and I went to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate that we could legally drink. We ordered Scorpions. Who knew they were meant to be shared 🤣 Happy T Day. PS Wow, you still have a ton of snow left

  13. We have a patio robin who is still looking for a mate. Our juncos (we call them snowbirds) are still here, but we expect every day to be their last as they head north for the summer.

    I'm sorry your trip got cancelled. What a shame! I've never seen or heard of a drink like that. Cool! Your food looks tasty, too. Happy T Tuesday

  14. Well that looks like a fun meal out Erika! I'm sorry to hear about your cancelled trip.. We just made all the hotel reservations for our trip coming up in two weeks then i just read an article about gas prices going up.. I'm thinking we might need to leave now! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  15. Ohhh I would love that dirnk. We have had Robins for months even in this strange weather. Many other birds too. Sorry your trip has been cancelled.

  16. Oh, YUM! Sounds like a great way to drown disappointment. I could eat Asian for every meal. So glad that your failed trip turned into a fun time.
    Happy Tea Day,

  17. your Robin is very different from ours. Ours are much smaller and very cute.

  18. Shrimp Thai sounds good, but don't know about the scorpion bowl. Scares me a little. :) Happy T Day.

  19. I had missed your post on Sunday, so I went back to read it. What a bummer! And stressful too.
    You certainly deserved a Scorpion bowl for your disappointment. (I would have probably drank it all myself!)
    Belated Happy T-Day,

  20. Now THAT is a serious cocktail! And you deserved it!

  21. The Scorpion bowl looks REALLY interesting! Your food does look like a treat too! Hugs, Chrisx


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