Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Face Off

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday to you. 

I've been missing in action for the last couple of Fridays .  As many of you already know (and are probably sick of reading), my husband and I went on a trip to Iceland. I am home again now, and I'm looking forward to a long and relaxing summer in New Hampshire. Hopefully it will be a good one. 

Today I want to join Nicole's Friday Face Off, Gillena's Friday Lunch Break , and also Matilde's Numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey.

I made this journal page by first inking some watercolor paper with some various colored inks. Then I hand painted some  circles with white paint. Once the paint dried I stamped in some numbers. I then used a Sharpie and a thin lined marker to outline the circles.

Once my background was done I cut out this woman from a magazine. I sponged some blue acrylic paint onto her. I used a more fluid acrylic because I didn't want to cover all the details. Once the paint dried, I then went back and used a Sharpie to outline some of her features. I also used some colored markers and colored in a few areas.  I stamped the quote and also the bar code. Finally I took some lace trim and stitched it down along the left edge to cover up the rough bits from where I tore the lady out of a magazine. Too bad I managed to sew the trim on so crookedly. Smile.

And here's a few photo faces I took while on my vacation adventure.

The red chair bolted to the rocks-why? I don't know, but I like this photo of my husband on the chair.

What was I doing at this waterfall ( Dettifoss-called the Beast) that caused me to make this face? HMMMMM. I look better in the next one.

And if you follow the speed limit, they are happy.

Have a great Friday and start to your weekend. 


  1. A lot of work went into the first piece. Bravo. I luv thd words you added as well.
    Thanks for linking to AFFF.

    My Sunday Smiles linky will be there on Sunday


  2. days of sitting on the edge are over!

  3. Love your journal page, you chose a lovely face, ad I love the blue coouring. No, I am not sick of hearing about Icelad, I'm just waiting for the other 2000 pictures! our hubby was VERY brave to sit in that chair! Happy Friday, dear Erika, hugs, Valerie

  4. Nice photos! I loved the waterfalls in Iceland.
    best, mae at

  5. I love your journal page. I have quit trying to be "normal" for others. I am my own normal.

  6. The page looks really beautiful. I love that face you made :-) So real and fun.

  7. Lovely page! I do love waterfalls.

  8. Your journal page is lovely - I actually like that the lace is sewn on crookedly, it gives he page a lot of charm. The quote is spot on! I like the technique that you used on the face - maybe I should try something like that.
    A red chair on the rocks. I guess it was put there so that people do exactly what your husband did. And I like your funny face - see that quote on your page!
    How were the first few days of your summer job?

  9. Wonderful face ~ so creative and fun photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Hi Erika, quite a lovely page! I remember doing ATC's back around 2006-ish, using magazine faces and painting them or coloring with markers. You can get some really cool looks. I like your hubby photo too. And yours! Never knew falls could be so exciting, lol. That's so male - there's a chair bolted up there so he needed to sit in it, gotta love it. XXO

  11. I would prefer your husband standing solidly on the ground, and I barely know him :) At least there are great views up there.

  12. Big, big WOW on your page! The work sure was worth it! Love the quote, too - suits your "silly face" :-)
    And no, I won´t get bored on your travel-sharing!
    We have a furniture discounter that has as ad a... gigantic red chair.
    This one is much better (if a bit scary, but then.. reference to your quote!).
    Have a happy weekend, hugs

  13. A wonderful journal page and the Photos are fun and great!
    Have a happy weekend, hug Elke

  14. That red chair looks like a very precarious perch! Hugs - David

  15. Wow that face is amazing. Your photos are exciting too. Thanks for joining FFO and have a nice weekend.

  16. I love your journal page, Erika. I like how you treated the girl in the magazine. It's a brilliant idea. Had to laugh at your idea of wonky sewing. It looks better than my intentional sewing (Grin). Thanks for sharing this with us at AJJ using Matilde's theme.

    Wow, your husband is brave. I am so glad he hung on. I thought that was a cute photo of you at the falls. It looked like you were really having fun. What a cute smiley face, too!

  17. Pretty sure I would not get bored of your Iceland pictures - they are all too cool!

    Fun page - love the girl and the words. Fun way to due numbers too.

    Hugz to you Erika (love that funny face you made - lol).

  18. Beautifully crafted lady and that chair looks terrifying. But I'm going backwards so I know it's an illusion.


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