Monday, June 26, 2023

T Stands for Icelandic Beers

Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday. It's the last Tuesday in June- which is really hard to believe. I'm still waiting for a nice run of sunny and warm but not really humid days to arrive here in New Hampshire. We went from cold and cloudy (and a bit wet too) to humid and cloudy (and a bit wet too) with a couple of nice days thrown in between.

Today for T  over at Bleubeard's and Elizabeth's blog I thought I would share some beer I partook of on my Iceland trip. I love a good dark beer, and although at home I don't drink on a daily basis, when I'm out and get to try something new, I might just have to do that. Smile. 

If you aren't a beer person let me apologize  because my post is really about that today. All these beers were great too.


Google flipped my photos around, so I'll start towards the end of the my trip and work my way backwards.

We stayed in Reykjavik for 2 nights. Originally we weren't  going to stay in the city which has a lovely feel of not being big, but it is big for Iceland. Then a ferry trip I had booked was cancelled because the ferry's refurbishing wasn't completed on time (I guess that happens everywhere.) so Reykjavik was added to our itinerary. 

My brother had recently taken a trip to Iceland in early May as he also had a travel voucher that was going to expire. He highly recommended the Reykjavik Residence Apartment Hotel to me. I'm glad I listened to him because the hubby and I really enjoyed our stay in the city. Basically this hotel is some studio style apartments in a few block area in the  downtown of the city. Our apartment was in a mostly residential section at the end of a small courtyard, and it was very convenient for a day in the city and a couple of nights out.

I wanted to visit this "pub" because it is a former bookstore (at one time the biggest in Iceland), and I just loved the atmosphere. I wish I could have visited it when it had been a bookstore, and had I found a book in English, I could have curled up in a chair and read for awhile. OK, it sold beer so that sort of makes up for the fact that it was no longer a bookstore. Smile. 

We didn't know when we went in that a band was performing, but as we sipped our beers they set up. We ended up staying for their whole show because they were quite good and the crowd, which got bigger as the night went on, was a lot of fun too. There were adults enjoying the music of all ages. Over the course of the evening I had 2 of these beers. This beer is called Bondi by Viking Brewery. This was the darkest beer they had at this "pub", but it was still very nice. The glass does not match the beer though as this isn't a light beer.

And the best part is that after we left we only had about a 10 minute walk back to our "hotel".

The next beer my husband and I both tried the night before when we went to a brewery/restaurant for dinner on our first night in town. This brew was called Amber Bastard, served at the Bastard Brewery and Restaurant. This was also very good.

Here's my dinner that I had with my beer. It was duck tacos. I don't think I'd ever had duck before, mainly because I think of those cute little quakers. But with limited choices on most menus in Iceland, and the urge to try something Icelandic, I went for these. They were quite yummy.

I like this photo too, even if it isn't 100% focused. 

Last time I went to Iceland in 2016 with friends,  I had an Einstock beer. Since I really liked their dark beer, I was happy to find that they had a bar in Reykjavik.  

Before I had my duck tacos we went in and relaxed  with an early evening beer. My dark beer is on the right which is the Icelandic  Toasted Porter. Sadly I can't remember what my husband had, but I do remember that his was at the happy hour price and mine was not. This was my favorite beer of the trip, and kudos to the company for sending me a thank you when I listed it at 5 stars on Untapped, the phone app that I keep track of my beer tastings on.

My next beer is one that is only brewed and sold locally.   I had it all the way across the island at our hotel in Myvatn. It's name is Myvatn Ol, just like it says on the glass, and it was brewed at the hotel we stayed at. I also recommend it if you ever end up Myvatn.

And finally, here's some beer we had when we were in Hofn, on the far southern end of the east coast.

My husband tried the locally brewed glacier water beer. I had a taste of his, and I liked it.

And I had this Icelandic Stout, which is a beer I frequently saw as we drove along the Ring Road.

By the way, other than in Reykjavik, all of the beers were had with dinner.

And that's it for drinks this week. I hope you weren't beered with this post. 🍻 Smile.
I think I'll be sharing Iceland photos for months at this rate. Smile.

Have a great end of June, T day and week ahead. 


  1. ...those are interesting beer glasses!

  2. Fun post-My husband would love the Icelandic Stout-if he ever drinks a beer-which is not often any more it will always be a dark stout.
    were you able to bring home any of the glasses? or buy some-that would be fun to have at home hugs Kathy

  3. I'm enjoying your memories of Iceland very much. We were in towns and cities very little (especially in 2021 when the ship policy was isolating us on account of covid). Our experiences and impressions were thus totally different -- all about scenery and wildlife.
    best, mae at

  4. That is quite a beer fest you had!

  5. The pub looks impressive! My husband drinks beer sometimes and he would like that black beer.

  6. Hmmm, yum. It´s so fun to try out local beers. I already look forward to Perth and surroundings :-)
    The library looks interesting, too!
    Have a happy T-Day, hugs and if a tad early in the day (05:51 a.m.)... cheers!

  7. It sounds like you had a great trip to Iceland. I found different beer types in this post. Beautiful beer glasses too. I like such different shapes.
    Looking forward to read more from your trip.
    Happy T-day!

  8. Hubs and i don't drink alcohol but i was by no means bored with your post... Beer is such a lovely amber color don't you think? Happy happy T day Erika! Hugs! deb

  9. How fun to go beer tasting! There are so many different sorts and colours. The evening meet up looks great fun, too. Did you bring any beer home with you? Have a great T Day, hugs, Valerie

  10. Wow - now I really want to go to ICELAND!!!!! You know how I love a good craft beer. These all look and sound wonderful. Such a fun post, Erika. Thanks for sharing. Happy T-day and many hugz

  11. I rarely drink beer, but it's an interesting post nevertheless, Erika. My daughter and son-in-law are always seeking micro breweries and trying new beers so they would have relished this experience. I will forward your blog post to them. Hugs - David

  12. What a fun way to tour a country by sampling beverages. I like the Einstok logo of the Viking. I also love duck and try not to think of the cute ducklings. The duck tacos sound real good. I hope your puppies were ok with the thunderstorms yesterday. We got fierce ones that moved through in the wee hours this morning. Happy T Day

  13. The dark stout is the only beer I would have tried. I'm definitely a stout person when it comes to beer. The others are pretty, and I thought the Porter was a stout until you mentioned it was not.

    I had duck as a child. I am NOT fond of dark meat and I recall duck is all dark, even the breast. I certainly enjoyed your photo of it, though. Thanks for sharing your Icelandic beers and duck tacos with us for T this Tuesday, dear Erika.

  14. I tried duck on a cruise once and didn't like it. And I can't imagine duck tacos! Thanks for sharing some of your Iceland trip and you beer. Happy T Day.

  15. haha not a beer drinker but I enjoyed your post trying out all the local Icelandic options. Our weather is back to cold and rain, just think a few days ago I was on the beach and now I am wearing a cardigan and sitting under a throw, trying not to light the woodburner lol. Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  16. I'm a beer fan and love breweries (though I always end up with pretty much the same lighter beer! A good lager.) Looks fun!

  17. All of these beers look so interesting and it sure is always fun to taste the local beers. How were they in reagrds to bitterness? I'm not fond of beers that are too bitter and often check the IBUs. Maybe this is because I "grew up" with smooth German beer...


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