Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday Art-Going Abstract

Hi everyone. Yesterday a really cool thing happened. All afternoon I was thinking about having a grilled cheese sandwich. When my husband came home from work he was carrying a nice artisan loaf of bread and package of some cheese. When I asked him if he was thinking of grilled cheese, he smiled.  I love  when we're both thinking the same thing without talking about it. (Or smile- maybe we've been together for too long...nope I don't think that could happen.)

June is starting to wind down which doesn't seem possible to me. I think being away and then having a couple of busy weeks has really made this month fly quickly by.

My page today is for Matilde's s Numbers challenge at Art Journal Journey  It is made with some transparencies and some scraps off my work table.  And, let me add, it was really fun to make. 

I started by glueing down a scrap of cheesecloth and my transparencies.  The transparency was one big circle that I cut apart. Then I used some hot pink watercolors and painted with them in a purposefully very messy way.  To tie the watercolor side with the transparency side I added a few scraps of painted deli paper.  I also added the little piece of scrap printed tissue paper because it had some numbers on it for Matilde's challenge. 

Finally I added the other transparency (all of these transparencies are from a set by Dina Wakely). I also added some little foam confetti dots as well as a number 3 that I cut out of a sheet of scrap paper.  Finally I added the TH quote. 
Making this page was quite freeing because I  did what felt right, and I didn't think a lot about layout. I love how it just came together.

And let me share some more photos from Iceland for those of you who are interested. Today we're heading east on the Ring Road. We're still along the south side of the island, not far from where we'd turn north and head into the fjords but further east than the waterfalls I showed you last week. That whole day seemed to have a photographic marine layer fog whenever we dipped close to the shore.

Iceland also has many of these one lane bridges. For the majority of them, you just look and see if anyone is coming. Luckily the traffic is fairly light, except in this next photo where we followed someone across the bridge.

One of the other very common birds I saw in Iceland were Whooper Swans. You can see 4 just to the bottom left of the glacier in this above photo. This next photo isn't great, but I have others that I'll share when I get to that part of the trip.

That's all for me today. I have some more  photos that I'll share tomorrow.
Thanks for visiting.



  1. good morning, I am really enjoying your photos from your trip to Iceland-I didn't know anything about this country before. Beautiful scenery.
    Wow I love that you and your husband thinking the same thing-we do that sometimes too-hugs I have not made us grilled cheese sandwiches in years and years-Loved those as a kid.
    June is really flying by-just realized this is July 4th very long weekend coming up too-will be crazy busy here at the lake. Hugs Kathy

  2. ...a purposefully very messy way sound like my way. I'm a tree guy, but your images of Iceland are gorgeous. Thanks for taking me along on the tour.

  3. The views are magnificent! Now you have me crave some grilled cheese sandwiches :))

  4. Now that's the kind of serendipity I love! (Along with grilled cheese!)

    I'm looking at these photos with blue sky and so clear and thinking that yesterday with the smoke haze from Canada I couldn't see a stoplight about 500 yards away, if that. Beautiful.

  5. I am a fan of grilled cheese sandwich, but if I had artisan bread and good cheese, that's exactly the way I would eat it, rip off a chunk and chow down - and if a bottle of red wine should happen to find its way to the table, that would be great too. Hugs - David

  6. The grilled cheese idea sounds good. Love when an art page comes together like that. Enjoyed the Iceland photod

  7. I love how desolate and stunning the photos you are getting from the Ring Road. I am so glad you are sharing these, dear friend.

    I also like the abstract you created for Matilde's theme at AJJ. I love your transparencies and your cheesecloth. Texture and transparency. I want to run my hand over that spread, Erika. It is awesome.

  8. Nothing like a good grilled cheese. Yum. Your are is fabulous. I love it. The photos truly take me away. Wonderfu. Have a nice day.

  9. Art-Abstract is wonderful and the photos are so magnificent!!!
    Hug Elke

  10. Great photos, and I absolutely love your abstract art Erika!

  11. Thank you for another great inspiration! I read with interest how you created this page. It's really awesome!

  12. Your journal page is fabulous, Erika, great ideas, love it! And good that you and your hubby tick the same, that's love! Thanks for sharing the lovely pics, too. Hugs, Valerie

  13. Grilled cheese. Iceland scenery. Great post!!!
    best, mae at

  14. It is fun to play with transparencies on a page. Cards are harder because you have to hide the adhesive. To quote Donna Downey after she inadvertently put an eyelet through her son's pee-pee in a mini album (other side of the page): "I'm bringing eyelets back, baby!" That always makes me chuckle, but it's a good way to secure transparencies if it fits the look. I usually pull out my Xryon. Now, a further coincidence is that I almost made a grilled cheese for lunch today, I wanted one badly, but I'd told Honey no cooking until Sunday because of the heat and that goes for me too. So, dangit. We are using the microwave and toaster. And single serve coffee pot. Dishwasher, washer and dryer only at night. Ugh, this is getting so old that I'm actually starting to get used to it. Double ugh. I think I know how you feel now about your winters. XOX

  15. Don't you just love it when a page comes together. This one is gorgeous and I love that it was made from bits and bobs that you had on your desk. Love the pop of the pink and that figure is fabulous!
    Great photos from your trip, what a fabulous journey you have been on and how wonderful to have all those photos to share and look on as time goes on.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  16. Grilled cheese is just wonderful! In on eof our seafood places they also make an excellent grilled crab and cheese - delicious!
    Your photos ofIceland are beautiful - I feel like I'm taking the journey with you. We often have marine layer here at the coast as well, and I like it. Especially on really hot days it brings very welcome coolness to the area.


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