Monday, May 1, 2023


Hi everyone. Happy new month to you. It's May!

Here in New Hampshire it is time for nature to go green and for flowers to bloom. Spring is really very exciting after several months of looking outside and seeing brown and grey.  May is full head on spring. Hurrah.

As it is now a new month, it is also time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey. Before I get to that, let me thank Elizabeth and her trusty sidekick Bleubeard for hosting last month. Let me also thank everyone who joined us.  It was a really fun month for art journaling.

Today I want to introduce a new host at Art Journal Journey. Not only a new host because it's May, but a new host who has never been one of our monthly hosts at AJJ before. This month we're welcoming Aimeslee who you might know from her blog Paper-Paisleys..

Aimeslee's theme is a great one for May. It's time for some


My page started with my drawing journal. I keep a spiral bound journal and some markers under the couch, so when I'm not 100% into an evening's TV show, I can do some doodling. (I like to watch a little TV with the hubby at night since he still works full time.) I love drawing patterns and playing with different color combinations. I divided  this particular page into 3 sections, drew some small circles and colored them in depending on what section they were found.

I then took my page upstairs to my work table and watercolored each section. I used a circle stencil and a Sharpie and traced some big circles.  I also used some various small background stamps and stamped them randomly around my page.

I  decided I wanted to put a flower arrangement in the center of the page, so to dampen down the background color a bit, I sponged on some gesso.  I stamped the flower image 3 times and used markers to color them in before fussy cutting 2 complete flowers and then, due to the size of the image,  only the center of the third flower. I glued them down on my page, and  then I drew and colored in some leaves. After I fussy cut those leaves, I added them to my bouquet. Although you can't really see it in my photo, I did add a bit of pink sparkle glue to the flower's centers. 

And finally I stamped and fussy cut the quote.

Just a reminder that at Art Journal Journey we only accept  art journaling, but that journaling can be on loose paper, in a bound journal, made with cloth or canvas, or could even be more like a scrapbook. It just needs to be journaling. Please, no cards, ATCs, tags and other forms of art. Also, please be aware that if you post from some place like Facebook or Instagram we are glad to see your art but you will probably not get a comment. Sorry.

I hope you're inspired by flowers and will join us this month at Art Journal Journey .


  1. What a fun way to start this month. I really LOVE the background andyour doodles. I like how you combined the stamping with your own leaves. This is a wonderful first entry for Aimeslee's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  2. Such a bright and beautiful page..fits May perfectly!

  3. I am sure that flowers is a theme that everyone can relate to and get into. There was, of course, a famous ship called The Mayflower so as a New Englander you have lots of scope with that one, Erika. And if you get out into your local woods I am sure that the spring ephemerals are decorating the forest floor. Here we have Bloodroot and Yellow Trout Lily in profusion, Red and White Trilliums are appearing everywhere, Dutchman's Breeches, Hepatiica and so on. It is all very lovely. Perhaps you will derive inspiration from Valerie's blog, put some flowers in your hair and go out to find a maypole. Be sure to post pictures! Hugs - David

  4. Clever and beautifully done!
    The tree in front of my window is all fresh-green and loves your page, too! Hugs and to May!

  5. This is beautiful. It's amazing how quickly everything changes over to green, once it begins. And it is lovely to see, after the greys and browns of Winter. (Rain all week for me here in CT, just like you there in NH. But rain brings flowers! Yay!)

  6. Such a beautiful page! I love that you doodle whilst watching TV to spend time with your hubby, and your flowers look amazing ☺️. Wishing you a Happy May! Hugs, Jo x

  7. ...Happy May Day, Erika. Are you going to dance around the Maypole?

  8. Fabulous painting, love your flowers and the gorgeous colours. Great quote, too. And yes, I can see the sparkle glue! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Sorry I didn't get to AJJ on time to link everyone. I have a rant on the cat.

  10. Gorgeous! Looking forward to flowers flowers flowers from everyone this month!

  11. Such bright and beautiful blooms! I'm in love with the coloring and art doodling you've done on this! The sentiment fits perfectly with your design too!

  12. Flowers really are the perfect May theme, dear Erika, and I can already see that everyone involved is very inspired! I like how you connected the cut and painted parts and the matching quote.
    In your comment on my previous post, you wrote "i never got snowshoeing this past winter, but it is fun, isn't it?" - I didn't snowshoe very much this winter either, and I like it very much - but now I'm glad that the winter is over. It can get a little warmer 😊 (we had the coldest April in a long time this year). In any case, I am very happy with all the flowers and blossoms!
    I can understand that you sometimes work on your pictures while watching TV. I usually do my crocheting while watching TV - at least the less complicated parts 😉.
    Have a great May!
    Hugs, Traude 😘

  13. Perfect for May and I can see the sparkles. The sun was out for a little while. Now it's cloudy, but at least it's not pouring buckets.

  14. A beautiful journal page with a great quote! I wish you a happy May! hug Elke

  15. May flowers! What a wonderful way to meet the day :)

  16. Wow Erika- this has real pizzazz the bold flowers and your doodled background are superb. A great start for Aimeslee's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

  17. I've started a similar type of drawing journal or practice journal to keep by the telly for doodling! It's a great idea. Love what you came up with!

  18. Hi Erika! What a beautiful page you made! I love how you keep a journal and markers under your couch so that you can draw/doodle when you're watching TV with your hubby. (Mine still works full time, too, so we mostly bond after dinner by watching some of our favorite old TV shows!) Your design is gorgeous. I love the way you gesso'd(is that a word???) over your background a bit and added your awesome bouquet of flowers. And your quote is the perfect touch! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, too! Hugs, Sharon

  19. Yes, it's a delightful theme for our Merry Month of May. And you have done it full justice with your lovely display of floral art.
    I love the three main flowers but what took my eye were the blue berries that fill up the background. They work so well with the main flowers and draw it all into one cohesive piece, especially now with the additional circles.
    `love the words.
    `Hugs, Neet xx

  20. Thanks for sharing this beautiful page, love your freehand drawing! XOX

  21. Great flowers and love the blue berries! Very fun and colorful, Erika! The words are lovely too. Super fun florial page. Hugz


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